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Hi guys please can you help ?

I have had 4 previous h/t surgeries and to honest only the last surgery with dr pathomvanich in thailand was any good ,the previous 3 surgeons were absolute butchers.my question is because of my first 3 surgeries i have been left with two large linear scars and an unnatural looking hair line and not good enough density through to crown.at the moment im trying to hide thinning using nanogen but this is now getting me down.after consideration i think i have two options .

Number 1-proceed witi another transplant and try and rectify hairline and density baring in mind i have minimal donor hair so looking at fue.

2-which is my prefered option ,have a repair surgery using fue and or body hair fue to fill in donor linear scars and hairline to enable me to have a buzz cut and just put this hairloss behind me.

My question to you guys is which option do you think i should choose ? and indeed if i decide on the repair which surgeon would be best for me as regards to location im in the uk ,expertise i really want an excellent dr and thirdly which is important in my circumstances cost i really need the most expertise for the least outlay?

Please help me im at my wits end and dont think i can take anymore.

Thank you all in advance and sorry for such a long post .i have now uploaded pictures

Regards Barry







Edited by muttley
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Indeed, a picture says a thousand words.

My Hair Loss Website


Surgical Treatments:


Hair transplant 5-22-2013 with Dr. Paul Shapiro at Shapiro Medical Group

Total grafts transplanted: 3222

*536 singles *1651 doubles * 961 triples,

*74 quadruples.

Total hairs transplanted: 7017



Non-Surgical Treatments:


*1.25 mg finasteride daily

*Generic minoxidil foam 2x daily

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Welcome! I have to agree with taco above. We really need to view some photos of your current situation before we can provide quality advice.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I would look at dr. Reddy, Bisanga, and Fereduni if I were in the UK. You may be able to rectify your situation quite well, or consider a fue/smp combo and go for a shaved down look.


I agree with others that a photo would really help, but without seeing photos, that is the best advice I could give.


Hard to imagine you would still have an unnatural hairline after having surgery with dr Path, but maybe it was really bad before. If you post photos, you should get some better advice, or better yet, have a consult with one of the drs. mentioned.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Thank you for the quick reply guys ,ill try and get some photos up but at the moment im so ashamed and embarressed to even look at my hair now if that makes sense to you all.in answer to you dr path concentrated on the crown and did an undetectable result.the front has uneven rows is quite pitted and has a dolls hair pluggy appearance.

Regards barry

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Since you're basically a repair case and may need multipe procedures to get yourself fixed. I'd recommend speaking to several clinics near you in UK and Belgium that have expertise in repair cases via strip and fue surgeries. A scar revisions may be in order to minimize your scar sizes. It's not an easy fix to simply put grafts into the scar tissue, especially since you're running out of donor hairs.

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Thank you janna ,do you have any recomendations as to which surgeons would suit me ,i have heard of a couple of surgeons in turkey that have excellent results and quite reasonable fue rates.i know you should always have the best surgeon but expense is a factor with me.again thank you for your reply i really have hit rock bottom and would like to see some hope .

Regards barry

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In Turkey there are several doctors but I would consider 3:


Koray Erdogan (2,5 euros per graft);


Keser (3,5 euros per graft)


Doganay (2,0 euros per graft)


Doganay is the only surgeon recommended on this Forum but I strongly recommend you to see Erdogan's results on youtube under Asmed.


Good luck!

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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I think you should consider undergoing another strip procedure as the first step of your repair. You already have strip scars so you're not really saving anything by going fue at this point. If your laxity allows it you may be able to revise your two scars into one and completely maximize out your donor supply. If you go fue at this point you're going to be leaving much needed grafts on the table and then using more to fill in the scars which may or may not be successful.


If I was you I would have one last strip procedure to revise your scars and extract as many grafts as possible. Then after that if more grafts are needed you can max out your remaining donor using fue and use beard hair to fill in the scar if desired. Of course without pictures or a doctor examination this is all just theoretical but it is something to think about.

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Thanks for all your input.I don't think I have enough scalp laxity to receive another fut transplant.so really just looking at this being my final op to cover scars sort hairline and maybe add some density through to crown,that's why I was asking about a great surgeon in turkey with good fue rates that would allow me to get maximum amount of grafts I could afford.by the way does any of the Turkish surgeons mentioned use bht .I have looked into a consultation with Dr Lorenzo in the farjo clinic in sept but worry that the price per graft in UK would be a bit prohibitive .


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Thanks for all your input.I don't think I have enough scalp laxity to receive another fut transplant.so really just looking at this being my final op to cover scars sort hairline and maybe add some density through to crown,that's why I was asking about a great surgeon in turkey with good fue rates that would allow me to get maximum amount of grafts I could afford.by the way does any of the Turkish surgeons mentioned use bht .I have looked into a consultation with Dr Lorenzo in the farjo clinic in sept but worry that the price per graft in UK would be a bit prohibitive .



