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any one had Dr. Richard Ochs beverly hills


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Oh wow, yes that's a very bad job on the doctor's part. You have every right to be angry. Ochs may not have said it, but I think everyone on this forum is sorry to see this result... This doctor should be held accountable for this but I can tell you right now it is very difficult to make HT docs pay for their shoddy work in court.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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This forum community is for hair loss sufferers to research and share their genuine experience and photos. However, we do not host posts that encourage class action lawsuits which is why Danoush's last post was removed. While we are very lenient and encourage genuine open discussion, our forum is not a vehicle for members to promote their own agendas. These rules are clearly defined in our terms of service.


If you have a problem being part of a community that tries to keep things balanced and fair for patient and physicians, you are welcome to leave anytime.





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In case anyone is wondering, I did not remove any posts by Dr. Ochs. To maintain a fair and balanced forum for patients and physicians, physicians always have the right to share their input as well. Thus, Dr. Ochs is welcome to post on this thread with his side of the story if he chooses.


Best wishes,



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dear Folceros,


I really appreciate your post and I apologize that I unknowingly posted a message regarding a class action lawsuit against dr. ochs here.


I do totally understand that this is not allowed here. giving the contact information of the district attorney and the board , however, could not in anyway promote my"own agendas"


is there anyway that I can repost the information here. This way , if some other people have problem they know what they can do.


again I really appreciate all your effort and if in anyway I post something that is not allowed here, I understand if you remove it ( as long as you keep things balanced ( which I believe you do ) , I am totally fine.

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Originally posted by Bill - Managing Publisher:

In case anyone is wondering, I did not remove any posts by Dr. Ochs. To maintain a fair and balanced forum for patients and physicians, physicians always have the right to share their input as well. Thus, Dr. Ochs is welcome to post on this thread with his side of the story if he chooses.


Best wishes,




He already did. and then decided to remove it ( after numerous posts by forum members )as there is nothing that he can say as why he did this to me:


here his earlier post:


Originally posted by dro:

this result was unfortunate. I am as disapointed as the danoush. I did not charge his for his 2nd procedure and was prepared for a no cost 3rd. after not returning his calls/emails as quickly as he wanted, he became verbally abusive with my staff and I chose not to go forward. Not every patient can have a full head of hair after hair transplanation. I am only a hair surgeon not a hair god.


You can read the replies by the members on the first page of the forum

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Just an unfortunate situation all around! Danoush, gauging the density in your donor zone based on the pictures you posted alone ... it does not appear that you were an 'ideal' candidate for FUT in the first place. You donor area seemed limited and harvesting too much probably helped lead to a less than optimal scar with little to cover it. It's difficult to tell if you have had permanent shock loss, of if you simply suffer from non-pattern diffuse alopecia.


If I were in your situation, I would do a few things:


1. Try to post a series of photos that show your before, after first procedure, and after second. This will be the best representation of what happened.


2. Do some research on THIS site, find a coalition doctor that has demonstrated success in FUT + limited donor area/on non-patterned diffuse loss, and consult with them. I would bet you'd be pretty surprised with the results you could get.


3. I don't know if launching a site dedicated to burning the doctor will do much good. It's probably best to see what (if any) kind of refund you can get to put towards the new procedure, and making your peace with it. I also don't know the legality of using the doctors name in the website address, but I wouldn't want you to bring unnecessary legal trouble on yourself during this already difficult time.


Good luck, and definitely start with a succinct series of photographs that demonstrate your journey and where you currently are!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Originally posted by Future_HT_Doc:

Just an unfortunate situation all around! Danoush, gauging the density in your donor zone based on the pictures you posted alone ... it does not appear that you were an 'ideal' candidate for FUT in the first place. You donor area seemed limited and harvesting too much probably helped lead to a less than optimal scar with little to cover it. It's difficult to tell if you have had permanent shock loss, of if you simply suffer from non-pattern diffuse alopecia.


If I were in your situation, I would do a few things:


1. Try to post a series of photos that show your before, after first procedure, and after second. This will be the best representation of what happened.


2. Do some research on THIS site, find a coalition doctor that has demonstrated success in FUT + limited donor area/on non-patterned diffuse loss, and consult with them. I would bet you'd be pretty surprised with the results you could get.


3. I don't know if launching a site dedicated to burning the doctor will do much good. It's probably best to see what (if any) kind of refund you can get to put towards the new procedure, and making your peace with it. I also don't know the legality of using the doctors name in the website address, but I wouldn't want you to bring unnecessary legal trouble on yourself during this already difficult time.


