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Frontal hairline density

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Please could someone help me regarding this question.


Iam in touch with quite a few Drs and my aim is to improve my frontal 3rd.


Will 50 grafts per cm2 give me a good look and not see through?


Surely The Rahals and fellers who do great hairline amongst the other great Drs on here go above 50?


Below is a qoute from a Dr regarding my question.


Frontal hairline density is in most top clinics around 50 grafts per cm2. Just remember that a non receding hairline on a person without hair loss is often about 70-90 grafts cm2.


Is this right? Advice please guys and what did you have placed in your frontal 3rd if you have had a hair transplant?


thank you:)

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50 grafts/cm2 is pretty see through for the hairline


but if you have very curly dark hair against similar dark skin you can get away with it


i'd shoot for mid 60's, if possible


but if 50 is your only option, maybe styling it in a "flat" way rather than "up and spiky" would help with the illusion

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  • Senior Member



Thank you for your response.


I have medium to fine hair which is light brown so im guessing 50 wont be enough even though a few doctors have recommended this, stating this is general for their practice.


Im hoping to style my hair than just brush it forward so i guess i will have to aim for around 60!

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If you are talking to a doc that you trust, after a lot of research, I think you should trust what he says. Your plant may end up being a 2 step plan. I agree with some on this forum that say that if you are wanting an awesome hairline result and you are planting into a completly bald area, you are going to need 2 procedure. If you go into it knowing that you will be less disappointed, your chances of good yield are increased, and the final result will look better because the second procedure is mostly detail work.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Cheers for your response spanker.


I followed your procedure and 6 months in, one word....awesome!


I need around 2000grafts. could your tell me what densisty you had placed on your hairline?



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To be honest, I have no idea. I had a lot of natural hair mixed in so I don't know. may hairline is dense and can easily get away with the wet look. Behind the transplant is not perfect and is the only reason I cant do the super wet look, but the transplant holds up well in any condition.


Because of this, my advice for a young transplant patient who has MPB is to mark your hairline where you think you want it, and go a cm higher. Once you transplant a hairline you have made your stand and there is really no going back. You will have to have the donor (supply) to treat your loss (demand). I am a paranoid person and just for my own worrying, should have gone a little higher.


That said, I do have some bad ass 90210 hair right now. :)

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I'd be careful going too dense. It's easy to be greedy but packing too densely compromises blood flow to the grafts which can potentially render your 70 new grafts to 35....


While it is easier to pack FUE grafts closer together due to less tissue surrounding them, they are also more susceptible to damage for that very reason. You see the dilemma here. Don't get too greedy is my advice.

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  • Senior Member


Thank you for your response.


I have medium to fine hair which is light brown so im guessing 50 wont be enough even though a few doctors have recommended this, stating this is general for their practice.


Im hoping to style my hair than just brush it forward so i guess i will have to aim for around 60!


some docs feel more comfortable achieving these higher densities with more than one procedure. don't be put off by this. this is a good thing. the yield re: survival rate of grafts is higher with multiple procedures at lower densities.


50 might be enough. but probably not for ALL hairstyles and probably not for ALL hair types.

but yours might qualify


go on a few consultations

many top docs have most likely operated on patients with similar characteristics as yours and can show you pics of what you can actually expect


consults are usually free via email so consult with docs all over the world for their opinions

even though you might wind up going to the doctor closest to you

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some docs feel more comfortable achieving these higher densities with more than one procedure. don't be put off by this. this is a good thing. the yield re: survival rate of grafts is higher with multiple procedures at lower densities.


50 might be enough. but probably not for ALL hairstyles and probably not for ALL hair types.

but yours might qualify


go on a few consultations

many top docs have most likely operated on patients with similar characteristics as yours and can show you pics of what you can actually expect


consults are usually free via email so consult with docs all over the world for their opinions

even though you might wind up going to the doctor closest to you


I understand this and was really hoping i could get the result required in one result and to be able to stand alone just this way. However i know the 2 proocedures is the safe way regarding yield especially with FUE.


Tough choice to make because im now ready to have a procedure done, but im getting there!



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