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It's the combination of a few cheaper products (Minoxidil, trichogen) that works!

Guest alpha79

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Guest alpha79

I am proof that combining affordable products in one routine works VERY well. Trichogen (8% min), minoxidil, and vitamins like biotine and MSM together in a daily routine made a huge difference to my hair. It's up to you where you get these but a very well laid out plan can be found on the *****************.com website at this link: (Link removed by moderator - See Terms of Service)

I tired a lot of this stuff, but I only did one of them, never combined them all like this. I made all the difference for me, and I gotta tell ya, I can't believe I was considering surgery because a transplant would not have gotten me these results. Combine the minox and trichogen with supplements!

Edited by David - TakingThePlunge
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Your link will likely get pulled, but if it works that well, are you still using topic?

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Welcome! It sounds as if you you got excellent results using this method. I do encourage you to share your before and after photos. However, I did remove the link and URL from your post as it violates our Terms of Service that you agreed to when you created your account.


Can I assume that you are affiliated with the above mentioned website? If you are truly here to share your results, I encourage you to create a photo album.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi guys,


I re-joined this forum, as my previous username (Alpha79) was removed. I apologize for adding my link there, I just thought it was easier than explaining all that info when it was already there. Plus it had links to searches for the products and no, not affiliated with those products - just amazon links which as many of you know pays peanuts for low cost products like hair treatments. I do respect the terms of use here and will not re-post links.

As for having pics I am sorry you assume it never happened without photos, but I assure you I was doing everything possible to hide my hair loss not photograph it lol. However, the lady that cuts my hair and has been for about 5 years now, did take a couple of photos on her cell phone once she noticed that I was regrowing my hair. She wanted to show other clients she has and direct them to the info online. She was floored by the growth and frankly I am still floored. The information I was referring to on that site makes perfect sense and I simply stuck to it. I am going to get her to email me those pics and I will post them on here for you guys. It's not a cure, it simply undoes what hair loss does .. and as soon as you stop the hair will be lost again. I am fine with that. If a cure does come one day I will have my hair!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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This is interesting, Trichogen is


Trichogen is a formulation of 14 botanical extracts specifically developed to block 5 Alpha Reductase enzymes leading to DHT production and hair loss. Trichogen adds essential amino acids necessary for follicle development, irrigates DHT, dirt and oil, infuses nutrients, proteins and vitamins, and moisturizes to root and stimulates Anagen phase hair growth.Products for hair loss


Active botanical extracts include:


Kigelia Africana Extract - blocks 5 alpha reductase enzyme

Ginko Biloba Extract - stimulates microcirculation in the scalp

Cinnamomumb Zeylanicum Extract - irrigates dDHT and bacteria from scalp

Salvia Sclarea Extract - stimulates and attaches to and blocks DHT

Panax Ginseng Root Extract - scalp stimulation for increasing hair depth & health

Arginine - essential amino acid

Acetyl tyrosine - essential amino acid

Arctium Majus Root Extract - blocks DHT

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein - proteins needed for hair growth

Zinc Gluconate - blocks DHT when combined with niacinamide and biotin

Niacinamide & Biotin - block DHT


This is a PDF link that shows how Trichogen works scientifically:-




Profollica Activator Gel and Profolla AnaStim Ha® Follicle Stimulator are ones of the famous products that contain Trichogen.

Edited by HARIRI

Plug removal + Strip scar revision - Dr. Ali Karadeniz (AEK)- May 23, 2015

Plug removal + 250 FUE temple points- Dr. Hakan Doganay (AHD)- July 3, 2013

Scar Tricopigmentation- Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED)- May 3, 2013

2500 FUT (Hairline Repair)- Dr. Rahal- July 26, 2011


My Hair Treatments:

1- Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo (Daily)

2- Regaine Solution Minoxidil 5% (2 ml once a day)

3- GNC Ultra NourishHair™ (Once a day)

4- GNC Herbal Plus Standardized Saw Palmetto (Once a day)


My Rahal HT thread http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/164456-2500-fut-dr-rahal-hairline-repair.html[/size]

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Yes I can confirm Trichogen works, but not on it's own! I have experimented with combinations and it takes patience and consistent treatment but it's easy, just a few minutes a day really. What baffles me the most is that so many people try one product or the other and just assume if it doesn't work then that's all they can do. The hair loss treatment products available today all work in different ways and target hair loss from different approaches.

