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looking for an opinion


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hello,my first post here,sorry if I not at right place to post.


Here is it in short:


Around the age of 18-19 I noticed my hairline moving up,I am 21 now and I think my hairline is the same for last 2-3 years.However I have been getting a lot of "you will will probably loose your hair soon" from a number of random ppl.

My forehead is about 2.75inc (7cm) high in middle & about 3.15 (8cm) on the sides. My hair was always thin and blonde,it was never very tick or strong hair.


I really know little about all this because I havent payed much attention to it,so I would like an opinion for someone else and not just a one you get "from a pub" if you know what I mean. I understand that its normal to have higher templates,but cant say if I have "normal". The pictures arent maybe so good as the hair is not fully dry there.







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Hi Pitt,


Yes you are receding....however way too young for hair transplantation. Find a hair specialist and ask him questions on therapy options such as Propecia, Rogaine and/or laser therapy.


You have to give therapy a shot (til your mid 20's) to see how well it works for you and how aggressive your future hair loss may be.


Best of luck!

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If your hairline has not moved, then it could just be a high forehead. Look into your family history, is there a strong history of hair loss?


Most importantly - Do not worry! There are effective treatments available like finasteride which will retain your hair.

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If your hairline has not moved, then it could just be a high forehead. Look into your family history, is there a strong history of hair loss?


Most importantly - Do not worry! There are effective treatments available like finasteride which will retain your hair.


My father has started receding,but at around 35,also did his father.My grandfather on mothers side has full hair well in his 80s.


Thanks for answers,if possible I would like if someone could give clear instructions on what to do next or is it needed to do anything right just yet.


I did read that some of these pills can create very bad side effects so I am not to keep on doing that until getting prof its all fine.

Thanks again.

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If you are indeed experiencing MPB, then I'm afraid your only option is to get on finasteride. These pills rarely cause side effects, and the ones who claim to get sides tend to be extremely vocal in their opinion. I have a 10 year long study that demonstrates this.

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If you are indeed experiencing MPB, then I'm afraid your only option is to get on finasteride. These pills rarely cause side effects, and the ones who claim to get sides tend to be extremely vocal in their opinion. I have a 10 year long study that demonstrates this.
there is plenty of evidence from numerous members that fin can cause serious sexual side effects and they dont always go away. it took me months to recover. chit is toxic to many and wonderful for others. roll of the dice....
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Best thing you can do is visit a few hair transplant surgeons to get a doctors point of view. Doctors don't make money by prescribing this pill, so they'll give you unbiased opinions. I've taken Propecia for the last 7-8 years and never had a side effect and have had kids and all. It's helped me a great deal to preserve a great deal of hair that otherwise would've been gone. At your age it'll be a huge plus.


Best of luck!

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There you go again with another uneducated comment. First of all, finasteride is not "toxic" and in saying so, you're potentially scaring hundreds of hair loss sufferers away who could potentially benefit from the drug. Secondly, while I don't want to dismiss your personal experience, sexual side effects are still reported as very rare and there's no true evidence suggesting that those that do experience sexual side effects experience them permanently. We've written several articles on this based on recent research on our popular Hair Loss Q&A Blog.


Your advice and input on several topics is often misguided at best and dangerous at worst. Your comments are often "reported" to the moderators as inappropriate and I'm really getting tired of having to babysit you.


It's time to educate yourself and recognize that things aren't as cut and dry as you make them out to be. There are pros and cons to every technique, procedure and proven treatment.



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it was toxic to me. when it shuts down my sex drive for months after only taking a few weeks its nothing I would come near again. im not the only one who has experienced long time sexual side effects from this drug.


some even report that it takes years to get back their sex drive if ever.


just because some dont have side effects doesnt mean others wont. of course it works for some of it would have never been FDA approved but if someone wants to roll the dice with that stuff thats their choice. I would never recommend it to anyone and have been asked by friends in the past what I thought and I tell them my own PERSONAL experiences.

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it was toxic to me.


and what does that mean?

actually very little in regard to the vast majority of patients

there are people that have major side effects from almost every drug on the market.

are we to scare off vast amounts of patients that can benefit from a given drug

because a few experience some degree of side effects?


you leave the impression that it is somehow a 50/50 roll of the dice

when anyone experiencing major long term side effects are in a TINY minority.


why do you insist on pretending your experience translates to the majority

when facts and scientific study clearly shows otherwise.


it is unfortutate that you apparently cant take advantage of

such a major tool in the battle against hair-loss.

but it almost seems like a "misery loves company" scenario,

where you want to scare people because you are one of the unlucky

one's in the minority that does not tolerate propecia well.

Edited by Shampoo

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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The OP did not ask for your personal experience with the drug.



According to empirical studies stretching as long as ten years, we find that finasteride is well tolerated by most patients. Some do suffer side effects, but they are the minority.

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Is there actually a pattern on WHY some people experience such serious side effects, while most people don`t, or is it just a lottery game? I mean the medical science has to have screened the participants, haven`t they?

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