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I have currently undergone 3 major hair transplants in England and require a FUE operation to increase density due to hair loss since the last operation in 2006. Although happy with the doctor himself who is extremely skilled in his profession, I am having to tolerate the idiotic behaviour of staff working in the reception who snigger/giggle when the phone is picked up, continually refuse to return calls and act in such an unprofessional manner that you think the clinic was a call centre for a youth hostel intead of a reputable medical clinic.


During the last week alone I have travelled accross the UK for my appointment only to be told by one of the senior staff members "Did you not get my call" when no message was left and he couldn't be bothered to contact me on an uptodate number I left weeks ago when booking the appointment . I was then effectively told to go on my way having spent 7 hours travelling and was assured that someone would call me back today. As anticipated, no one did so after making around 15 calls to the clinic with no one picking up the phone I realised staff personnel were deliberately ignoring my number. I rang on a with held number for one of the girls to state " I can't hear you " whilst snggering like a child down the phone. Whatever causes grown adult staff at a medical centre to engage in childish antics my 6 year old niece has outgrown I have no idea but refuse to tolerate anymore of this nonsense so am looking for a reputable doctor who employs professional empathetic staff that don't display this sort of obnoxious rude behavior which has been an ongoing problem for many years at this clinic . It's a shame for the doctor who owns the centre being a genuinely decent individual but seems to be unaware of the vindictive behaviour by certain staff members who seem to enjoy engaging in completely inapproriate behaviour for a school playground let alone a medical centre which has been ongoing for years orchstrated by the same person.


Before posting pics and naming people etc , I'm waiting to hear back from the main guy there but in the meantime I would like a list of reputable doctors in the UK as although I like/respect the doctor himself, I can't continue to put up with girls working on the front desk there pretending they can't hear people on the phone and openly laughing down the line like a petulant school girl with less professionalism than an inebriated iguana taking amusement at something so juvenile it would draw unfavourable comparisons in IQ to a lobotomized goldfish. I live in the north of England but can travel anywhere n the UK if necessary

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Uk is having Lorenzo in Manchester teaming up with farjo!!! Expensive, very expensive but one of the best fue drs in the world!!! Failing him, dr reddy is Recomended in here and has shown some nice results!! Idiots in the drs doing that with your calls, I would speak directly to the dr!!

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When Hairshopeing says one of the best, he means Dr. Lorenzo is the best. he is also the most expensive FUE exclusive Dr I can think of. Feller is more expensive, but I think he does that intentionally.

My Hair Loss Website


Surgical Treatments:


Hair transplant 5-22-2013 with Dr. Paul Shapiro at Shapiro Medical Group

Total grafts transplanted: 3222

*536 singles *1651 doubles * 961 triples,

*74 quadruples.

Total hairs transplanted: 7017



Non-Surgical Treatments:


*1.25 mg finasteride daily

*Generic minoxidil foam 2x daily

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Uk is having Lorenzo in Manchester teaming up with farjo!!! Expensive, very expensive but one of the best fue drs in the world!!! Failing him, dr reddy is Recomended in here and has shown some nice results!! Idiots in the drs doing that with your calls, I would speak directly to the dr!!


I've tried on numerous occasions but short of walking into the surgery when he's operating, it's impossible to contact him. The reception consists of the giggling blonde idiot who is beneath contempt with her unprofessional juvenile mannerisms (the one playing games on the phone) , a dark haired lady who seems professional enough but sadly both then directly correspond with the "doctor liason guy" who says he will phone but never does when getting an appointment. I remember in 2003 it took months to book surgery so one day I was so fed up of dealing with this man and reneged promises on calls, I just went down to the surgery in person with a wad of money and handed it directly to the doctor himself as he came out of the operating theatre! It seems to be a source of amusement with this assistant not returning calls and given the attitude of the blonde woman on the front desk have concluded the two view it as an ongoing joke as I have had the misfortune of dealing with both for years. It amounts to a form of bullying in extracting some form of pleasure from the misfortune of others but neither has the nerve in person so have to put up with all this nonsense behind the scenes.


