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Norwood4 - FUT or FUE

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I am just wondering if anybody could give there opinion as to which of these two procedures would be best for a NW4 male in his twenties - FUE or FUT? I have had FUT recommended given my extensive loss, but I am not 100% sure, particulary surrounding the issue of scarring etc. However, I have also heard that (a) FUT provides a much better coverage, particularly on somebody this advanced on the Norwood scale, (b) that FUT is less intrusive in the donor area allowing for better healing etc.


However, I am still unsure as to which of these two procedures would be best for my first hair transplant. Two other factors that I know now after a consultation with a hair transplant clinic, is that (a) I am indeed a good candidate for hair transplantation, so I know that much, (b) and that I have "coarse hair". I am not sure if the latter matters, but I will mention it just in case, particularly surrounding the issue of coverage and potential donor density.

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  • Senior Member

Its good that you have coarse hair. That will indeed help with coverage.

If you upload some photos of your hairloss you will get some good answers to your question about FUT/FUE. So much depends on the individual loss pattern/donor supply etc.

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  • Regular Member
Its good that you have coarse hair. That will indeed help with coverage.

If you upload some photos of your hairloss you will get some good answers to your question about FUT/FUE. So much depends on the individual loss pattern/donor supply etc.


I have one picture at the moment, not very good though (it's from a fairly old mobile phone), unfortunately my webcam is not working properly right now. I know for instance that I need at least 4,000 grafts with 66%-75% of grafts at the hairline/ mid scalp area, and the rest at the crown.


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Hope I don't get pounced on but I might head for FUT with someone like Hasson and Wong if I were you. Might be your best bet for coverage because you seem to be heading to a NW5/6, wear the back a bit long, and might need another procedure down the line to make it look perfect.

Another good choice might be Dr. Konior in Chicago.

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  • Senior Member

I agree you're heading to NW 5/6 territory. Get on finasteride asap to keep as much of the hair you have left as possible. Then try and figure out from a few top fue doctors how many grafts they think you have available over your lifetime. If you have enough to get the result you want now and keep up with future loss go with fue. If you don't have sufficient lifetime donor with fue, you will need to go the strip route.

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Attention: FUT does not give more or better density coverage. It depends on the specific case.


Most of the times just one session of FUT gives more hair so generally FUE needs more than 1 session to give a similar coverage.


But don't confuse with "with FUE it's impossible to have similar or better coverage and density".



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Dav7 you are progressing to ascending order of norwood scale.

Given your age you have to understand your baldness is progressive.

You need to know sometimes things don't turn out as we desire.

4000 grafts spreading over 3 zone is nothing for coverage. Fue starts by removing follicular units from the scalp In fue HT any doctor must cut each unit individually and separate each unit from upper and lower layers of scar tissue to form.

The process of cutting and removing follicular units causes a limited amount of scar tissue to form. Some patients will show little to no evidence of the scar/removal of the hair from the donor when it is cut extremely short, other patients will develop a loss of pigment at the site of where each follicular unit was removed Each person is different as to how he or she heals. The process of HT is to relocate the hair from back and side of the head and if body hair involve from different parts of the body to thinning and balding area of scalp. I would say in your case you will need much more then 4000 grafts for coverage you are desiring.

Their is no stop clock with progressive baldness in your case so that is area of grave concern. I have hardly seen in such cases where only one HT session will be enough. I mean to say you have to pre plan as per your long term goal with HT keeping in mind every moment that your baldness is progressing and will not stop. Even with FDA approved drugs hairloss will slow down it cannot be averted totally.

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  • Senior Member
I am just wondering if anybody could give there opinion as to which of these two procedures would be best for a NW4 male in his twenties - FUE or FUT? I have had FUT recommended given my extensive loss, but I am not 100% sure, particulary surrounding the issue of scarring etc. However, I have also heard that (a) FUT provides a much better coverage, particularly on somebody this advanced on the Norwood scale, (b) that FUT is less intrusive in the donor area allowing for better healing etc.


However, I am still unsure as to which of these two procedures would be best for my first hair transplant. Two other factors that I know now after a consultation with a hair transplant clinic, is that (a) I am indeed a good candidate for hair transplantation, so I know that much, (b) and that I have "coarse hair". I am not sure if the latter matters, but I will mention it just in case, particularly surrounding the issue of coverage and potential donor density.


Your amount of loss is very similar to mine. Try medical therapy for 6-9 months - it may grow the hair back in your crown. Then consider going for the HT.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member
4000 grafts spreading over 3 zone is nothing for coverage.


Sorry but this is not correct.


It depends of the specific case. In many cases, even worse than the one from the OP, less than 4000 grafts was enough to cover all the head with good density.

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