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7 months on after 2nd Transplant?


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Thought it was time to give an update, from my previous post, i had my 1st HT @ The Hospital Group in 2010 well whats done is done! I then had 2nd 1 in Nov 2012 now 7 months on, (by a recommended surgeon) I thought i'd be seeing alot more progress by now, What do you guys think? Am on the meds and regaine foam 5% Tried to take all the photos in the same location with the same lighting flash on an off


Pre Op 2010:










3 Hours after 1st HT:











Nov 2012 Pre 2nd Op:













3 Hours After (much better this time!):











Now 7 months on from 2nd HT:

















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The first questions are:


How many grafts were placed in the 1st surgery?


How many grafts were placed in the 2nd surgery?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Welcome! At seven months post-op, I agree that it looks like you are behind the curve. But, you still have at least 5 more months to go before the writing is on the wall. I know it's hard to wait and you probably have a lot of anxiety after your first subpar results, but try to hang in there and reserve judgement for the one year mark.


Questionmark brings up a good point. Are you on Propecia or Rogaine? You started off with quite a bit of native hair sprinkled throughout your percipient area. If you've continued to bald at a rapid pace, this could contribute to the sparse look.


Have you been in touch with your doctor? If not, I recommend discussing your concerns with him or her. The physicians recommend here are very caring and ethical and I'm sure they will give you an honest assessment.


Please keep us updated on your progress or any significant events.

Edited by David - TakingThePlunge

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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He stated that he was "on the meds and regain foam 5%" so i will assume by meds he means fin. Although you are not at the 1 year mark, I would be concerned as I have seen very few successful cases that have shown little to no growth at 7 months.

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Have you contacted Dr. Farjo or his representative Mick? Ultimately, when a patient has concerns regarding the potential outcome of a hair transplant, the clinic must advise that patient to wait out the full year in order to assess the final result and plan accordingly.


Having said that, I believe it's always best to address any concerns along the way. Maintaining open lines of communication with the clinic helps to avoid any surprises.


I'm going to email Dr. Farjo and Mick about your concerns and request that they contact you.


All the best!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thank you for this David, but i am away from tomorrow for 3 weeks, Was going to get in touch when i get back, which would be getting on for the 8 months, I know it take 12-18 months for the full cycle of your hair, Just looking through other 7/8 months and look alot further progessed than me, at this stage Thanks

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Thanks for providing us with an update on your second procedure. I'm sorry if you mentioned this elsewhere, but since I couldn't find it, how many grafts did you receive during each procedure?


I agree that time is still on your side. Also, since you've previously had another hair transplant with what appears to be larger incisions and grafts, any scarring from your first procedure may be delaying growth of your second.


I encourage you to give it time but also to contact Dr. Farjo and/or Mick to discuss your concerns. Dave has contacted Dr. Farjo and Mick to make them aware of your concerns and this topic so that they can offer a reply as well.


Please keep us posted on your progress.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for providing us with an update on your second procedure. I'm sorry if you mentioned this elsewhere, but since I couldn't find it, how many grafts did you receive during each procedure?





1st time round of the top of my head around 1100 grafts 2nd time around 2500


Thanks for your advice, So scars from previous surgery slow the rate down or just dont grow all together?

Edited by kjm
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What is the most difficult word for any of us (including myself here) to appreciate as patients......patience.

This is especially so when having been through the mill on a previous occasion.I have observed results for repeat patients take as little as one year but in many cases closer to 18 months for full development.I know and appreciate how tough it is but it is part and parcel of the whole process.

On a secondary but equally as important, One of the reasons for choosing a reputable clinic is that they will be there for you at all times.

These clinics will always have your best interests at heart and will always do their very best to ensure that when the process has reached it's conclusion that what their patients strived for, turned in to reality. Hang on in there and we will be seeing you in the next few weeks for your initial follow up appointment.



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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