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Need help with this donar scar

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I had a hair transplant of 2012, after a year recovery, it left a large skin spot that didn't fully heal right, the hair didn't grow in that donor area. It was 1/4 the size of what you see on this picture. So I went to the doctor for another hair transplant and explain to him about the large skin spot, and he offered to fix it. He sliced it up and sewed the edged together to close the left over skin, but by end of 2013, the scar was healed up, and now I have an even wider skin problem(see picture). I'm not sure how this problem would be fix, because I am refusing to have my skin cut and sewed again.


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There are typically three ways to repair a strip scar:


1. Extracting the scar via a second strip procedure and performing a more effective closure. It seems like you tried this route already without satisfactory results.


2. Camouflaging the scar with scalp micropigmentation (SMP).


3. Filling the scar tissue with transplanted grafts via Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The success of this procedure is variable and really depends on the quality of the recipient scar tissue (thickness, vascularity, etc).


Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Go to a competent FUE surgeon who practices FUE at least 60% of the time. Those are the surgeons who are confident with their own skills using the FUE method. Surgeons like:







That is a short list but they are in the elite category as far as I am concerned along with Hakan, Feriduni, Reddy, De Reys and Demirsoy.


You could also implement SMP into the scar along with FUE grafting because frankly, the scar is quite large(I'm assuming the scar is same width all the way around?) and would need alot of grafts to fill it effectively...


I am really sorry for your scar outcome. I too received a stretched scar at the hands of an elite strip surgeon and have yet to fix it.

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  • Regular Member
Go to a competent FUE surgeon who practices FUE at least 60% of the time. Those are the surgeons who are confident with their own skills using the FUE method. Surgeons like:







That is a short list but they are in the elite category as far as I am concerned along with Hakan, Feriduni, Reddy, De Reys and Demirsoy.


You could also implement SMP into the scar along with FUE grafting because frankly, the scar is quite large(I'm assuming the scar is same width all the way around?) and would need alot of grafts to fill it effectively...


I am really sorry for your scar outcome. I too received a stretched scar at the hands of an elite strip surgeon and have yet to fix it.


No just that spot, first year it was an even smaller spot, but I wanted the doctor to fix it, but after cutting extra skin and sewing it together, it just seems to make it worst. Dr. that did me was Meshkin.

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How about Dr Maras, we have seen some good results from him doing FUE right?


Oh yes, forgot about him. Definately. He is superb in my books.

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No just that spot, first year it was an even smaller spot, but I wanted the doctor to fix it, but after cutting extra skin and sewing it together, it just seems to make it worst. Dr. that did me was Meshkin.


Because it is only that spot, you very well could get a very good result via FUE grafting into the scar alone. I would not have is dense packed however, just a nice conservative number(30 grafts per cm/2, maybe a tad less). This way the blood supply to the grafts is not compromised and allows the best chance of growth. You might need 2 small procedures to match the surrounding areas because your donor looks quite thick!

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SMP won't work in this scar. It is too raised and and is too uneven. There is something about this scar, the way it looks, almost hypertrophic, that tells me you should visit a new doctor that has documented experience with repairing donor scars and maybe even inquire about steroid injections to help shrink it in size. FUE into the scar should definitely be a consideration but only after you get a proper diagnosis, perhaps by a dermatologist instead of a hair transplant surgeon.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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