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The fight against DHT

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Hello everyone,


I've been dealing with hair loss for over 5 years. Recently, I started working with a company that was created to offer men better more strategic products. MiN New York is the only company that manufactures all its hair products with DHT inhibitors. Shampoo, conditioner, coloring and styling pomades. I still continue to use rogaine foam which has helped with prevention but it still leaves a weird texture in my hair. We are currently about to launch a product called Agent which will be our next product to help fight hair loss and promote growth. Not trying to sell these products but thought forums like this would be a good place to at least announce that these products are out there. If you're going to use shampoo, conditioner, coloring or a styler then why wouldn't you want them to contain anti hair loss ingredients, right?

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I believe it was you who contacted me via email to consider evaluating your products and possibly selling them in our online hair loss treatment shop. Please note that we only sell credible treatments that are either clinically proven or scientifically backed.


We have not yet had a chance to review the information you sent us. In the meantime, I invite you to discuss any and all products on this forum however, if you represent the company (which I believe you do if you are the one I've been in email contact with), you are required to add a disclosure statement in your signature. To do this, click "Your Info" towards the top left hand corner of the forum on the blue navigation bar and then click "Edit Signature".


Please also keep contact information and any outside links and promotional information off this forum in accordance with our terms of use.





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  • Regular Member

Hi Faizy,


Think you're looking at the kits we give salons. Shampoo, conditioner, and styling gel are only $20 a bottle and all these items are scientifically proven. Wouldn't recommend them if they weren't. Good luck!

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  • Senior Member

Or some results?

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


Attached is the breakdown of how these products work. Hopefully this answers some of your questions.


**please see moderator's post on page 2**

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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  • Senior Member

Seems to be some issues with the PDF. I'll share the information:




Fight DHT. Transformation in just 3 easy steps


While genetics are partly to

blame for hair loss, the root of

hair loss is due to a chemical

change in the body – DHT, a

natural substance in your body

that causes hair follicles to

weaken and shrink.

MiN New York's innovative dualfunction

DHT Cleansing System

strengthens hair and inhibits DHT,

scientifically proven to cause hair

loss for both men and women.

This revolutionary signature

system delivers deep, potent

power to regenerate cells and

rebalance the physical properties

of hair and scalp.


Proven to effectively add

thickness and texture to hair

without weighing it down,

MiN New York’s DHT Cleansing

products are gentle enough to

use everyday. Exclusively

formulated for all hair types, you

can now offer thicker, healthier

hair in just 3 easy steps!



Procapil® Helps slow the aging

effects of hair by lessening DHT

production; Improves irrigation of

the hair follicles; Stimulates the

production of anchoring molecules


Biotin Promotes hair growth;

Thickens the hair cuticle


Zinc Sulfate DHT inhibitor


Saw Palmetto Improve skin &

scalp conditions; Inhibits DHT


Copper Peptide Y3 Thickens &

improves the elasticity of hair;

Stimulates hair growth; Reduces

hair thinning and hair loss; Blocks

oxidative damage

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member

Well its good reading all that. But still where there any clinical trails conducted ?

When where by whom? Any research report ? As we have hundreds of other products claiming the same thing while their efficiency is still unknown.

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Here is a PDF with the scientific breakdown of the active ingredients in the DHT inhibiting system, including the shampoo, conditioner and styling agent. This should answer your questions on how they work and prove that that they are trusted products to fight hair loss. Hope you can all see the careful attention and detail that is put into these to help slow down and stop the body's production of DHT. As I mentioned before, if you're going to use shampoo, conditioner and a styling agent everyday, choosing products that supply this much defense is a very practical and rational decision. Good luck everyone.

Scientific Breakdown of Active Ingredients in DHT Inhibitor System.pdf

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Scientific Breakdown of Active Ingredients in DHT Inhibitor System


Procapil is a combination of vitaminated biotinyl tripeptide-1 with apigenin and oleanolic acid. Simply put, Procapil enhances your scalp's production of cellular binding elements that serve two functions; to hold cells together and to facilitate the cellular communication blocked by the effects DHT. It also to increase blood flow within the scalp, allowing more nourishment to reach thinning hair.

A tripeptide-1 is a specialized synthetic molecule containing three amino acid residues - glycerine, histidine and lysine, and is considered a protein derivative. It is used frequently as a skin-conditioning agent for its role in building and preventing the break down of collagen. Biotin is a B vitamin (C10H16N2O3S) essential for cellular growth in the body, as well as the activity of many enzyme systems. It is an ingredient commonly found in many dermatologist- recommended hair loss treatments for its key role in the manufacturing of healthy hair.

The combined properties of these two elements give Procapil the ability to boost the synthesis of Laminin-5 and Collagen IV at the dermo-epidermal junction. This is an important area of the skin where cells are engaged in the reproductive process- where DHT damage happens.

