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Having second thoughts

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Been lurking on here the past three years after deciding I would one day have a transplant done (FUE), but just stepped it up recently and started posting and doing more intensive research. I have narrowed down my list of surgeons (mostly in Europe), know my tools and hole punch sizes, filled in online consults with my photos and info and decided I would switch jobs and take a month off in between to either do this or not. The money is in the bank, though I would like to keep as much of it there as possible ;-)


A bit about me: 34 years-old, been on Finasterid approximately 1.25 mg for the past five years. I get the 5 mg tablets, get out my cutting board, scalpel and Ikea lamp and cut them up because it makes me feel like I'm on Breaking Bad. Hair loss stopped completely at about a NWIV and I have no noticeable side effects. Grew my hair out a bit to take some photos, and promptly shaved it again, something I've been doing for about seven years now. I have had no problem getting girls since my hair loss and now have a wonderful girlfriend I've been living with for a while. I've got friends, have more self-confidence now than when I was a spot-ridden teenager and no one at work seems to care if I've got hair or not.


I really wanted to get the procedure done for me, myself and I if nothing or no one else. I had such wonderful hair and I miss it. The rug really brought the room together, as the Dude says in The Big Lebowski. Hell, I would probably still even shave it short like I'm doing now, at least occasionally, but at least I would have the option of growing it out a bit.


The issue, however, is that I started really having second thoughts after reading a bunch of negative comments and experiences with transplantation. I had until now been focused on the positive aspects of it with the ever present potential complications in mind. But some of what I've been reading is quite scary. Finasterid(e)/Propecia stops working eventually. Polka-dotted scars all over your head. Folliculitis with cysts and white pimples and red carbuncles in both the donor and recipient area. The most frightening is that the medicine that has worked so well for me eventually stops working, but I cannot figure out if this is for all men, just some, or what factors are involved. Perhaps researchers will understand this better in the future. If that is the case and my hair falls out just leaving the transplants, I will be left with a ridiculous-looking head. I would rather age gracefully or wait until cloning or stem cell treatment are viable, permanent options. Speaking of which, I had an online consult with Dr. C in Atlanta who believes I need 3000 grafts which would be done in two separate sessions. I'm not sure I'm allowed to post the price I was quoted, but this would equal purchasing a brand new car in the United States (or the same car here in Norway, but 10 years-old and with 150000 km on it). On top of that, they started talking about Acell and PRP and liposomal ATP treatments, which increase the cost astronomically. If money was no object, yeah, I would go for the transgenic King Cobra venom potion and the aqueous Tunguska meteorite salve because I wouldn't want to think back several months afterwards with only 10% viable grafts as I'm popping white heads on my scalp and think "what if?". I am a medical professional myself and do research on the side. I'm just a radiologist-in-training, but I know that this stuff has to be tested thoroughly and gone through double blind trials and then the results have to rigged with statistics before anyone can say with any certainty whether they work or not. Still, the X-Files side of me wants to believe! And that is dangerous. When they say "we're one of three clinics in the world offering X", I wonder if that's because they're so cutting-edge or because they're not so ethical.


With this wall of text, I suppose I'm just sort of wondering if I'm alone in my thoughts about the ethics of hair transplantation, the extra unproven treatments they offer, Finasterid(e) ceasing to work and me ending up looking like a fool, the ridiculous costs involved in getting an outstanding surgeon, etc. I'm sort of wondering if I should wait, which would mean new treatments, seeing if my medication stops working, possible price decrease... I have so many thoughts and questions, it's hard to formulate everything into a short, coherent paragraph. My woman says I should just go for it, but she hasn't read everything that I have!

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  • Senior Member

'just go for it' could be the worst advice to ever give in regards to any cosmetic procedure. i have spoken to people who have had their lives ruined by unsuccessful procedures, and not just fut but fue also. i will elaborate more shortly but absolutely do not jump into anything just yet.

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Having second thoughts may save you from a poor procedure.


Being certain however is another thing, i have not had a HT as of yet and have been researching for years and been gathering information as much as i possibly can, i am really close than i have been in years in regards to having a HT and will probably be having 2nd thoughts until the day of surgery!


I fully understand your thoughts on a unnatural result or other complications that can occur, as i have them myself. And to be honest it scares the shit out of me:(


Like Micky85 states....a bad result can and does ruin lives as he can well and truly testify, however a great result can change your life for the better in so many ways.


