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Am I a candidate?

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I have been on the HL forums for a while, but I finally decided to post pics. I am age 25/26 and have been on finasteride for 1.5 years now, and while I don't feel like it's doing much, comparing photos from the past year or so indicates that I have held on to what I have, so tap on wood, may it continue.



I'd like to get an opinion from the HT vets whether an HT is a realistic option for me. My hair quality is coarse and wavy, like South Asians, and donor looks decent, but obviously, top is bad.










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  • Senior Member

You have an aggressive pattern for being so young, but fortunately it looks like you may have a solid donor area. If I were you start going to recommended clinics to get consultations. Most one here will help, but no one can replicate an in person consult with a respectable doctor. I would guess (JUST A GUESS) that you have slightly above average donor density, and it appears your hair shaft diameter may be thicker and more coarse than average, both hopefully good signs. Hope all goes well....

You only live once...

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  • Senior Member

Looks feasible to me.


I think most docs would be willing to do 1500-2000 on a conservative hairline. They would need to see you in person to look at donor quality, hair type etc.


A solid hairline and concealer use could get you through your 20s.


Have you tried Regaine/Rogaine?

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member

If you decide to go in the Hair Transplant route, you will have future procedures. This won't be a one shot deal with you...considering your age and pattern. Knowing this, find a great hair transplant surgeon to lead you successfully through this path.


Best of luck!

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  • Senior Member

Have you ever tried Finasteride? To be honest, given your age and pattern, this would be so much more effective than Minoxidil. If you have never tried it, it may be a good idea to even begin a low dose to break into it.

2,200 FUE + PRP with Dr Bisanga - BHR Clinic, 22-23 August 2013 - http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/171950-my-fue-2-200-prp-dr-bisanga-bhr-clinic.html


Current Regimen:

- Rogaine 5% Foam 2x daily

- Jasons Restorative Biotin Shampoo 2x daily / Nizoral 2% 2x weekly

- Nettle Root 500mg, MSM 1500mg, Biotin 5mg, Multi Vit, Omega 3

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That's great that you're on Finasteride but I would recommend you to incorporate Rogaine foam as well. If you apply the foam once at night and shampoo in the morning, it won't hinder any hair styles you choose.


Since you are young and are exhibiting aggressive hair loss, it's best that you do approach it conservatively. With diffused thinning, you have to keep in mind that you could be chasing your current hair loss status even if you go the ht surgery route. This means that even if you add 2000 grafts via surgery, you could lose another 2000 grafts of your native hairs. Therefore, you may want to wait until your hair loss has somewhat stabilized. It's not to say that you will continue losing your native hairs but just that you need to accept that this is a possibility.


It looks like you could be a good candidate but you'd have to have realistic expectations and goals.

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  • Senior Member
I have been on the HL forums for a while, but I finally decided to post pics. I am age 25/26 and have been on finasteride for 1.5 years now, and while I don't feel like it's doing much, comparing photos from the past year or so indicates that I have held on to what I have, so tap on wood, may it continue.



I'd like to get an opinion from the HT vets whether an HT is a realistic option for me. My hair quality is coarse and wavy, like South Asians, and donor looks decent, but obviously, top is bad.


Be careful with propecia... It can give you permanent ED. I would say stay away from it personally. I used to take it but stopped after I read the horror stores and was experiencing my own decrease in sex drive. A lot of people say it made them sterile as well but I think it's harder to pinpoint that unless you have before/after lab work.


You are pretty young and from someone who has had 5 procedures over the past 11 years, I can say that unless you hate the way you look with a shaved head, don't even bother with it. I got work done because I have an ugly big head and looked bad with a shaved head. But, some people look good with a shaved head and have nicely shaped heads etc. To those people I say it's not worth the stress and constant upkeep which you will likely have with your aggressive hairloss. If you do decide to move forward, go with a conservative hairline with a great doctor like Ron Shapiro who is good with modest hairlines with aggressive hairloss (from my own research). If your result is not good you will constantly worry about what people are thinking every single time you talk to them. You will also worry about your scar every time you do something active or get your hair wet unless you do FUE. I love having hair but it is a hard long journey (and very expensive), so don't do it unless you REALLY don't like having a bald head.

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