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I am going to have my hair restoration in Dr,Batras B perfect on 22nd Sep

Dr Ravi,UK return,he started hair restorations from last year,did 370 hair restorations till now

I am very much scared......

Please give me suggestions

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Hello Pawan,


As a friend I would strongly advise you to stay away from cheats like Dr. Batra.

I have wasted lots of money on their three year courses that promised to cure my hair fall from the root for ever. :mad:


Moreover they are homeopaths? How can they do surgeries?? I mean isn't there a law or something about it? :eek:


Wait and save up like I am doing right now... but when you are ready go to a good surgeon ONLY.:)

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Hi Pavan,


I want to give you a more detailed piece of advice, based on my experiences, but first, can I ask what exactly have you booked?


Have you booked surgery, and if so, have you booked an FUE or FUT procedure?


I notice in a previous comment of yours that you were going to seek 'Homeopathic and allopathic medicines' - is this true? Or did you change your mind and elect to go for surgery? In my understanding there isn't much of an overlap between the two?


Can you give us more details about the procedure you plan to have on 22nd, what it involves, how many grafts will be extracted (if any) - or the technology involved?


Please get back to me because I think it's important that you don't rush into any procedures without being fully informed.


Best regards

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If people on this forum are suggesting you look elsewhere, it's probably in your best interests.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Thanks for the quick reply, Pavan.


I re-read your previous posts and I see that you stated you would use Homeopathic and allopathic medicines after surgery (which I misread), so it now all makes sense.


Here is my advice:


Homeopathic and allopathic medicines


I would strongly recommend against this method. There is little to no scientific evidence that any of these methods work. Even at the time they were conceived, there was little to no scientific basis behind the theory. In short - it is my honest belief that this medicine will provide absolutely no benefit to you, and would be a waste of your time and money. Also, a lot of people mistakenly believe that just because something is 'natural' that it can't be damaging to your health. The reality is that natural substances are 'drugs' every bit as much as the pills you can buy - the only difference is that nature doesn't require FDA approval. I can't change your beliefs, but I can at least try to convince you of what I believe to be accurate. Here is a great article explaining why Homeopathy is not the right path to take:


Column: Homeopathy isn




The only drug which has been proven scientifically to reduce hair loss, I would strongly recommend that if you go ahead with surgery, you combine it with this drug to limit the need for future surgeries as much as possible. I notice you have already been informed of possible side effects in a previous thread you started, but I would suggest that despite this possibility, you give Finasteride some serious consideration. Hundreds of us on these forums are using Finasteride every day, with no side effects whatsoever. It is a very small percentage of people who suffer any side effects, and those who do find that those side effects disappear when they stop taking the drug. If you're serious about hair restoration, and surgery, it is an ongoing battle between your hair loss and hair maintenance / restoration techniques, and Finasteride is an essential part of that battle. There is a very real danger that if your hair loss continues after surgery, you will be left with an unnatural looking hair pattern and you may have insufficient donor to restore a normal appearance.


FUE Surgery


I recently had a 2,500 FUE surgery, so was probably in a similar situation to you prior to my op. However, FUE surgery is far more complex & time consuming when compared to FUT, and also requires a great deal of skill to perform consistently well. Grafts are not extracted from under a microscope in controlled conditions, but under lesser magnification from your living, moving, head, in a process which is far more risky to the grafts. I am an advocate of FUE in some cases, but there are only a handful of surgeons worldwide who can consistently generate excellent results with FUE - and even they have the occasional lower yield. It is simply difficult to perform. My main concern with your plan is that the surgeon you have mentioned is not even familiar to me, let alone in my list of surgeons who I would trust to take a scalpel to my head. That, combined with the choice of FUE - is a recipe for disaster, in my opinion. You are probably in a difficult state of mind, set on getting yourself 'sorted', and the last thing you want to do is cancel - on a personal level I think it will be extremely difficult to persuade you that this is the correct course of action. But my sincere and honest advice to you is that you should cancel your scheduled procedure. Any doctor can show you pictures of success stories, but unless you can read up and research a doctor independently, you don't see the other side, the times it went wrong. You also have no way to prove that the pictures the surgeon is using are his own - Jotronic on here has many times exposed clinics using before/after pictures which do not belong to them. I have seen / read hundreds of cases such as yours, and the end result is almost never a desirable outcome. The hard, cold truth is, if you go ahead with this procedure, I would bet a significant portion of money that you end up dissatisfied with the result. I don't want to scare you, or be dramatic in any way, but that is honestly the route you are on.


I know, because I made the same mistake. I was so focused on my hair being the problem, so desperate to sort it out at any cost, that I didn't stop to look around and look at the massive array of options when it comes to surgeons. For my first procedure, I went to a sub-par surgery, just because it happened to be close to me, I was completely unaware that a decision like that would affect the rest of my life. I was quite happy to believe the before/after pictures they showed me, because I wanted it to be right. You are more fortunate, or wiser, than I was. You've already come onto this forum and asked for advice, and that puts you in a better position than I was. You've now had many experienced, impartial users of this site telling you that the best course of action is to cancel, and you should take that advice very, very seriously.


Remember, everyone on here has no motivation to lie to you. We don't get more money if you choose to go with one surgeon or another. We're here purely because we've been through what you are, and we want to help you to achieve the best results.