Good luck, and definitely start with a succinct series of photographs that demonstrate your journey and where you currently are!


Thank you so much for your advice. I did try emailing the Dr. asking for a portion of my money back. he declined and then he accused me of black mailing him.


also, I know it is not any form of alopecia as I have already been tested by another doctor.


I will try to find some forums and ask this question prior to launching the website. While I really do not want to take this matter to this route, dr. ochs does not want to cooperate. Unfortunately he does not think that how many patients he is going to loose as a result of these posts.

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futureht doc, if you look at the jpeg4 it clearly shows shockloss around the scar area. I agree that this patient had very poor donor and should not have had an HT in the first place.


danoush, I pursued a legal case against my first doc, joseph karamikian, via small claims court. It was a huge waste of time. Karamikian never showed his face in court, he simply sent his lawyer. The case was pushed back 4 times and I finally dropped it. After the surgery I did speak with quite a few people who had unsavory dealings with this slimeball--one turned out to be a bill collector who told me he was close to going out of business.


The best you can probably do at this point is to continue to share your side of the story without slandering Dr. Ochs. Take care, and again, sorry to see you had to go through this...

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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danoush you can legally share your story on your web-site and also here to the extent that Bill will allow you.


Dr. Ochs might threaten to sue you but if he did he will lose.


Bosley tried to sue this guy and lost:




I for one am glad that you are trying to tell your story. For way too long horrible HT docs have been allowed to get away with ripping off and disfiguring people. Cheers to you for having the balls to do something!

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Danoush, the pictures of your scars look terrible. If the pictures are telling the true story, you got butchered.


I also find it interesting that Dr Ochs removed all his posts after the mention of legal action on Danoush's part.


As others have already said, this is a very unfortunate situation overall. Hope some solution emerges.

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Originally posted by hairthere:

futureht doc, if you look at the jpeg4 it clearly shows shockloss around the scar area. I agree that this patient had very poor donor and should not have had an HT in the first place.


danoush, I pursued a legal case against my first doc, joseph karamikian, via small claims court. It was a huge waste of time. Karamikian never showed his face in court, he simply sent his lawyer. The case was pushed back 4 times and I finally dropped it. After the surgery I did speak with quite a few people who had unsavory dealings with this slimeball--one turned out to be a bill collector who told me he was close to going out of business.


The best you can probably do at this point is to continue to share your side of the story without slandering Dr. Ochs. Take care, and again, sorry to see you had to go through this...


Thank you so much for bringing this into my attention. I may also try to take him to a small claim court. After all, he is going to be forced to pay a lawyer to defend himself.

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I am sure that Dr. Ochs reads these posts daily. I just wanted to let him know that thanks to these forums now everyone can find out about my bad experince with this terrible doctor. Google the word "dr. ochs" or "ochs hair" or "$2 per graft" and my experince is on the first page of google. I am not going to give up and even if I have to spend more, I will not give up . I am done with HT for now as due to his terrible result I can not trust some one ( atleast for now). I am , however, so angry about what he did to me.


he simply played with a human being feeling so he can make money. He gave me a terrible result. undesrtandble! that can sometimes happen. it is not , however, undesrtandable for some one to purposley give another person a false hope. He purposley pushed back the promised surgery so the statue of limitation is over.

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Originally posted by Curious:

Did you ever get a second opinion from another doctor regarding your poor result?


yes, I did. I went for second opinion a year after my first surgery for 4000 grafts. Those dr. confirmed that only 200 grafts grew and that Dr. Ochs did a terrible surgery.

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Danoush, Glad I could be of some small service! I really wish you the best! I was wondering though, have you considered consulting with another physician to see if repair work is feasible?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Originally posted by Curious:

It would be interesting to know who the doctors were that gave you the second opinion. I don't understand why you would have a second surgery with Dr. Ochs after having a poor result the first time.


I remember one of the doctor name. his name was Dr. mohebi.

That is because I went to get my money back , dr ochs refused sending me the arbitration agreement copy that I had signed as an indication that I have to agree to what he says. He then offered two correction surgeries free of any charge. He did one of them ( which again the result was terrible)and then he pushed back the second one so the statue of limitation is over.

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Originally posted by Future_HT_Doc:

Danoush, Glad I could be of some small service! I really wish you the best! I was wondering though, have you considered consulting with another physician to see if repair work is feasible?