The lady who has been cutting my hair and the other hair dressers in the same salon all are astounded by the hair growth I have had. I was practically bald on the top of my head with only side hair left in full. I have been contacted by several of their other clients and I tell them the same thing .. it's NOT propecia or messing with your hormones that will work, it's so much more simple than that. Also, if I am having a busy work week, or traveling, I simply use a few small empty bottles from product I have used and take them with me so I don't miss an application. It dries fast, takes only a few minutes and I will never let my hair go back to balding like it was again. NEVER. After ten years of a huge bald spot and messing with Toppik and messy cover ups I am not taking this for granted!!

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That stuff is snake oil and alpha8990 you are starting to sound more and more like a salesman. If you are in fact genuine with your story of regrowth, then it is no doubt a result of you being a hyper-responder to minox and possibly an extremely minimal reduction in scalp DHT from tricogen. There are absolutely no real studies that have been conducted that show any of the stuff in Trichogen reduces DHT and helps hairloss systemically let alone topically. One of the big red flags is that Tricogen claims Biotin blocks DHT, c'mon man. There is no way Trichcogen effects DHT to any meaningful level, if even at all. If you really did improve your hair I'm glad for you, but it was because of minox not some Trichogen snake oil. Please stop telling people to get off of finasteride and replace it with Trichogen, you are misleading people which will only result in them loosing hair.


It is in fact comical that you say this:



it's NOT propecia or messing with your hormones that will work, it's so much more simple than that.


It's comical because Trichogen claims to work via a similar action as finasteride, by blocking 5 alpha reductase which reduces DHT, you know hormones.


This is a PDF link that shows how Trichogen works scientifically:-




That study is a complete joke, I hesitate to even call it a study. They had 40 volunteers apply Trichogen and then asked them to asses their results, that is not science.

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The last poster is clearly posting out of ignorance. To say:


"It's comical because Trichogen claims to work via a similar action as finasteride, by blocking 5 alpha reductase which reduces DHT, you know hormones."


Good lord, I have been researching this for years and I assure you trichogen does not mess with hormones. DHT is regular testosterone converted, and finasteride actually reduces the amount converted initially. This then reduces the benefit of DHT to so many many many other needs of the body. At first it was thought that DHT was only needed early in life but this has since been proven wrong. Trichogen just helps to block it at the area applied, it doesn't mess with the hormones or the conversion of testosterone. Please don't comment without knowing the medical facts to date. Also, to claim it's a snake oil, may snuff out real hope in others, yet there is certainly far more evidence of it's effectiveness than there is of it being a snake oil. I have left trichogen out of my routine for 3 weeks to experiment and trust me it made a difference. Have you tried it combined with minox? This forum to my understanding is to share personal experiences not to trash others. I strongly believe after using finasteride for years and experiencing just some of the many documented side effects that finasteride is a huge mistake, but you won't see me criticizing anyone else for using it.

Anyway I don't want to turn this into a debate, I am simply passing on information of something that made me very pleased in terms of results and thought it might help others. Please don't call me a salesman, I mean trichogen comes in many products. I only recommend that people use a product that has 8% trichogen because from my research and personal use, it is a minimum of 8% trichogen that is effective. I use this with both a generic minoxidil and a minoxidil that is in a solution of other beneficial ingredients. I certainly won't mention any product names and thus avoid being accused of sounding like a salesman. :)

Last of all, please don't call that study a joke. That's how all studies are done! I for one can confirm that trichogen is very effective. Not only because of a small amount of DHT blocking in the applied area, but because it provides many nutrients to the follicle - nutrient which are more effectively delivered when the delivery system is improved by the minoxidil as minoxidil is a vasodilator and widens blood vessels and opens potassium channels, allowing more oxygen, blood, and nutrients to the follicle.. Again, I stress the routine of application is critical to it's effectiveness. Minoxidil is best absorbed with an alcohol base while trichogen is absorbed best with a water/oil base. Don't take them at the same time! This would be counter-productive.

Edited by alpha8990
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The last poster is clearly posting out of ignorance. To say:


"It's comical because Trichogen claims to work via a similar action as finasteride, by blocking 5 alpha reductase which reduces DHT, you know hormones."


Good lord man, I have been researching this for years and I assure you trichogen does not mess with hormones. DHT is regular testosterone converted, and finasteride actually reduces the amount converted initially. This then reduces the benefit of DHT to so many many many other needs of the body. At first it was thought that DHT was only needed early in life but this has since been proven wrong. Trichogen just helps to block it at the area applied, it doesn't mess with the hormones or the conversion of testosterone. Please don't comment with such little knowledge. Also, you claim it's a snake oil, how very sad to try and snuff out real hope in others. I have left trichogen out of my routine for 3 weeks to try and trust me it made a difference. Have you tried it combined with minox? How can you talk such trash without trying it yourself? So sad.