Laminin-5 is a membrane molecule that provides an attachment surface in a wide variety of cell types- especially epithelial cells (such as those in the skin and scalp). Genetic evidence unequivocally indicates that these cells will adhere to Laminin-5 faster and at a lower coating concentration than any other binding molecules- which means your cells need less of it to do more (and faster) binding. The ability of Procapil to boost the production of Laminin-5 is part of what helps to firmly anchor your hair, preventing hair loss at the root.

Collagen IV is another component of cellular membranes, serving a similar function to Laminin as an adhesive surface for the growth of epithelial cells. When the Collagen IV meshwork is assembled, it provides a scaffold for the assembly of other membrane components through interactions with substances like Laminin. It plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth, adhesion, and tissue formation. The enhancement of Collagen IV is the other key to the foundation-strengthening abilities of Procapil which help prevent DHT related hair loss.





Apigenin is a bioflavonoid ( bioflavanoids maintain the walls of small blood vessels) commonly found in leafy plants and vegetables like parsley, artichoke, basil, and celery. Current research trials indicate that it can reduce DNA oxidative damages. It is used in Procapil® for its vasodialative properties, increasing circulation through blood vessels.

Oleanolic acid possesses antioxidant properties which have a beneficial effect on the hair, making it stronger and less susceptible to loss. It's anti inflammatory properties aid in reversing and preventing the damage caused by DHT. Oleanolic acid also has the ability to inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.


Biotin is one of the B vitamins (B7 also called vitamin H) which is produced in abundant quantities by bacteria in the human gut so biotin deficiency is very

rare. In fact, it is so rare that until recently there was no recommended daily dosage for the vitamin. The current recommended daily allowance is 300 μg/day.

It is one of the vitamins involved in the metabolism of sugars during aerobic respiration but is also involved in the metabolism of fatty acids. Although extremely rare, there are some metabolic conditions induced by strange diets or necessarily invasive medical treatments that can cause biotin depletion.

For example, depletion can occur where a person consumes large quantities of raw egg yolks over a period of time. Egg yolks contain a protein called avidin which will bind to the biotin and lead to its excretion.

Long term use of antibiotics can kill off the gut bacteria that produce biotin but once the antibiotic treatment ceases, the population of the gut bacteria recovers and the biotin deficiency is made good.

Symptoms of biotin deficiency

These include hair loss and skin problems in the form of a scaly rash. In addition, long term biotin depletion can lead to depression and muscle pains. These symptoms are most often seen when the biotin depletion is the result of some other metabolic disorders medical interventions concerned with gut

dysfunction. They are not seen in those with a normal balanced diet and no other medical problem.

High dosages and toxicity

Biotin is water soluble and easily eliminated from the body and there are no





known levels of toxicity. Taking excessive quantities of biotin seem to do no harm.

Biotin and hair

Since biotin deficiency is associated with hair loss and skin problems, it is a natural product in many cosmetic preparations. There are many claims that using shampoos enriched with biotin will lead to healthier and stronger hair but this claim is unlikely to be true since it is difficult to absorb biotin through the skin.

It will therefore not have a lot of effect on hair follicles nor the underlying tissues of the scalp. If it has any effect, it is likely to be that the chemical is absorbed into the hair shaft making it expand.

Zinc Sulfate

Zin Defficiency can contribute a lot to hair shedding because without zinc and other related minerals, you hair shafts get weakened, causing hair breakage and very slow hair regrowth. Zinc benefits for hair include promotion of cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair of broken tissues. It also maintains the oil- secreting glands that are attached to your hair follicles, thus decreasing their chances of falling off.

The effects of zinc sulphate and azelaic acid on 5a-reductase activity in human skin were studied using an in vitro assay with 1,2[3H]-testosterone as substrate. When added at concentrations of 3 or 9 mmol/l, zinc was a potent inhibitor of 5 a- reductase activity. At high concentrations, zinc could completely inhibit the enzyme activity. Azelaic acid was also a potent inhibitor of 5a-reductase; inhibition was detectable at concentrations as low as 0.2 mmol/l and was complete at 3 mmol/l. An additive effect of the two inhibitors was observed. Vitamin B6 potentiated the inhibitory effect of zinc, but not of azelaic acid, suggesting that two different mechanisms are involved. When the three substances were added together at very low concentrations which had been shown to be ineffective alone, 90% inhibition of 5 a-reductase activity was obtained. If this inhibition is confirmed in vivo, zinc sulphate combined with azelaic acid could be an effective agent in the treatment of androgen related pathology of human skin.





Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto hair loss treatments have been discovered with a lot of advantages in eliminating hair loss problem in humans, but you should know that it is not only eliminating your hair loss, but it can also help you improve your health in the long run as well. It is actually a medicinal herb which is completely natural and provides a lot of health benefits. Native Americans have found out this herb’s features which improve your health as well as eliminate the hair loss problems that ruin your life.

