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Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Country
    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
    Thinning on Top only (Genetic Baldness)
    Thinning or Bald Spot in the Crown/Vertex
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood VI
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain Existing Hair
    I'm here for support

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Hair Transplant Surgeon
    Dr. Parsa Mohebi
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    Propecia (Finasteride)
    Nioxin Shampoo

Anthony23's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hey Gaelic, You've come to the right place! Many of us here have been in your shoes, so we know exactly what you're going through. Take a look around through the various forums and learn more about the experiences users have shared. As far as your situation goes, there are many doctors who are preferred on the Hair Restoration Network, so I'm sure you won't have a problem finding the right one for you. If ya got any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  2. Hey Trodden, Practically everyone on this forum has shared your same concerns; we know what it is like to experience hair loss. By all means, stress is a significant contributing factor to hair loss as well, so that never helps. The thing is that it's impossible not to stress out when you see your appearance changing over time. Of course, the best bet would be to schedule an appointment with a physician and have him/her evaluate you. They will be able to address all of your questions and guide you in the right direction. Prior to my evaluation, I was pretty much clueless about my situation and my options. Finding the right doctor in order to help you fully understand what's going on will definitely help put some of your stress to ease. Just keep in mind that hair loss is treatable, so don't overly stress yourself out at this point. Best of luck to you on whatever you decide and don't forget to keep us updated!
  3. Congrats on your second procedure! I had my HT with Dr. Mohebi as well, he's an excellent doctor. I'm slowly starting to get results, but I've learned to be patient. Do you mind if I ask when you had your first procedure?
  4. Congrats! That's a lot of grafts! Can't wait to eventually see how the results turn out.
  5. Hey JMoore, Hope you find the right doctor to help you in your situation. I'm from LA as well and know how aggravating it can be in a city where everyone judges each other based on looks. This was the main reason why I had my procedure as well. My confidence was down and I just didn't feel good about myself. When I was first considering a transplant, I visited Dr. Mohebi at his office located in Encino. The staff was warming and the doctor himself was insanely educated about hair transplantation. Although the same can be said about different clinics, Dr. Mohebi took over an hour explaining and educating me about hair loss and hair restoration. Not to mention the extra time he took answering all of my questions and concerns. This is how I knew I wanted to have my procedure done with him. When searching for your doctor, make sure you choose someone with the same level of passion who will sit with you and thoroughly guide you in the right direction. Furthermore, An FUE may seem like a good choice for you since you've had the two strip procedures and probably wouldn't want to go through with that again. Do you mind if I ask why the results of your last two procedures were unpleasing?
  6. I would ask him about medical treatments such as Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine) and how to maintain your hair after a transplant. It's good to know about these types of things before the procedure is actually done.
  7. Everyone is different and your body may react completely opposite of what others tell you. To be on the safe side, you should schedule at least five days off in order to let your body rest and heal. I didn't leave the house for the first three days or so since my face was swelling and there was discomfort all over my scalp and donor area. Going further, the pain meds made me sick so I stopped taking them the day after the procedure. I definitely would not advise going to work for a couple of days if you don't feel well, let alone drive yourself there. Better safe than sorry, right?
  8. Wow, what an improvement! Amazing job.. This guy's confidence is gonna go through the roof.
  9. Oh wow, wasn't even aware that beard hair could be used as donor hair. Learning something new every day. By the way, that's a mighty beard man.. haha.
  10. Ouch, doesn't sound fun at all. Makes me feel lucky that I didn't really have the need to take any painkillers and was able to get some sleep after the second day. Wish you a healthy recovery man, keep us updated. Btw, love the username lol
  11. Thank you for the information doctor. I've noticed a majority of people share the same concerns regarding medical treatments such as Minoxidil and Finasteride, so it is nice change to get first-hand medical advice from a doctor himself.
  12. Oh wow, what an improvement! He looks truly happy in that last frame. Great work!
  13. C'mon man, that's not the right attitude. Just be confident and be yourself, everything will fall into place as long as you keep that in mind. I agree with TommyLucchese, don't overthink and just do it!
  14. Rest and eat well since your body is recovering. Also, just try to stay relaxed and take as much time off as you need. Lastly, don't be afraid to be a bit aggressive when washing your hair in order to remove the scabs; it's important to get them off, but your doctor will surely discuss this with you further. All in all, you'll be good to go within a few days after your procedure. Best of luck to ya buddy, don't forget to keep us updated!
  15. If you can rock the shaved head, I say stick with it man. However, it all comes down to what you feel comfortable with. If you think a hair transplant will help your confidence and your overall mental happiness then it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor for an evaluation.
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