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FUE Candidate - 25 Year old Strawberry Blonde NW5A


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Hi Guys,




Over the course of the past 5-6 years, I have been steadily losing my hair and am looking for some answers about hair transplants. I've read about a hundred different threads and reviews of different surgeons, techniques, etc. and want some more perspective into what is the right fit for me.




I recently looked into picking up the generic Propecia, Finasteride, which I've started using and am waiting a few months to before I see any results from the drug. I am optimistic about it helping to stabalize my hair loss, but am looking fore more.




At present, I shave my head mostly due to my insecurity surrounding my hairline. My own assessment of my hair resembles an NW5 - NW5A, with the hairline having receded significantly. Because my hair is light on top of my already pale-white skin, I don't believe I look quite as bad as others with darker hair. I sat through a Bosley consultation last year and was told that because of my skin and hair color combination, I would be a good candidate for a hair transplant as these characteristics help to create the illusion of more hair.




Goals and Expectations:




The most important part of having this procedure is "framing my face" so that I don't appear to be 10 years older than I actually am. I have lost a significant amount of hair in the temporal regions as well as the frontal region. So the two overarching goals of a hair transplant is a realistic, defined hairline and some fortification in the frontal region of my scalp. I am fully aware of the risks and the commitment of both the FUT and FUE procedures, and after some research on this site and others, I prefer the FUE. As I mentioned, I shave my head and am not entirely uncomfortable with the look - but would like to make a change. That said, because my hair and skin are both very light (especially when cropped short), getting a FUT transplant is out of the question (at least at the moment). I know that there can be scarring with the FUE procedure as well, in addition to the higher overall cost, but due to my complexion (pale skin with freckles), I'm not too worried about a few more dots on me (LOL).








1. Who are the best FUE surgeons in the US or Canada? Traveling is not an issue. I have read about several doctors around the country:




a. Dr. Alan Bauman in Florida




b. Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minnesota



c. Others?




Since I live on the West Coast (Pacific Northwest), are there any better FUE doctors that might be closer? Am I totally wrong with going with one of these guys? Testimonials/pictures of a FUE hair transplant with one of these or another doctor would be awesome...




2. What can I expect the procedure to cost for say, 2,000 FUE grafts? And what does the entire bill typically include: anesthesia, transportation and lodging, food, etc.?




3. I know that traditionally, younger patients are discouraged or in some cases rejected altogether by clinics. Being 25-26, with the Norwood pattern and expectations that I have, would it still be frowned upon to get a hair transplant procedure?




4. Anyone who's recently had a hair transplant, can you tell me how long the healing process takes for both the scabs and other pain goes away?




Thanks so much guys, I really look forward to hearing from you on these things. I've attached a few photos as well.




BTW, this site is awesome.








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  • Regular Member

I had my FUE surgery just after xmas and didnt experience much pain with it - im 34. It all scabbed a fair amount initially so I wore a hat everywhere (lucky for me it was cold in the UK at the time so I got away with it without people commenting). I already feel much more confident and glad I had the procedure, are you only willing to travel in the US as I only researched into UK doctors. I wish you luck

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Hey there, no I did go to the doctors but he wouldn't refer me, said that they wouldnt even give me manoxidol on the NHS. FUE procedure is pretty expensive so I was resigned to a life of wearing hats! but then my wife spotted an offer for FUE on groupon so I had the surgery through that. Good luck with your surgery, Im so pleased I had mine and am thinking of getting more done in the future

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  • Senior Member

Hey 007,


1. Of the surgeons you recommended, I'd feel very confident with Dr. Shapiro. Shapiro Medical are FUE pioneers, and their work is truly excellent. If you're on the West Coast, you may want to consider consulting with Dr. Diep. He's very dedicated to FUE, and I think a consultation would be very helpful. What's more, take a look at our entire list of recommended hair transplant surgeons. We recommend some excellent FUE practitioners, and I wouldn't rule out traveling to see some of these physicians.


2. Cost is variable, and I wouldn't even really "throw out" a guess. This is definitely something I would personally recommend considering secondary to quality of your surgeon. I know that's something easier said than done, but quality - even if the upfront price is greater - is more cost effective in the end.


3. While I don't think your age would be a big factor (25-26 is usually where people start undergoing hair transplant procedures), your FUE candidacy could potentially be an issue. Not all individuals are candidates for FUE, and this is something you'll need to discuss during consultations. Additionally, do you think you could share a picture of your donor region? I'm curious to review the characteristics and density of your donor hair.


Hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hard to comment without clearer pictures. Agree with the other poster that we would need to see a picture of your hair grown out.


I'm a big fan of Dr John Diep too. He has lots of videos on YouTube and seems like a great guy. Dr James DeYarman is another I rate highly.


I wouldn't rule out FUT totally. If you have a stretchy scalp, good reaction to medications and a commitment to not shave your hair the rest of your life it might be the best option.


As always it depends on all sorts of factors like family history, age etc.


In terms of cost it is usually all costs associated with the surgery with Hotels and Travel the responsibility of the patient (I'm sure there are some exceptions). Out of towners are sometimes offered a discount of around $500.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Regular Member
Hi Guys,




Over the course of the past 5-6 years, I have been steadily losing my hair and am looking for some answers about hair transplants. I've read about a hundred different threads and reviews of different surgeons, techniques, etc. and want some more perspective into what is the right fit for me.




I recently looked into picking up the generic Propecia, Finasteride, which I've started using and am waiting a few months to before I see any results from the drug. I am optimistic about it helping to stabalize my hair loss, but am looking fore more.




At present, I shave my head mostly due to my insecurity surrounding my hairline. My own assessment of my hair resembles an NW5 - NW5A, with the hairline having receded significantly. Because my hair is light on top of my already pale-white skin, I don't believe I look quite as bad as others with darker hair. I sat through a Bosley consultation last year and was told that because of my skin and hair color combination, I would be a good candidate for a hair transplant as these characteristics help to create the illusion of more hair.




Goals and Expectations:




The most important part of having this procedure is "framing my face" so that I don't appear to be 10 years older than I actually am. I have lost a significant amount of hair in the temporal regions as well as the frontal region. So the two overarching goals of a hair transplant is a realistic, defined hairline and some fortification in the frontal region of my scalp. I am fully aware of the risks and the commitment of both the FUT and FUE procedures, and after some research on this site and others, I prefer the FUE. As I mentioned, I shave my head and am not entirely uncomfortable with the look - but would like to make a change. That said, because my hair and skin are both very light (especially when cropped short), getting a FUT transplant is out of the question (at least at the moment). I know that there can be scarring with the FUE procedure as well, in addition to the higher overall cost, but due to my complexion (pale skin with freckles), I'm not too worried about a few more dots on me (LOL).








1. Who are the best FUE surgeons in the US or Canada? Traveling is not an issue. I have read about several doctors around the country:




a. Dr. Alan Bauman in Florida




b. Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minnesota



c. Others?




Since I live on the West Coast (Pacific Northwest), are there any better FUE doctors that might be closer? Am I totally wrong with going with one of these guys? Testimonials/pictures of a FUE hair transplant with one of these or another doctor would be awesome...




2. What can I expect the procedure to cost for say, 2,000 FUE grafts? And what does the entire bill typically include: anesthesia, transportation and lodging, food, etc.?




3. I know that traditionally, younger patients are discouraged or in some cases rejected altogether by clinics. Being 25-26, with the Norwood pattern and expectations that I have, would it still be frowned upon to get a hair transplant procedure?




4. Anyone who's recently had a hair transplant, can you tell me how long the healing process takes for both the scabs and other pain goes away?




Thanks so much guys, I really look forward to hearing from you on these things. I've attached a few photos as well.




BTW, this site is awesome.






In the US the 2 few pioneers are Dr Feller and Dr C*le. However, Dr Feller does not seem to be a strong FUE advocate. (I would not consider Bauman as I read some bad reviews on him). If i had to choose a doc for Fue in the US i would highly consider Dr Ron Shapiro. But if you are prepared to travel to Canada, i think the best option is to go to Dr Rahal,



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I wouldn't go to an FUE surgeon in North America unless I needed a repair via body hair, then I would go to Dr. Umar. Europe and Turkey are the FUE hot spots where they actually treat the method as a standalone procedure and not a mere addition to FUT or for minor recession. The surgeon from Georgia that Chris12 mentioned is one of the very few FUE exclusive surgeons in the US but there are things that make him hard to recommend...

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Thanks for the feedback - it's really helpful to know that there are guys out there going through the same things and are so willing to help and give advice.


Several of you asked about my donor hair, so I've attached a photo which hopefully gives you guys a better idea of my situation.


Can anybody else recommend Dr. Diep? I haven't read much on him, but would definitely be interested in finding out more.


Thanks, Gentlemen!

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Where did you attach the donor photo?


Also, Dr. Diep is top notch; I'd definitely recommend him.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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