It is a risk no matter what way you look at it, i guess it is about Minimising them risk as much as you can, starting by choosing a quality Doc:)

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Good advice stated here already. It is always a risk, you just have to minimized those risks as much at possible.


As far as all the Acell, PRP, blah, blah, blah, extras, I would wait until the very top doctors consistently endorse these things before I would pay for them. Yield is what you are looking for and there are only a couple of doctors in Europe that are going to give that to you, and the don't NEED these other things.


The only advice that I haven't heard, that is good advice, is to not get one. If you are a person that can be happy shaved down, which is seems that you are, do not have a transplant. I often give this advice to those that are pretty happy the way they are but just may want a little tweak or something. Unless you are bothered quite a bit by balding, I would not have the procedure. Hairloss is a never ending battle and if you can just put it behind you right now, you will probably be a happier person in the long run. However, some people are fighters for what they want, like me, who wanted hair. In that case, above all things, pic the right doctor.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Yeah I definitely agree about the second thoughts issue. I actually only had my HT a month ago so I am still yet to see my results. I know that my heart has been set on a HT for over 2-3 years but I waited it out and tried the meds. I ended up giving up the fin due to some libido loss but even without fin my loss seems to be very slow. So I decided to go ahead. I actually just started taking Keratene Active, which claims to have simialr results without the sides so we shall see!! I also take 5% minox once a day.


I know that when I actually booked it, was when the second thoughts really started to happen. Why I am so vain (I actually dont really think its a vanity issue), this is so unnecessary, the cash can be spent elsewhere, etc!!!


But I think someone put it well on another thread. Basically when I decided to go ahead with the surgery that in itself was action taken and it eased my mind. As my mind eased I began to think that the whole thing was then unneccesary and I really started questioning myself. But then I really thought about it and realised hair loss bothers me every single day. Everytime I look in the mirror it annoys me. Now dont get me wrong, I love myself (Im a great guy!!) but this really p!sses me off. Everytime I see someone with a fine head of hair, it annoys me a little. I decided a procedure would definitely improve my life. So I picked a very good doc, went relatively conservative and went with it (luckily I have decent donor hair and wavy/curly hair which helps). I went FUE and got 2,000 grafts to the hairline.


So as of now, im happy with the decision but obviously I am yet to see anything. All i have experienced so far is the bad stuff (i.e. surgery, shock loss, weird looks, etc.) and I am fully aware that I will likely need another HT in the future but I am okay with that. Fingers crossed I get good results and that should happen with the doc I picked. Plus there aftercare has been brilliant so far.


In your scenario, you seem pretty happy with the buzz look so maybe a HT isn't called for. Just ask yourself will it improve your life and is it worth the risk? Obviously you can minimise the risk by picking a great doc and thats why this and other forums are so good. Good luck with your decision!!

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  • Senior Member

It's wise for you to give it a second thought. In fact, you should give it a lot of thought sinice you look like you have significant hair loss. I'd suggest you do the math - not only on the finances/costs of ht's but on the number of grafts and the cm2 of the area that needs coverage. It's difficult to say if you'd be happy with what a 3000 graft session will achieve. The cm2 area that need work is about 200 cm2. Are you prepared to go down this road if you feel you will need more density or coverage after the initial 3000 grafts? If you can get away with a buzzed look now, then maybe stick to that and wait for cloning or other treatments down the road.


I would only recommend ht route if you cannot live with the balding look/shaved look.

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Thank you so much for your replies. I think there's some great advice here that I really took to heart. Specifically the advice saying "well, don't get one". I would never consider cosmetic surgery for anything else as I am mostly happy with the way I look. Even the space between my front teeth. I don't mind the shaved look at all, but I'm lucky that it works for me and the shape of my head in general. Although I would love to have all my hair back, I'm willing to wait. Who knows what the next 10 years will bring in the form of treatments and surgical techniques? Perhaps the Finasterid will stop working in the near future and I'll be happy I didn't go through with something now? I suppose for me the best thing to do is wait and cross my fingers for cloning, stem cells, magic pills, and save my money :-) Perhaps no miracle treatment will happen during the next 10 years, but at least at that point FUE will be much better practised!

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