Not at this point. I may consider doing a surgery later on. I am just so afraid to again pay and get a bad result.

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I just wanted to Dr. Ochs know that from this moment on, I will not accept any form of money, second procedure or anything. I did emailed him a week ago and since he did not reply, I decided to post this also here so he can not accuse me of black mailing him. I will continue sharing my story daily in every website and I will post my website links ( if the moderator here allows it) once it is ready. I am building a forum for those people who had trouble like me and I am dedicating a great portion of it to my experience with Dr. OChs terrible hair transplant.

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Originally posted by danoush:

Please take my advice and choose another Dr.


Do NOT fall for his scam $2 per graft advertisement ( which he has now revised to $3 a graft) do not let Dr. Richard Ochs with offices in both Beverly Hills and Culver City take your hard working money and give you the worst result. Research and see what others say about this doctor ( except his associates who had a surgery with him, I am not able to find a single person saying that he did a good surgery) was unhappy with the result.


His ad reads:

Hair Transplant

15 yrs experience in Beverly Hills. Free Web Consult 1-866-HAIR-866


research and find a good Dr. . You will end up going to another dr and you will end up paying more anyway. why to waste your money then.

please take a look at the picture attached. I paid for 4000 grafts and here is what I received. By the way the picture is taken approximately 2 years after my first hair transplant by Dr. Ochs for 4000 grafts.


By the way I have already been tested for possible alopecia and the result was negative. I , therefore, know that this is caused by this terrible doctor


Dear Danoush,


I was about to call Dr. Ochs for my HT. I also saw his $3 per graft ad online and I decided to do a little search before making my final decision. it seems that I did the right thing. While searching, I came across another person who had surgery with Dr. Ochs. his 5 months posts up pictures are not as bad. I am afraid to do my ht and then look like you. I think that I am going to choose another Dr. Have you done any research to find out a better dr who is not expensive? I thought to ask as it seems that you had a bad experience. I was thinking about dr rassman.


I like his website photos. I just do not know if I get the same result If I do my operation with his coly as he charges more

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Originally posted by danoush:

I just wanted to Dr. Ochs know that from this moment on, I will not accept any form of money, second procedure or anything. I did emailed him a week ago and since he did not reply, I decided to post this also here so he can not accuse me of black mailing him. I will continue sharing my story daily in every website and I will post my website links ( if the moderator here allows it) once it is ready. I am building a forum for those people who had trouble like me and I am dedicating a great portion of it to my experience with Dr. OChs terrible hair transplant.




unfortunately, your dondor hair did not respond well to your procedures and you suffered poor growth in spite of the number of grafts transplanted. should you ever change your mind I am will to perform a scar revision and another session in an attempt to correct your result.

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Originally posted by Jamesisgoingbald:
Originally posted by danoush:

Please take my advice and choose another Dr.


even the best have of surgeons have disappointing results. good luck with your hair restoration.


Do NOT fall for his scam $2 per graft advertisement ( which he has now revised to $3 a graft) do not let Dr. Richard Ochs with offices in both Beverly Hills and Culver City take your hard working money and give you the worst result. Research and see what others say about this doctor ( except his associates who had a surgery with him, I am not able to find a single person saying that he did a good surgery) was unhappy with the result.


His ad reads:

Hair Transplant

15 yrs experience in Beverly Hills. Free Web Consult 1-866-HAIR-866


research and find a good Dr. . You will end up going to another dr and you will end up paying more anyway. why to waste your money then.

please take a look at the picture attached. I paid for 4000 grafts and here is what I received. By the way the picture is taken approximately 2 years after my first hair transplant by Dr. Ochs for 4000 grafts.


By the way I have already been tested for possible alopecia and the result was negative. I , therefore, know that this is caused by this terrible doctor


Dear Danoush,


I was about to call Dr. Ochs for my HT. I also saw his $3 per graft ad online and I decided to do a little search before making my final decision. it seems that I did the right thing. While searching, I came across another person who had surgery with Dr. Ochs. his 5 months posts up pictures are not as bad. I am afraid to do my ht and then look like you. I think that I am going to choose another Dr. Have you done any research to find out a better dr who is not expensive? I thought to ask as it seems that you had a bad experience. I was thinking about dr rassman.


I like his website photos. I just do not know if I get the same result If I do my operation with his coly as he charges more

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