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Dr. Marco barusco - nighmere


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I was thinking about the same a few weeks ago about showing up in front of the office, but I need some advise about my local law, thanks for the tips, im miserable right now, lawest moment of my life, and all because of the way this people treated me.

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days like today really leave me shocked, I was driving with my wife to target, and all of a sudden at the radio this commercial goes on: about this new neogeo fue transplant, the commercial is pretty brutal because they talk about the fut comparing it to Frankenstein, like this "no, there is no way you want to look like frankeinstein with the old hair transplant system where they harvest chunk of your skin.....bla bla bla", let me tell you, I felt a deep pain into my hearth, I lost my smile pretty much completely, the way I always felt so far is that ive got scammed from this people in the transplant system, but listening this stuff at the radio made me fell even more stupid in a way that its really hard to explain, like all the planet knew about this giant scars and stress as consequence and I was the only one to don't get it when I was writing a check for 10k.


So, today is a bad day, maybe tomorrow will be a better one

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You need to relax. Neografts in MY OPINION is has a bigger percentage of horrible doctor performing transplant with it compared to FUT doctors.

Don't believe all the garbage you hear on the radio just like you should not have believe all the garbage Jose told you.

I understand you don't have the money but you need to get on with your life and get fixed. I like the other suggestions that you should go in front of the doctors office and have a sign saying that you are no satisfied with your hair transplant and let people see it in person.

I don't think there is anything wrong or illegal with showing people your results and letting them decide.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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what I meant was that sometimes I feel like frankeistein because of the giant scar this people left on me and to listen the radio talking about it and to compare it to the Frankenstein procedure made me feel even more stupid , I do know that fue has way more scammy doctor all around the us.


I lost completely trust in this business .

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I came to Dr. Barusco about a year ago and spent $15K on a hair transplant surgery. WORST $15K I ever spent. The results are horrible and definitely not worth what a paid for. Dr. Barusco and the staff were friendly before they got their money, but when I voiced my concern about my dissatisfaction after the procedure I was told to speak with their lawyer. What ever happened to good customer service? I went into this knowing I wouldn’t receive perfect results but I have a hard time leaving the house without wearing a hat to cover up the mess that is my hair now. The thickness is patchy and I have a very large scar on the back of my head. Because of my hair I now suffer from depression and have called out sick from work several times which led me to lose my job. I’ve since become very turned off from the hair transplant world and do not recommend it to anyone who is thinking about it.

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I’ve since become very turned off from the hair transplant world and do not recommend it to anyone who is thinking about it.


I am sorry you have a poor result. I had a very good result at Hasson/Wong, and would suggest anyone thinking about a hair transplant...that they should do a lot of research over a year or more and then pick a surgeon that is considered one of the best in the world. Because you chose a local surgeon that resulted in a botched surgury does not mean the whole hair transplant world is nothing but botched surgeries. Many people are getting life changing results they are quite happy with.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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  • 7 months later...
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like I said, the story doesn't finish like this, after months of trying to don't be depressed about all of this today I feel little stringer to show up at the doctor neighbor with a sign and just sit in the street all day, I feel I need to talk to people about what happened to me.


lets see what happen


the location is in port orange, FL, the doctor is close to the movie theater , he is the only one of the area

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Questi italiani pazzi non mollano mai. Lo so, perche io sono uno di loro.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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One thing these forums have helped me realize is that surgery, should be a last, last, last resort. Even using online results, and going to the best, a terrible outcome is always a possibility. Lorenzo, Konior, Feriduni, Hasson, whoever -- it's always possible. The state of the art is just not consistently there yet.


This thread highlights that patients with poor outcomes need a way to be able to post their experiences online without fear of legal repercussions.


Doctors respond that they can be 'extorted' by patients threatening defamation with reviews online, as the patient posting the bad review does not have their livelihood threatened. I've even seen forums end up becoming legal targets in really ugly scenarios.


But this excuse is obviously what a bad surgeon would hide behind, and makes it difficult to distinguish them from good surgeons with bad patients, especially if the patient is eloquent or internet savvy. The confusion is compounded by the fact that many surgical personalities tend to be the type that do not readily admit mistakes.





