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I'm 22 yrs old,

I have been losing hair since I was 14. Presently it looks like I'm on narwood 3A. One of the surgeons I have consulted online suggested 3000grafts for my frontal 1/3rd region started . my hair on top started thinning too. Is my crown region thinning too ? Should I wait for a year or so and then go for a ht. Any idea where my hair loss will stop?

should i start any medication like propecia and minoxidil ?






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bb7.....i started losing my hair at age 17 so I understand you situation - im now 41 with basically a full head of hair....been using propecia for about 15 years....its been really critical to the success of my restoration....i have replaced the front with about 4000 grafts and have been able to maintain my top/crown hair with medication. i know the impulse is to try to nip it in the bud with a huge transplant to the front but i also suggest you commit to Propecia for a year and then reconsider initiating frontal restoration. i think this will give you more peace of mind and bode well for the future. gltu!

VP Patient & Media Relations for The Hair Loss Doctors by Robert J. Dorin 



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@orangehair : thanks alot for ur suggestion.


I'm afraid to go on propecia because of its side effects. I myself a mbbs student. I have anxiety disorder and bit impatient too and sometimes I go through depression. I'm afraid if I'll take propecia and then it increases my problems which I'm already facing. I had cystic acne and I have taken medication for it. but if I'll take propecia will it affect acne?

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As hard as it is I would just wait until you start to see little or no more loss before you get a transplant, just so you know where you are, as you may need to get the whole top of your head done in a year or so. Currently you don't look too bad, although there is hair loss, it might just be your normal hairline.


I understand you not wanting to take meds, I'm too scared to take fin because of the potential sides, but I know people who take it no problems?






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One of my pharmacist told me not to use propecia as it has got side effects. He suggested some other vitamin and iron kind of tablets which are used to prevent hair loss and act similar to propecia without side effects . Is it true?

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As others have said the only advisable thing now is to experiment with meds to slow down the loss. The majority of peoples hair seems to go in their 20s and early 30s (and it's no coincidence that testosterone level are highest at this time).

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Take Fin, try it. If it causes problems, lower the dosage or get off it. But your hair will keep falling out if you don't do something proactive. I do not believe that trying the pill to see it's results for a while can cause permanent damage.

Sam Spade

View my HT photo album


Very satisfied customer of Dr. Konior, Chicago

FUT, 3950 grafts, June 2012

Message me if you have any questions regarding my experience or Dr. K.

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