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Dr. Cam Simmons – 3602 fine grafts in front & meds for the crown

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Hello everyone :)


I have been following the forum for a while but I have never posted. I will be posting photos and stories for Dr. Simmons. Here is my first post:


This 40 year-old gentleman had thinning hair in a Norwood 5A pattern. He had less hair loss in his midfrontal forelock and that made his hair look better in the frontal view. His hair loss was more noticeable when he tipped his head down. He had finer than average, straight, dark brown hair and light skin.


Dr. Simmons transplanted 3602 grafts in front, going a little further back on his left part side but still keeping an oval-shaped non-transplanted area in his midscalp and crown. By sampling, he had about 638 ones (18%), 2206 twos (61%), 600 threes (17%), and 158 fours (4%). He had scoring-blunt dissection and a 2-layered trichophytic closure.


He started Finasteride at the same time.


9 months later, he is happy with his transplanted hairline and his thicker hair in front. His hair in his crown has also improved because of the Finasteride.














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  • Senior Member

Looks great. Consistent pics as well. Nice job.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
Very nice work and the scar looks very impressive. What's the 2 layer closure? I don't think that it's very common.


Thanks everyone.




Many doctors use a 2-layered trichophytic closure. The deep layer of (dissolving) sutures go under the hair follicles in the fat layer to close the gap and to reduce tension on the surface. After that layer, I test to make sure the the edges will come together easily then remove a 1 mm wide and 1 mm deep ledge from an edge of the incision. That trims just the surface of the skin and the tips of the hairs. Finally, I use fine sutures to bring the edges of the skin together without tension. I remove the surface sutures after 7 days so they don't leave suture marks.


The trimmed hair will later grow back through the narrow scar. For the first 6 months, I suggest that patients keep their hair at least 1 inch long but after that most can hide the scar with hair cut with a #4 clipper (1/2 inch long.) Some can go shorter but I can't promise that up front.


Scoring-blunt dissection is a method I developed to preserve as much hair as possible along the edges of the incision.

Cam Simmons MD ABHRS

Seager Medical Group,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Dr. Cam Simmons is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for your reply Dr. Simmons. Can you explain (or direct me to the location on the forum if you already have) why your clinic no longer exists and you joined/merged with Seager. I've also notice that Mark McKenzie is no longer a member of the IAHRS and you are. How did that come to be? Did you go through the same scrutiny that Dr. McKenzie did or does it have to do with your new involvement with Seager? Thanks

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  • Senior Member

Great pictures and presentation, Steph. The result looks great too. :)

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for your reply Dr. Simmons. Can you explain (or direct me to the location on the forum if you already have) why your clinic no longer exists and you joined/merged with Seager. I've also notice that Mark McKenzie is no longer a member of the IAHRS and you are. How did that come to be? Did you go through the same scrutiny that Dr. McKenzie did or does it have to do with your new involvement with Seager? Thanks


Hi AGL77


Here is the explanation: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167059-dr-cam-simmons-has-reunited-seager-medical-group.html


Spencer invited me to apply to join the IAHRS a couple of years ago but I had already joined the hair transplant network and didn't have time to be involved with both. My return to Seager has given me more time and more support staff. We had to submit photos to be vetted by the IAHRS.

Cam Simmons MD ABHRS

Seager Medical Group,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Dr. Cam Simmons is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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