I've been left with numerous scars so may wish to undergo FUE to partially cover them at least, can FUE be put directly into scar tissue ?

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When Hairshopeing says one of the best, he means Dr. Lorenzo is the best. he is also the most expensive FUE exclusive Dr I can think of. Feller is more expensive, but I think he does that intentionally.


Is Manchester Dr Lorenzos only place of work or does he have clinics in London ?

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I'm sorry you are feeling frustrated about conversations you've had trying to schedule another procedure.


There are many excellent hair transplant surgeons that regularly perform advanced FUE on this community. I suggest considering Dr. Jose Lorenzo or Dr. Raghu Reddy since you are local to the UK. To see a full list of excellent doctors we recommend, click here.


Best wishes,



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Thanks Bill, interestingly enough I've just had an email from the assistant working at the clinic saying to quote him "Dr xxxx takes offence to accusations against his staff and has decided not to consider me for treatment again". This comment was made before the allegations were even looked into so illustrates the unprofessionalism of the clinic in simply banning a patient as it's the easiest option. I have an email from this assistant in my possession stating that it wasnt infact him that sent me an email to cancel my appointment but had the timerity to say by amazing coincidence it was the lady who I complained about . I told him it was a lie as I never received it and his response was "apparently it bounced !" .. you really couldn't make it up . I then asked if if he had received a failure notice as any bounced emails generate this but the sound of silence was deafening with no response. He then goes on to say the clinic always returns calls when I feel like half my life has been spent chasing an appointment from the patient liason guy whose calls are rarer than a 3 headed cat. As I'm having to consider my options with the task of FUE operations to restore hair and scars left by him and another doctor, may seek legal advise as there seems little to lose at this point.


If I can upload pics in the relevant section of the scars plus hair density would welcome opinion from doctors online as I intend to do it on hairhelp.com and the other sites. I don't believe its morally or legally wrong to post pics of the state I've been left in despite whining from the assistant to the contrary as without his antics over the years I wouldn't be forced to spend excess time and money messing about looking for a new doctor .

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  • Senior Member
Thanks Bill, interestingly enough I've just had an email from the assistant working at the clinic saying to quote him "Dr xxxx takes offence to accusations against his staff and has decided not to consider me for treatment again". This comment was made before the allegations were even looked into so illustrates the unprofessionalism of the clinic in simply banning a patient as it's the easiest option. I have an email from this assistant in my possession stating that it wasnt infact him that sent me an email to cancel my appointment but had the timerity to say by amazing coincidence it was the lady who I complained about . I told him it was a lie as I never received it and his response was "apparently it bounced !" .. you really couldn't make it up . I then asked if if he had received a failure notice as any bounced emails generate this but the sound of silence was deafening with no response. He then goes on to say the clinic always returns calls when I feel like half my life has been spent chasing an appointment from the patient liason guy whose calls are rarer than a 3 headed cat. As I'm having to consider my options with the task of FUE operations to restore hair and scars left by him and another doctor, may seek legal advise as there seems little to lose at this point.


If I can upload pics in the relevant section of the scars plus hair density would welcome opinion from doctors online as I intend to do it on hairhelp.com and the other sites. I don't believe its morally or legally wrong to post pics of the state I've been left in despite whining from the assistant to the contrary as without his antics over the years I wouldn't be forced to spend excess time and money messing about looking for a new doctor .


Wow, really sorry to hear about your horrible experience, Daniel! Nobody deserves a bad result, and nobody deserves to be treated like that at ANY clinic!! You absolutely (contrary to what the clinic is trying to infer) have the right to post results/photos of your transplant in the instance you received a sub-par result!!!! Maybe you don't want to mention the clinic's name for personal reasons, but you have your opinion of the result you received, and have the right to share that result with whomever you like!! In situations where other people are trying to become educated in finding a surgeon to perform a good transplant (like this forum), you are potentially helping people from having a similar experience to that in which you had, by sharing your experience!