You are a real guru, you should carry this message to all threads of this network.


The main issue is not posting, lets say insufficient results not bad, this kind of results by the real hair loss sufferers. The following disgraceful comments, unrelenting attacks, insults, reflecting discredit upon the physician/clinic by the other other members might be the matter for legal issues and should be avoided.


I think, people who follow the network's threads are smart to evaluate the results provided. Idiots only might need an extra advices on their decisions for what to do/where to go, which constantly are given by some posters.

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I want to start a thread where we can detail poor results from all docs, including site members, in order to provide balance to the clinic posted photos. Is that in accordance with the site's rules?


There will be hell broke looses then and this network is possibly be banned/closed.


Stop Propecia and concentrate on more positive things. What about to find an examples of the best, honest, accurate, transparent results from the physicians/clinics regardless they are paying here or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

i appreciate your responses, really, i just feel like i need to talk to people like you who really understand me, im soo tired of talking with people around me who really dont understand how devastsating this can be.


My sex life changed horribly after this transplant, my life in all changed in worst too, swimmingpool without going under the water with my head its a nightmere now is 3 years or more.


Bu i wont give up, i just need as much people as possible to understand what they deal with with thid doctor barusco.

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  • 1 month later...
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hello everybody, iam back , I will never forgive this people for what they have done to me.

just wanted to share this screen of chad I had with the doctor right before I had the transplant with him, I was very afraid and disappointed about my initial scar (wich was almost invisiblebe btw) and the doctor to convice me to give him 10k for the surgery was telling me all kind of lie about it to accept and do it.


damn me, what a scam it was for me.


usless at this point to say that the scar now is much larger, btw the doctor conviced me to open my head another time after the surgery to fix what he has done but also made it even worst.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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im back again, it is so hard for me to just click on the link that takes me to this page, it brings up all the pian I went throw with this story since the past few years of my life.

I wrote my story all over the web, and I think and hope some potential barusco patient changed their mind.

Now im just looking for satisfaction and a little of revenge.

What should I do?

I really cannot just stand around without doing anything about it.

Please any tip is welcome really.

What happen to me and who knows to so many other man doesn't have to happen

I wrote a complain to BBB and im waiting to see what happen but I don't think they can do very much

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just take a look at what im dealing with




I was a very happy man really,

came from Italy here I was so happy, I finally was independent, didn't know anything about what was going to happen to ma couple of months later





12k spent for= giant scar and a f...kedup frontline, and they coursed me with this, that means no swimminpool with my head below the water, even if here in florida goest to 100 degrees, no comfort way to wear an helmet on the motorcycle and so on, even sex is effected from this course here.


just judge it yourself with the picture and tell me



the before picture (the one I look normal on the left) is taken from another picture, I had a little hair loss, and that's how it all sterted, from that little hair loss (wich now seems to me I didn't have any ) I trusted in this people, they continued telling me it was going to look awesome, bla bla bla, when instead since the day after the surgery, I lost all of my original hair in the area they worked




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Just my 02 on getting money back in exchange for not saying anything; I get it is your hard earned money but the tacit agreement you made was to get your money back in exchange for allowing the Doctor to attract new patients who will not have access to the much needed information about the quality of his wor. In other words each new patient who goes in to get butchered will do so because you agreed to not let them know you were butchered, in exchange for the refund of your money. I feel for you getting a bad transplant and losing the money, but I feel you should (regardless of your financial circumstances) not agree to refund and allow the rest of us to spend our money and risk our appearances for life. Think about it; maybe a bunch of patients when to this Dr. before you and got butchered or bad results (not saying they did!) and they were paid to not say anything ever (not saying that happened) and then you went to the same Dr. not knowing about his bad history because of their agreement to stay silent in exchange for money. From what I get from this thread is that had this Dr. agreed to refund your money (vs doing a new free HT) this thread would not exist either and someone else would have blindly (or worse based only on good reviews) paid good money for a possibly bad result? What does that say about that kind of agreement? just my 02.

Edited by nyhairloss
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