Here's what you should do, in my honest opinion:


1 - Cancel your procedure. This is going to be the hardest step, but you will be happy you did it in the long term.


2 - Have an online consultation with the big names of the hair restoration industry, even if you don't intend to go with them. Hasson & Wong, Dr Rahal, Shapiro Medical Group, Dr Feriduni, Dr Feller, Dr Konior. These guys are simply the best in the business, they have been proven, time and time again, to produce excellent results. Even if you can't / don't want to travel to see any of them - they will give you an informed, expert assessment of your hair and what strategy is best for you.


3 - After your online consultations, make an informed decision on FUE vs FUT, and your long term strategy. Select at least 2 surgeons who are well regarded and have well documented impartial patient stories (not from the Clinic), and go for an in-person consultation. If you can't do this, do a consultation via Webcam - this will give you a more accurate idea. If you have the opportunity or possibility to meet any previous patients, this is invaluable.


4 - Schedule your surgery with the top surgeon you experienced, and have confidence in knowing that you will end up with the result you deserve.


The bottom line


My biggest fear in your case is that you will ignore all of the above advice, and go ahead with your procedure. I cannot stress enough how much I hope you don't do this, because I've seen it time and time again, you'll be back on here in 5 months time, more disappointed than ever, looking for a repair. Please learn from the many mistakes that a lot of us have made, and don't make the same mistake yourself.

Edited by England
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Rogaine is a topical treatment aimed at preventing hair loss. In my experience, it helps your existing hair to grow (and strong), but doesn't necessarily prevent further loss. I personally don't use it but many on here do so they must see some results from it.


Propecia is a brand of pills, in which the active ingredient is Finasteride.


Proscar is another brand of pills which also contain Finasteride.

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I've seen, and read the link you provided.


It does nothing to change my mind, whatsoever. I stand by everything I said. Every clinic, no matter how good or bad, can present itself in a positive manner.


The 'award' 'he' won was for:


Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinic Private Limited (DBPHCPL), the world's first and largest homeopathy healthcare corporate, has been honoured with Franchise India's prestigious Star Retailer Awards 2011, in the category of Health and Beauty Retailer of the Year. The award recognises Dr Batra's outstanding contribution towards propagating beauty and health, through homeopathy, and its effective utilisation through branded retailing, across India, the UAE and the UK.


It has nothing to do with surgical hair restoration. The award also seems to be for the corporation, not for a specific doctor.


I hope you take my advice :-)

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Do u know the reason why hair loss will be happen after surgery?

any specific reason?


Hair loss is progressive. Whether you have surgery or not, your hair will continue to fall out and get thinner.


If you have surgery, you thicken up a particular part of your scalp / hairline - and this is usually permanent. However, the rest of your hair (not touched by surgery) will be unaffected, and will continue it's progressive fall-out. This means that even though the surgery has filled in the original gaps you have, your natural male pattern baldness will create new gaps in the future. This isn't an effect of the surgery, it's an effect of your genetics :-)


The 2 solutions to this are medication (Finasteride) to slow or stop this natural process, or further surgery once it occurs. This is why you have to plan for your long term future when thinking about a hair transplant. You have to factor in future loss and ensure you have sufficient donor to deal with it.

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It is a very small percentage of people who suffer any side effects, and those who do find that those side effects disappear when they stop taking the drug.


That is not true some sides might be permanent and don't disappear when stop taking the drug, the FDA confirms that and forced merck to modify their label to mention that info. The possibility of permanent sides are also mentioned in propecia website.

Im honestly sick of doctors and ppl try to hide this info and just tell ppl that once you quit the drug all sides will disappear. Regardless the percentage of ppl getting sides, the possibility of permenant sextual sides is scary as hell and ppl should be aware of that fact before making such a big decision.


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That is not true some sides might be permanent and don't disappear when stop taking the drug, the FDA confirms that and forced merck to modify their label to mention that info. The possibility of permanent sides are also mentioned in propecia website.

Im honestly sick of doctors and ppl try to hide this info and just tell ppl that once you quit the drug all sides will disappear. Regardless the percentage of ppl getting sides, the possibility of permenant sextual sides is scary as hell and ppl should be aware of that fact before making such a big decision.



Fair comment - hadn't read the updated warnings since I started on Propecia 7 years ago. At that time it was stated that any sides would go away after discontinued use. I've checked around and seen the updates that were made later.


I wasn't trying to hide any info, as you make out.


It's important to put the side effects into perspective. It remains the case that only a small percentage of men get side effects and the vast majority of those who stop taking the drug see their side effects go away.

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Fair comment - hadn't read the updated warnings since I started on Propecia 7 years ago. At that time it was stated that any sides would go away after discontinued use. I've checked around and seen the updates that were made later.


I wasn't trying to hide any info, as you make out.


It's important to put the side effects into perspective. It remains the case that only a small percentage of men get side effects and the vast majority of those who stop taking the drug see their side effects go away.


I was talking in general, sorry if I sounded aggressive, it just pisses me off that many of the doctors that advised me to take fin never mention that it has potential sides and those who did told me that all sides will go away for sure once you quit which is not true. I don't expect patients as me and you to be always updated regarding sides of meds but it's a shame for doctors to try to hide those info and it's more of a shame if they don't know and are not up to date regarding meds they advice their patients to take.

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