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What to tell family and friends.

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I'm travelling overseas for a ht soon.I was just wondering what other people have said to family and friends to where they are going.Its a difficult subject to bring up with people.I havnt told anyone yet.Im pretty sure they will try to talk me out of it.i did touch on the subject with family once before and they all said "no way,why would you want to travel overseas for an operation".So I'm pretty torn between saying nothing at all.or just leaving a note for a couple of close family..

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Bronte, I think you`re the only one who can make and should make that decision. I don`t feel it serves you if we tell you here "I told `em" or "I didn`t tell anybody". It simply depends on too many factors regarding your relationship to family and friends.

By asking that, I think you might have some problems anyway with them, and they don`t accept your decisions anyway, not only in that case, but in general. Also from the posting in which you were writing that you were thinking that the girl you dated was too good for you, I feel that you have issues with your self confidence. Don`t EVER think a woman is too good for you, it will automatically bring you in an abject position. There must be a reason that she felt attracted to you, just think it out and focus on that. While I think it is very likable to think that someone is too good for oneself, it is not good for the relation, neither to you nor to her. Women need a strong man.. Just stand your ground and be yourself! Perhaps the book "The passion trap" might help you out, too.


As for your question, maybe you can tell your "real" friends and people who love you unconditionally, they will respect your decision and support you no matter what, for the rest, either don`t tell at all or tell `em to fxxx off, you don`t need them! If you think your family loves you, but simply worries about what could go wrong etc., educate them! Tell them how it will pass off, why it won`t be a fail, that you didn`t rush into that blindfoldly, but that it is very important for you, that you balanced it faithfully, and came only to one conclusion: That you`re gonna make it! It is your life, and it is your decision, so don`t let anybody tell you what it`s good for you, only you really can evaluate that.

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I know how you feel, I went overseas a week ago to have my HT as well, my family is living in a different country, and they do not know that I went to have HT, I haven't told them, I haven't told anyone why I went overseas


I just told few people that I am going to different country, now I am back with healing hair transplant, going to work on Tuesday hoping it will not be that visible :D


I just didn't want to tell my parents because they would worry and make me worry even more.

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I told one of my close friends about it when I was drunk. Then I thought 'F' it and told the rest of my close friends (5 in total) when I was sober. They didn't care, even when I came back and saw them 1 week post op they barely looked up when I took my hat off.


Only my parents knew from my family.


It wasn't really a big deal, no-one really cares as much as you think. Though obviously you probably don't want EVERYONE to know.


I told those closest to me so that I wouldn't have to hide from them and become a recluse, it was a great decision........in those dark days when I avoided the public, we'd have gatherings at houses or go to pubs far from where we live so that I could take my hat off and not worry about seeing people I knew.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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I've told a couple of friends but the family will not be told. They would go ape as that is the type of people they are - very critical of anything anyone does!


I probably see them every 5/6 weeks so I'm aiming to stretch it to 7 or 8 before visiting with a 'bad haircut'.


I have 32 days off between HT and work but it is a lottery as to how much redness or shockloss I will have.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member
I told one of my close friends about it when I was drunk. Then I thought 'F' it and told the rest of my close friends (5 in total) when I was sober. They didn't care, even when I came back and saw them 1 week post op they barely looked up when I took my hat off.


Only my parents knew from my family.


It wasn't really a big deal, no-one really cares as much as you think. Though obviously you probably don't want EVERYONE to know.


I told those closest to me so that I wouldn't have to hide from them and become a recluse, it was a great decision........in those dark days when I avoided the public, we'd have gatherings at houses or go to pubs far from where we live so that I could take my hat off and not worry about seeing people I knew.


lol mate, i did the exact thing last week, when i was drunk told my best mate who was really really great about it, told me i should not hide from anyone and tell the rest of the boys..


and he was very curious about it and asked heaps of questions, and no doubt i will tell the rest of the boys soon. To be honest they all suspected it anyway, i had a huge transformation.


until last week onlt family knew about it, and now that its been so long since the HT i really dont care who else finds out.

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The only person I told was my girlfriend. I kept it hidden from family and friends(housemates) and work and therefore had to spin a massive web of different lies to different people but I think I will just mange to get away with it :) I was lucky to have some existing hair throughout the recipient area so it wasn't so obvious.


family - I was going away for a work trip & managed to delay seeing them just long enough for it not to be so noticeable.

work & friends - I was going for a holiday to visit my sister, cracked my head open while sightseeing (only part of the scar was visible as I had longish hair), and doctors had to shave part of my head because of swelling (recipient area). - I only managed 3 weeks off work!


Once the grafts started to fall out the existing hair I had on the recipient area that was shaved at surgery had grown back just long enough for me to be able to start using Caboki to make it look similar density.


lying caused me so much stress that I think it would of been easier just to tell people. I think if you plan what you are going to say & run them through it step by step, you might find you are pleasantly surprised by peoples reactions. I thought my girlfriend would laugh at me but she was proud that I was doing it and revealed that she wants to get a nose job because she's self conscious too.

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To be honest they all suspected it anyway, i had a huge transformation..


Jolly, I just went through your thread. You have one of the biggest transformations I've seen. Very nice! And you're right, they would have to notice but in a good way.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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  • Senior Member
Jolly, I just went through your thread. You have one of the biggest transformations I've seen. Very nice! And you're right, they would have to notice but in a good way.


Levrais, cheers mate, i no longer care who knows i have had HT :)

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