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23 male - My story of Dandruff and Hairloss


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I apologize for it being long, but I feel like it's necessary. It's taken me a long time to get around to doing this, but I'm done with sitting and worrying and having nothing get better.


I'm 23 years old, mostly introverted and very easily stressed. I first noticed my hair thinning out at around 18. I have to say my hair has never been super thick (I've seen pictures of me in my early teens with a very small but noticeable spot on my crown), but it had always been full (thinner hairs, but a lot of them I guess). For a year I had about shoulder-length hair and started losing quite a few hairs. I had never noticed any falling hairs so it kind of concerned me but I figured it was due to my hair length and the stress that the weight was putting on it.


I got a haircut before my first year of college, which significantly decreased the shedding but didn't stop it. My first year as school I started getting really bad dandruff, which in my four years at school has never really left. I started out using Head and Shoulders which worked but made my scalp sore and seemed to increase the shedding. My dandruff came and went for the next year or so. The end of my sophomore year I started noticed in pictures and mirrors my hair noticeably thinner, and the spot on my crown had grown as well. I of course grew very conscious of it and it drove me crazy constantly. I slowly and quietly obsessed over it, and of course got more stressed in addition to the stresses of school. I think the stress had a definite effect on the hairloss, because it just kept seeming to get worse.


I didn't want to admit to anyone that I was having these problems, but I finally got fed up and talked with my parents and went for medical checkups. I was put on 100mg Zoloft for the stress ( which I don't view as a fix but a tool, and quite an effective one) and started to use Nizoral shampoo, first the Minoxidil version ( which seemed effective, but our store stopped selling), and then the ketoconazole version (not quite as effective).


I went to the dermatologist for my danndruff and he diagnosed my small flakes and plaque-like buildup as scalp psoriasis. He prescribed numerous dandruff shampoos ( multiple tars and Nizoral again) and a topical solution of Clobetasol Propionate. The topical helped greatly with the soreness and inflammation, and regular usage actually stopped them. I was still losing hair, though, and almost all of them had a bulb or small patch of skin near the root.


In the past couple months I think I've noticed another change. My scalp is easier to see, especially outside and my hairline seems to have shifted slightly. Even with discussing it and trying different solutions, I still feel like I haven't made progress and it constantly weighs heavy on my mind. I'm kind of at a loss, and I was hoping for suggestions on maybe what to do next. Thanks.


The last photo shows how bumpy my scalp is. I don't think that's normal.












Edited by Trodden
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  • Regular Member

Hey Trodden,


Practically everyone on this forum has shared your same concerns; we know what it is like to experience hair loss. By all means, stress is a significant contributing factor to hair loss as well, so that never helps. The thing is that it's impossible not to stress out when you see your appearance changing over time. Of course, the best bet would be to schedule an appointment with a physician and have him/her evaluate you. They will be able to address all of your questions and guide you in the right direction. Prior to my evaluation, I was pretty much clueless about my situation and my options. Finding the right doctor in order to help you fully understand what's going on will definitely help put some of your stress to ease. Just keep in mind that hair loss is treatable, so don't overly stress yourself out at this point. Best of luck to you on whatever you decide and don't forget to keep us updated!

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  • Senior Member

Hello mate,


Your hair isn't in bad shape compared to many people on here, me included!


You have a natural whorl pattern in your crown which always tends to make that area thin compared to the rest of a persons hair. You also have dark hair and pale skin which is the worst combo for looking thin on top.


Head & Shoulders sucked for me too. It actually gave me dandruff rather than the reverse!


If it means spending a few hundred dollars on travel I would still go and visit a recommended doctor from this site. You certainly don't need a HT but they can do an honest evaluation and let you know if they think you are thinning. Then you may consider taking propecia and/or rogaine.


Just tell them everything you told us in your post.


Good luck

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