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  • Senior Member

Has anyone heard of this and know if any coalition doctors are using it? If so what are the reviews on it? http://www.neograft.com/


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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I've heard of it and seen, read and even posted about it. You will definitely find out a lot about it by searching. Never expect consensus on anything around here, but I have a hunch (my brilliant mind again) that it has attracted a deal of criticism - and why wouldn't it? Designed to make FUE easier and cheaper, same as Feller's tool, and ironically both have resulted in a big cost saving (correction - no cost saving) for patients. It is essentially using vacuum pressure to suck out grafts, speed them through a bending tube and deposit them in a solution. Feller points out the drying effect and it seems very plausible. I'm in favor of manual punching by a specialist, i.e. the doctor him/herself, not techs using machines, but I hope the techs and machines do eventually prove me wrong, because docs get tired and fed up of FUE fast with a few exceptions.

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  • Senior Member

Hey Time to do something, I was very interested in the Neograft but never got anywhere with their nonexistent customer service.


All I wanted was a list of Doctors that use the Neograft but their customer blew me off. Their response was they sent my info to some Doctor in my area then I never heard anything again.

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  • Senior Member

That's because the machine is a complete JOKE !!!


The only doc I know of using it (and charging $15 PER GRAFT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is the USA version of the UK Norton Clinic -- Alan Bauman. That should tell you all you need to know right there !!!!


There's a post on here somewhere of a jack-o-lantern carved up head from Bauman with 3 horrific strip scars, no growth, and a $58,000 raped bank account.

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I am affiliated with NeoGraft. I am responding to scar 5's post which mentions a comment Dr. Feller made about NeoGraft . Scar 5 writes Dr. Feller 'points out the drying effect' of NeoGraft. I have personally written on this forum to Dr. Feller letting him know that it was not scientific or in good faith to make comments about the grafts harvested with NeoGraft before having seen a demonstration of NeoGraft operating with full pneumatic pressure. The demonstration Dr. Feller did see with NeoGraft was one where the grafts were scored and pulled with tweezers as his tool does and then they were put into solution. At that demonstration we did not use the full Pneumatic Pressure method we normally use in our demonstrations where the graft is gently lifted by the suction and transported to a reservoir. The grafts harvested by the procedure we used when Dr. Feller was at the NeoGraft demonstration did not go through the tube to the reservoir. Dr. Feller has not till today to my knowledge ever seen the full Pneumatic Pressure method as demonstrated by NeoGraft and his comments were not based on first hand observation. NeoGraft has 2 different methods to harvest grafts and Dr. Feller saw only one of them, the one which is similar to the procedure his uses. The grafts that were harvested at the procedure that Dr. Feller saw were of excellent quality. The grafts we harvest with our other faster method, which is with full Pneumatic Pressure are of the same excellent quality, but there are less complications to the grafts with our full Pneumatic Pressure method.


I believe Dr. Feller was unaware that Neograft is engineered to pull moisture into the tubing and reservoir from time to time in order to keep the grafts moist. Without that knowledge Dr. Feller was speculating that the grafts would dry out, but this does not happen since the grafts are regularly moistened as is the tubing and reservoir. Furthermore, the reservoir where the grafts are kept is emptied out very often and grafts are placed in solution, the same as with the manual method or Dr. Feller's method. One of the benefits of using NeoGraft, as compared to other tools used for FUE harvesting is that with NeoGraft the graft does not have to pulled, yanked, or twisted with tweezers or rescored with other instruments. NeoGraft harvesting is a "no touch" method. There are risks for harming the grafts when they are pulled, yanked or rescored. Any time one yanks, pulls, or rescores a graft the graft may become transected. NeoGraft's full Pneumatic Pressure method for implanting follicles is also a "no touch" method. Without NeoGraft the grafts that are going to be implanted have to be squeezed and pushed into the receptor sites with tweezers and other instruments whereas with NeoGraft the grafts are placed with negative Pneumatic Pressure into the sites. In addition with NeoGraft's Pneumatic Pressure method there is less chance of the follicles popping out or being buried. We teach doctors both method's, the one that uses tweezers which other doctors use including Dr. Feller and our full Pneumatic Pressure "no touch" method. The reason we teach the doctor's both methods is so that they can fall back on the method other doctor's, including Dr. Feller use which is the one that extracts and implants the grafts with tweezers in case an electrical or power outage occurs and the NeoGraft device can not be used.


NeoGraft is very open and transparent about its procedure. NeoGraft does about 4-5 live hair transplant demonstrations around the country using NeoGraft and doctors attend and are able to see the quality of our grafts. We want doctors to see the quality of a NeoGraft transplant. Several months ago we did 2 live demonstrations on the internet. This was a first and we had the largest audience ever on the internet view this procedure- thousands viewed it. In addition one of the patients was Kevin Nalty who had been the former director of Propecia for Mercks, the FDA drug approved for hair loss. He is very well acquainted with all the hair restoration doctors and knows a great deal about follicles (grafts) since his work as director of Propecia was totally focused on hair and he chose NeoGraft to do his procedure live on the internet. The second patient on the internet was his friend Greg Benson, an actor. Dr. Ken Williams, who uses NeoGraft for his patients has just had his second hair transplant done with NeoGraft. You can view him at our web site Neografter.ning.com Other pictures are there as well and more are coming. Dr. Alan Bauman has pictures of NeoGraft follicles on his web sites. Let me say one last thing. Follicles are usually more robust than many doctors would have us believe. I was told that after someone dies and all the fluid has been removed from the body for embalming, the follicles continue to grow for about 10 days. If that is so I do not think anyone needs to be concerned about follicles or grafts drying out that are out of the body for two to four minutes which are being moistened while out of the body with NeoGraft's ability to do so. As I said before, I am affiliated with NeoGraft.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by desirehair:

I was told that after someone dies and all the fluid has been removed from the body for embalming, the follicles continue to grow for about 10 days.


LOL. This comment speaks volumes to the intelligence of the people promoting neograft. Did "Doctor" Bauman tell you this?

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I am affiliated with NeoGraft. You are correct and I am mistaken that the follicles continue to grow after death. This is apparently a very well established myth that has been around for a long time. It only appears as though the hair continues to grow as the body is dehydrating and the skin is shrinking back from the follicle. In my research however, I did find articles that state that the only part of the body that continues to grow for a short while is the hair follicle as it has some of its own blood supply. However the majority of the posts seem to support that hair growth after death is a myth, so I will go with that. My apologies.

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Ok, well you treat your robust follicles however you want. Suck them out with a vacuum, twist them, throw them in the air like confetti. I'll treat mine with a little more love and tenderness and rely on good old fashion FUE and strip techniques by the hands of a skilled surgeon.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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