I'm really sorry buddy.....but chin up! As Bill said, there are lots of options for you....and lots of outstanding physicians recommended here to help give you the head of hair you deserve.


Good luck, and keep us all posted!





4737 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 11/16/2012


Daily regimen: 1/4 Proscar (1.25 mg Finasteride), Rogaine Foam (twice daily), 1000 mcg Biotin, 1 combo Vitamin D/Calcium/Magnesium, 1500 mg Glocosamine, 750 mg MSM, 1200 mg Fish Oil, 2000 mg Vitamin C, Super B-Complex, 400 I.U Vitamin E.


I am not a medical professional. All views and opinions expressed in this forum are of my own.

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If you can afford Lorenzo, go for it. The guy has the most amazing FUE results in the world. I'm not the biggest Dr. Reddy fan, but he does good work also. If you are more apprehensive about spending too much money, head over to Turkey. You, being from Europe, have no idea how lucky you are to be in the hands of the best FUE surgeons in the world. If you don't want to head to Turkey, Belgium has some great FUE doctors, Mwamba and Bisanga..

My Hair Loss Website


Surgical Treatments:


Hair transplant 5-22-2013 with Dr. Paul Shapiro at Shapiro Medical Group

Total grafts transplanted: 3222

*536 singles *1651 doubles * 961 triples,

*74 quadruples.

Total hairs transplanted: 7017



Non-Surgical Treatments:


*1.25 mg finasteride daily

*Generic minoxidil foam 2x daily

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Thanks Mike. The guy working at the clinic as the doctors main "PR" spokesman has the nerve to post this written diarrhea about emails "bouncing" to cover his own shortcomings in failing to notify me about appointments... how can an email "bounce" without an inbox message confirming this for eg and what are the chances of this occurring when I use the same email on a daily basis to converse with countless people and have never encountered it either as a recipient or a sender ? It's insulting to anyone to expect them to swallow this guff so will copy and paste this rubbish word for word so others can make their own mind up. Apparently I'm "tarnishing the clinics good name" by casting aspersions against staff but if the staff didnt engage in this pathetic behaviour continually lying about it there would be nothing to tarnish in the first place.


I have no issues with the doctors work himself to be fair to him, apart from his failure to help me with the scars he has left after surgery which has left the back of my head like a tic tac board . I'm glad to be going elsewhere in some regards as the woman engaging in the phone conversation possesses the IQ of a flipflop and continually have to liase with the idiot when phoning up sadly. The sender of the email talking about bouncing emails is beneath contempt and shall have to consider whether I wish to pursue financial remuneration for being left in this state.


I've no doubt I will be emailed by the "PR" weasel again tomorrow talking about how the DR helped me etc with operations in the past but I've got to balance that against the disgusting behaviour from the staff and lies that have been told both to my face and to the doctor in question. I was even promised a fixed frozen price for a FUE operation last year which would remain the case when I retuned and now after asking him if this promise was still valid he claimed not to remember and directed me to the websites pricing list !


A doctor is responsible for the behaviour of his staff so should have to answer for it. I'l post pics of the scars in the other section so can't be accused of fabricating anything and point out which are his and which aren't.


The fact this doctor can't even be bothered to contact me directly and gets his assistant to inform me I'm banned when the complaint is against this assistant in the first place I think says it all about the lack of patient relations there... disgusting .

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Cheers Nick but not before I've exposed the lies at this place with the facts infront of me ... printed emails and phone records. Obviously I have to be careful to supply posts which may be construed as "opinion " so will simply post facts with the accompanyng evidence and let others make their minds up on the balance of probability which is the most likely chain of events. I was with 5 colleagues when making the phone calls to this place and they all heard the infantile behaviour of one of the reception staff pretending she couldnt hear me lke a child , one of them one is an MD and all of them are prepared to corrobate what I'm saying . I think due to the shocking state of my hair and often having to wear a baseball cap, the clowns at that place assume I associate with hoodys and chavs instead of literate decent professional people so am quite looking forward to the battle ahead TBH.

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