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New member--quick background and looking for suggestions


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Hey everyone, let me start off by saying I greatly look forward to reading through the various threads on the forum and learning from the library of knowledge that it offers. When possible, I also plan on helping others and contributing to the knowledge.


Well, introduction aside, here is my story:


I recently turned 24 have been aware of my hair loss since I was 21 when a co-worker mentioned something in passing. I was in denial until my mom confirmed it months later. I tried covering it up by growing my hair out to donate, which I did this past summer in August. I attempted a haircut to try and cover up the recession but I wasn't a huge fan, and, with a busy school schedule, decided to just grow it out and cover it up under a bandana like the last time I donated my hair.


Now that school is over for the summer I decided to do something about my hair loss; that's where I hope you guys can help! I already decided that I am going to order Rogaine foam, but the dermatologist that I visited today (mole check, since melanoma runs on both sides of the family) didn't want to give me any prescriptions for Fin. He said the last young person he prescribed it to got ED. So, it looks like for now Rogaine will have to do. Is there anything else I could be trying? Multivitamins, shampoos, etc?


In addition, what haircuts would you recommend for me? I have been told I was a NW3, but would like to hear what you guys have to say as well. Here are two crappy cell phone pictures I took a few weeks ago:





I think that's all I can think of for now. I look forward to your advice and what you have to say. Thanks!

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Yes. Can clearly see you are balding. Its hard to tell from the low def pics but NW2-NW3 seems about right. Rogain and Fin would be your best bet for now, although neither have been proven to work on hairline. Have you considered a HT?

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Thanks for the reply!


Well, as of now I haven't considered it. I always thought at 24 I was too young? But I'm rather ignorant on the subject..


I ordered Rogaine foam online to give it a try, but the dermatologist I went to on Wednesday didn't want to prescribe me Fin (I didn't push it very hard, though). I'm not opposed to trying it; perhaps I just need to get a second opinion.


For now I would like to at least STOP the recession. Any regrowth would just be a pleasant surprise. In addition, I would like to find a haircut that covers it up. Any suggestions?

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  • Senior Member

The first choice for stopping MPB is always fin, if you're serious about keeping your hair, you need to be taking fin or dutasteride. Minox will only thicken it up a little bit but it won't treat the underlying condition the way fin and dut do.



Good luck.

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If you have got good facial features the style you have already could look quite good. kind of a Nick Cave style.


Bill Paxton was the first guy I thought of for a short style.


You could ring pretty much any of the Drs on this site and I'm sure they will prescribe you some fin, if appropriate.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Regular Member
The first choice for stopping MPB is always fin, if you're serious about keeping your hair, you need to be taking fin or dutasteride. Minox will only thicken it up a little bit but it won't treat the underlying condition the way fin and dut do.



Good luck.


Thanks! Yeah, I figured I needed to be on Fin from what i've been reading. I was hoping my derm. would make it easy and prescribe it but it appears as though a recent patient around my age developed some E.D., so he was rather hesitant.


If you have got good facial features the style you have already could look quite good. kind of a Nick Cave style.


Bill Paxton was the first guy I thought of for a short style.


You could ring pretty much any of the Drs on this site and I'm sure they will prescribe you some fin, if appropriate.


I lack the confidence to rock the look of Nick Cave (whom I had to look up, for the record). I'm hesitant to full facial pic online, but can if it would help with suggestions. I was suggested a haircut similar to that of Jude Law. Man this sucks!


Is there a list of MDs somewhere for me to contact? I would be interested in acquiring some Fin.

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You should be able to get fin from your primary physician.. I think any doc will give you a prescription. Ideally he will prescribe your the generic 5mg tablets (used to treat prostate issues I think). From there, you can just cut those babies up into 1/4ths and you'll be set for awhile.


Yeah.. some guys experience the sexual side effects, some don't. I guess you could get some viagra with that fin prescription and test the waters.


Regarding the HT.. definitely wait at least 8 or 9 months on fin to see how you respond.

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  • Regular Member
You should be able to get fin from your primary physician.. I think any doc will give you a prescription. Ideally he will prescribe your the generic 5mg tablets (used to treat prostate issues I think). From there, you can just cut those babies up into 1/4ths and you'll be set for awhile.


Yeah.. some guys experience the sexual side effects, some don't. I guess you could get some viagra with that fin prescription and test the waters.


Regarding the HT.. definitely wait at least 8 or 9 months on fin to see how you respond.


Thanks. I haven't really had a primary physician for probably 5 years? I had the same doctor till I was 18, and haven't been back except to get a physical. It would be very convenient to be able to communicate through here with a doctor. It's pretty apparent I could use it, so that shouldn't be a problem lol

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Where do you think the guy on this video would be on the NW scale? I just want to know if I could pull off the same look. I have a feeling my hair is worse than his, though. Way worse..


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Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Bump and an update...


I was taking pictures in preparation for a possible online consultation and decided just to take pictures of my crown just in case he wanted to see it. I had no idea I was balding there but apparently.I am. I honestly feel nauseous..I have a feeling it's going to be hard to fall asleep tonight.

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  • Senior Member

Is there a list of MDs somewhere for me to contact? I would be interested in acquiring some Fin.


Here is a list of our recommended hair restoration physicians.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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