Anyway I don't wanna contribute to nonsense I simply am passing on something that made me very pleased and thought it might help others. Geesh, why are some people so negative!

It's called imperical proof and evidence, that's what I base my opinion of Trichogen on, you know the opposite of "ignorance". Nothing in Trichogen has been proven to lower scalp DHT by any significant level. The study Trichogen points to as proof of the products efficacy is a complete joke and is indicative of every snake oil I have seen to date. Sorry I trust scientific evidence, not some random, anonymous internet poster who has yet to provide a single shred of evidence to back up his very bold claim that some natural botanical treatment has done what none of the scientists and cellular treatments have been able to do, cure baldness.


If I went on to a forum for another disorder such as cancer, and said hey guys screw all of that crazy chemotherapy stuff I got this all natural stuff that you rub on your body and it totally cured my skin cancer, I don't have any proof but the guy at my barber shop totally says my cancer is clearing up. So you should all totally stop chemotherapy because it is so much more simple than that.

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Last of all, please don't call that study a joke. That's how all studies are done! I

Well it seems you edited your original message, but I have to reply to this statement, because like the study it is a joke.


You think an objective scientific study that is testing the efficacy of a hairloss treatment relies solely on a subjective survey by the volunteers of how well the treatment worked? If you answered yes to this, then this discussion is over because there is no point in talking rationally to you.

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So I found where you got your amazing daily treatment, and after I stopped laughing at how ridiculous that website is. I snipped the screen so other members can see how ridiculous the treatment you are pushing is. The pictures below are said to be after 4 months of treatment, ignoring the obvious manipulation of the photos with lighting, photoshop, and/or concealers. I ask you if you are aware of how fast hair grows? How long you believe it would take to awake dormant hair follicles? And then explain to me how all of what you see in the pictures below is possible in 4 months?


Also to be honest the testimonial and wording on that website sounds very similar to you, hmmmm.....


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You seem to have some personal stance against the use of trichogen. As I said I do not want to turn this into a debate, only share my personal experience in the possibility that it may benefit others just as well.

Trichogen has worked very well for me but only when I combined it with minoxidil. I noticed you also posted way back in this thread and said if there are no photos then it didn't happen. If you feel nothing outside the already proven and tested treatments will work then fine stick with that and I wish you all the luck! As for the question "How long you believe it would take to awake dormant hair follicles?" - the answer depends on many variables. If you tried trichogen and it didn't work for you then that's really too bad. I would definitely give it 6 months though and use it with minoxidil.

Please don't take such things personally, life is far too short. I doubt my hair loss was much different from most other guys so personally, I honestly don't see why it wouldn't work with others. If you try it and it doesn't work I believe it's a great idea to go ahead and let others know of your personal experience. Outside of that I am not sure why you would put such effort into all your input. My reason is clear - I can't express how much happier I am now that I am no longer so self-conscious about my thinning and I truly would love to see others get the same results with such little cost.

Regarding that site, you do realize that those referral links pay peanuts right? You'd have refer thousands to high-priced software and what not to make an actual profit. Links like those to a handful of hair products do not make enough money to pay for the hosting and domain name, let alone for the time taken to create a resource that may help others. Not to mention people can buy anything they want anywhere once they are given the knowledge to help them understand a potential new treatment for hair loss.

Lastly, I NEVER said this is a cure. I can however remove many of the negative effects that happen with MBP. When an actual "cure" comes along, there will be more hair to work with!!

I mean common, don't be negative - it really worked for me 100% honest here. Of course I can't know it would or wouldn't work for others! I just see no reason why I would be any different!

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As far as I know there is no way to be associated with "trichogen". I mean it is sold under many brand names from many stores, online sellers etc., and in a wide variety of product types (sprays, cleansers, etc.)

If there were a way, I'd love to know because it worked so well for me in the 8% strength! I'd stand by it lol!

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I mean common, don't be negative - it really worked for me 100% honest here.

Well gee golly gosh if you say 100% honest then I guess I better go buy me some Trichogen....


When it grows back my hair I'll be sure to provide zero pictures and zero evidence I'll just be 100% honest, great post...

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I just wanted to share that something worked well for me in case anyone else wants to try it.


Finasteride comes with a lot of nasty side effects, so I wanted to offer info for others about an alternative that worked for me. Why are you being condescending? Nobody has to try it, I just felt why not share that I had results with something in case others may have same kind of hair loss and wanna try it. Why this bothers you, I have no idea.

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Why are you being condescending?