Saw Palmetto hair loss treatments actually help the oxygen to move through the bloodstream to reach the parts in your body. Cell membrane development, function, and strength are the basic things that you can obtain from the Saw Palmetto hair loss treatments. From those, it can help you maintain strong organs and tissues in your body. As you can see, providing nutrients to your body is the main purpose of using this treatment. A lot of people have used this Saw Palmetto hair loss treatment as an herbal remedy for a lot of diseases and ailments.

Copper Peptide

Dr. Loren Pickart has been studying copper peptides for over two decades. His research has consistently pointed out that copper peptides, when applied using appropriate chemical vehicles and when in the appropriate concentration, can thicken vellus hair into thick terminal hairs, increase hair follicle size, and regenerate scalp skin, creating a healthier environment of scalp hair growth.

*resources available upon request





Hopefully this answers your questions and shows the detail and attention put into making these products a sure means of getting the right agents to the problem areas to slow down and stop DHT from causing hair loss.

As I mentioned before, if you're going to use shampoo, conditioner and styling products everyday; this system is a way of taking care of those basic needs while also taking preventative measures.

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It's an entire line of products called the DHT Active Hair Care System by MiN New York. There is shampoo, conditioner, a fortifying cream, pomade and styling gel. All containing DHT inhibitors that slow down and stop hair loss. Everyday essentials that offer protection.

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  • Senior Member

Just to regurgitate what Dr. Feller has said in the past about previous products like the laser comb:


What does it tell us if you can only show us the science behind why it works, and no actual results? You're selling us science but no hard evidence.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Regular Member

Hi Tommy,


I understand your query. The only ingredient that is proven to regrow hair is Minoxidil, only available in topical solutions. These products aren't meant to regrow hair. They were created with one purpose, which is to slow down and stop DHT, which is the most common cause of hair loss. This helps you keep what you have and provide a healthy scalp environment by using ingredients that are proven to inhibit DHT and provide essential nutrients to support the cause. Providing everyday essentials equipped with these ingredients is to be used as a preventative measure, not to regrow hair. The results for any preventive measure, i.e. aspirin for heart health, calcium for strong bones are not typically backed by images of results, they are supported by scientific research, which is what we created these products from.


My point is, our focus is on what medical experts have named the leading cause of hair loss: DHT. It collects at the base of the hair, restricting its growth. At first, the hair will thin, then the follicle will be asphyxiated and hair loss will occur. Included in our formulas are ingredients essential for healthy hair and scalp, such as Biotin, Zinc Sulfate and Saw Palmetto. We actively seek out new and promising ingredients, such as Procapil and Copper Peptide Y3 that deliver a competitive edge. Theses products do what they are supposed to do, there is no doubt about it, they are a preventative measure offered in everyday items to help you keep the hair you have.


I hope this provides a better understanding on what we are trying to do. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

The only thing I'd like to see is photographic evidence (or video) that this works.


Get a balding man to pose for a photo under decent lighting in a position to expose his hairloss. Then give him the treatment and get him to come back 6 months later, take a photo with the exact same variables and then show us.


Do you have any of these? Instead of telling us WHY it works, do you have photos and videos to show us that it DOES work?

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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With these and any other products, I urge you to do your research. There are 1000s of clinical studies out there showing what works and what doesn't, including images on results. I warn you that the results in most images are not common among most consumers and vary a great deal. (As you notice in the fine print of most advertisements) Take a look around and compare ingredients with other products. You can see what's trending, common and what's scientifically proven. Are these products the best on the market?... There is no way to tell because each person's genetic makeup is different, as is, their response to the treatment. Personally, I'm going to buy shampoo, conditioner and a styling elixir no matter what because I use them daily. If I know there is a brand out there that was created solely to inhibit DHT, based on clinical studies and scientific studies, and it's a reasonable price, then I'm going to try it. To me, that's better than buying products that don't have these qualities because I'm trying to be preventative. If I feel it's working and I'm shedding less, then I'm going to stick with it. If not, I'll try to find another. There are no guarantees for hair loss out there, as I'm sure you all know. Every product works differently for each user. My only advice is to shop around, do your research, find what works best for you (productively and economically) and stick with it.

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Okay well I'm going to give up in my quest to see some evidence that this helps hair loss.


I found posts about this product on here dating back to 2007 - so if in at least 5 years of this product being around you have NO photographs to show how it works (like before and afters are readily available for propecia, minoxidil and transplants) I'm going to respectfully stick to products that are renowned to work.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Ok. Keep in mind that the reason you see results with Propecia, Minoxidl, and Transpalnts is because they are Treatments and Procedures. As I've always noted these MiN New York products are Preventative, not treatments. They are used in conjunction with topical treatments to help keep what you have. Good luck with your search!


On a side note, Propecia has horrible side effects for men that have recently been discovered. Look into it if you are a user. I was, and stopped.

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If they can prevent hair loss, can't they help reverse it too?


3 years of solid wood and libido my friend, all is well here so far :) time will tell though...

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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