Ok I understand. Good luck to you buddy, you are in the right place looking at some great surgeons. I would look into beard or body hair for the scar so you don't use up head grafts on the scar that you need for your hairline.

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Thank you great job I think as to regards to price of grafts turkey and either dogonay or erdogan are my choice to enable me to get as many grafts as I can afford .I'm just worried about going to turkey and the low graft price,I really want this to be my final procedure and although price is a factor I really want an excellent surgeon and result.hope I'm making some sort of sense ,I guess what I'm saying is I want the best surgeon and most grafts but as the saying gos you get what you pay for so I'm worrying would I get an inferior result with either of those two surgeons compared to say bisanga,fereduni etc no disrespect meant to drs dogonay or erdogan .

Regards Barry

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Muttley, I am going to Turkey to see Dr. Erdogan since I am also considering him. I asked him to meet some of his patients too. I believe I will have a better understanding of his work. For what I saw I like a lot so far. If you need any additional information, let me know.

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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Thanx Denny are you in the UK?I think my choice now is between dogonay and erdogan mind you I don't even know yet how many grafts I would need to fulfill my requirements if it was quite low I would like Dr Lorenzo but I'm thinking 3000 plus


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I have been wondering recently about Turkey. There have been a ton of doctors recently that have become more visible in Turkey, with good reason as they have been producing excellent results, but I have been wondering lately how the rise in civil unrest in Turkey effects the HT industry. All I know of whats going on in Turkey is what I hear and read in the news and it could be overblown, but I am curious.


Maybe James84, Denny or any of the members who live in the Middle East can give some insight into the situation there and how it effects the HT experience.

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I would recommend a North American or European surgeon in the future just to avoid many of the mentioned problems! The problem with these sketchy overseas doctors is many do not have the proper training or education and over there regulations are lax if any

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I would recommend a North American or European surgeon in the future just to avoid many of the mentioned problems! The problem with these sketchy overseas doctors is many do not have the proper training or education and over there regulations are lax if any


uh none of the doctors recommended in Turkey are "sketchy"

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Welcome! As a new member, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with this community and how we recommend hair transplant surgeons. Your statement regarding hair restoration surgeons outside the North America and Europe are uneducated to say the least.


There are clinics around the world offering state of the art, follicular unit heir transplantation. The Hair Transplant Network currently recommends surgeons the Americas, Europe and Asia.


It's well known that Turkey is producing some of the finest FUE practitioners in the world. One of these is Dr. Hakan Doganay who is recommended by this community.


You may wish to view our interactive map for a complete list of all the hair restoration physicians we recommend. To learn about our criteria for recommending physicians, click here.


Forgive me if my post seems a bit harsh. But, I'm trying to figure out if you are here as a legitimate contributor to this forum or only to promote the link in your signature.


I sent you a private message earlier notifying you of our Terms of Service and requesting that you remove the link immediately. I have also noticed that you created a physician representative profile. Was this in error?

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hey guys, I am a Brazilian living in Germany. As many of you I am also very impressed with some results coming from Turkey. We all know price should not be the most important factor to decide with whom to go but if we can have quality and good price together, why not? :-)

I was booked with Erdogan to have my HT in July. However, I have learned on this Forum important things we should consider (and check) before we move forward. I take this opportunity to thank all the members and moderators who invest a lot of time (and patience) to contribute with this Forum. It is very appreciated!

I decided to postpone my procedure since I want to meet Dr. Erdogan in person and if possible, some of his patients. I believe I will be with him in July for a consult. I promisse to follow James84 idea (thanks a lot for the great work pal) and interview Dr. Erdogan. So if there is something special you want me to ask Dr. Erdogan, feel free to send me a pm. Let is put our questions together!

In relation to the situation in Turkey I might say it is not bad at all. Actually it seems things are getting better.

I suggest you to check the US Department website (special tks to recedingboy!). It will notice that it is not discouraging U.S. citizens from travelling to Turkey, it is asking them to avoid large gatherings while there.

I believe these protests have no major impact on a patient undergoing a HT (IMHO).

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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Wow thank you denny so great of you to post and keep us informed .wish this website was around when i gad my first two operations would have saved me years of pain .heartache and quite a lot of money. denny that sentence you used regarding price and quality fits my predicament exactly .again good luck denny and please keep in touch.

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I will be glad to contribute a little bit. As I said, I am learning a lot from you guys. Turkey is closer to me. I am going there for us! ;-)

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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I am sorry for you. But did you give up? I heard dr. Ulmar is amazing in these circumstances. Have you considered him?

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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