Why this bothers you, I have no idea.

The reason why I am being so "condescending" and why it bothers me is because bald people are suckered out of their money everyday by scams and snake oil, and your post and your treatment reeks of both.

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I'm sorry you feel that way, but I am just passing on information I thought might help. The stuff I use is cheap and I am not even mentioning a brand name here.


I will quote myself:

"I for one can confirm that trichogen is very effective. Not only because of a small amount of DHT blocking in the applied area, but because it provides many nutrients to the follicle - nutrient which are more effectively delivered when the delivery system is improved by the minoxidil as minoxidil is a vasodilator and widens blood vessels and opens potassium channels, allowing more oxygen, blood, and nutrients to the follicle."


I was not completely bald, I had very thin hair and my scalp was showing a lot. My hair follicles were not completely dormant, and be advised that minoxidil rapidly speeds up hair growth.


I don't know what else to say here! Why would you or anyone else trying what I tried benefit me? I have a family and work and many other things to spend my time with, I posted here to help. I am well aware of wasted money on hair treatments because I wasted far too much on finasteride for years. Please stop making false assumptions.


Also, in case it may help anyone compare their hair loss with mine, I may be able to get a hold of a few photos taken by my hair dresser with her smart phone when she first began to notice the regrowth but this was a few months after I started using trichogen and minoxidil together this way. They should still show the results pretty well!


Isn't there anyone else out there that has used both minoxidil and trichogen together to combat their hair loss? Please comment on your experience if so!

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Ok, so I texted my hair dresser to ask for these photos she took a few hours before my last post and she sent me the photos through email. I am sure she thinks I am totally strange now, but she'd been cutting my hair for years so I didn't mind asking ha ha. She took these when she noticed my hair was actually getting thicker and my thinning spots getting smaller.


For those interested the first photo was taken a few months after using 8% trochogen and minox, second photo was next hair cut about a month and a half later and third photo before another hair cut about a month after that.


If you'll notice, I had some shedding from the minoxidil around the top back area, which has since grown in well! I also had some minox shedding in the left side which grew in too. I am expecting shedding once in a while and now understand that it is part of the minoxidil process.


Hope this helps show the success I've been having since I tried mixing together a few cheap products. This stuff can be bought anywhere, just google 8% trichogen and minoxidil (both generic and Lipogaine, which is a nice solution of minox and other helpful ingredients). I also take Saw Palmetto as a very mild DHT blocker but not sure if that is making any difference.


Good Luck if you try it!




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It is interesting and it is true. I have nothing to gain, but after years of frustration and wasting money and now finally having hair growing like this again - how could I not wanna share that? Friends and family are asking me all the time to explain what I am doing and over and over I hear "You should explain this to other people in your same situation!!". So here I am.

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I must say alpha that it's a shame people are so sceptical of you, and I must admit I am too. I think if I had come across something genuine and come online tp give my findings, there isn't much more I could than simply say what I'd found - like you appear to be doing alpha.


However, the forums are full of people trying to promote things that don't work. It's hard to tell who is genuine and who isn't. If I'd been around when propecia came out I probably would have been sceptical too when the first person came online to mention it.


I'm not inclined to give trichogen a try unless a million other people take the plunge first and give good reports, I suppose that's the same for many people - we want evidence, but that requires people going for it first to obtain the evidence.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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TommyLucchese, thanks for the input and for looking at it from an unbiased perspective. I agree, and skeptics are necessary for applying pressure to provide concrete evidence and helps to regulate the facts of the world!


You say you're not inclined to try trichogen, and that reminds me that somehow this post has turned into a trichogen post haha. I initially stated that combining trichogen with minoxidil and supplements worked very well for me, and I really want to stress here that I do not feel that trichogen alone could have ever provided this hair growth I have had. But ... I also do not feel that minoxidil alone would have either, especially since I tried minoxidil alone before.


I believe that it would be fair to compare it to a diet. Most diets work, but only if they are followed strictly and the person on the diet keeps it up. What I have been doing here, applying these things to my hair three times a day, taking supplements twice a day - every day after day - I honestly do not believe many people would have the patience to maintain. I was that determined to grow my hair back, I was sick of expensive propecia which provided no regrowth, and I found a way, using extra small bottles to keep up the applications even when on vacation or away for work.


Skeptics will always challenge the accuracy of anything that is not commonly revealed around them, but I honestly feel for anyone dishing out thousands of dollars to combat hair loss when I have gotten these results for so cheap. If a person were completely bald I can understand the skepticism even more and I think it may still be possible but would take way longer than it took me.

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