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  • Senior Member

I've been looking at clinics around Europe and the BHR establishment in Brussels caught my eye.


It looks like a very informative and professional website and I know that Belgian clinics are held in high regard but what got me was that after I calculated my approximate FUE needs (1500 grafts) and then recalculated the Euro value into pounds it came out at ?5090.


Is this for real? Don't get me wrong I think that HT costs in general are extremely overblown but still this is much more affordable than any UK clinic I've seen, almost half in fact and it's just across the channel. With a bit of hard graft I could eventually save up this amount in not too long a time.


So the question is.......is Dr Bisanga reputable surgeon who does good work?


After salivating at the prospect of a HT and finally getting my Ace Rimmer hair almost in affordable reach I'd hate to hear that he was just another butcher operating outside moral law.

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Without any doubt, seeing is believing. He is one of the best FUE surgeon I have ever seen, go to website of hairlossexperience and you will see loads of FUE after photos under Dr. Bisanga section.. Dr. Bisanga and Lorenzo are my top FUE choice with no doubts. I would say go ahead and get your head done with him. Try to communicate with his rep. Stephen, he himself is a great example of Bisanga's FUE outstanding work.

Plug removal + Strip scar revision - Dr. Ali Karadeniz (AEK)- May 23, 2015

Plug removal + 250 FUE temple points- Dr. Hakan Doganay (AHD)- July 3, 2013

Scar Tricopigmentation- Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED)- May 3, 2013

2500 FUT (Hairline Repair)- Dr. Rahal- July 26, 2011


My Hair Treatments:

1- Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo (Daily)

2- Regaine Solution Minoxidil 5% (2 ml once a day)

3- GNC Ultra NourishHair™ (Once a day)

4- GNC Herbal Plus Standardized Saw Palmetto (Once a day)


My Rahal HT thread http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/164456-2500-fut-dr-rahal-hairline-repair.html[/size]

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the reply. It all seems a little too good to be true but I can't argue with that kind of glowing praise.


I'll check out the photographs for sure as the one's on the website looked good but there wasn't a whole bunch of them.

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  • Senior Member


Bisanga is legit and his prices are very reasonable. I had 2 procedures with him. Feel free to check my results by clicking on my signature. Also, I would be happy to answer any questions.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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Great results and I'm really surprised at how back to normal you look after only 5 days. Do you know if they do any kind of outbound consultations? Living In Scotland it's a bit of a trek to Belgium and back just for a 30 minute assessment although for the actual procedure it's fine. I wouldn't want to have a consultation then right into surgery the next day.


Thank you for the kind help.

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Bisanga's rep Stephen lives in the UK and would be a good starting point. You could start with an online consult also to get initial impressions and build from there. How far is Brussels from you?

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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About 700 miles I think. It's not a great distance as far as travelling goes but I don't like flying at all.


I'll start with the online consultation and then contact Steven for further details. (Once I have the money saved up of course!) :)



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Keep in mind that most of the top clinics are booked out for a few months for the procedure so there is no harm in doing the consult before you have the money saved. In fact it would be a good idea to get a grafts estimate and other details in advance so you know how much to save for. They won't pressure you to book a procedure.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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  • Senior Member

That looks great Sparky. I like how there is a slight gradient in hair density from the very front inward which mimics perfectly what happens in natural hairlines.


After thinking a bit more I could probably push to 2000 grafts which (and this is only using the google euros to pounds calculator) would be about ?6300.


Still far, far more affordable than any UK clinic for that amount of grafts and every result I've seen from Dr Bisanga has been ultra top quality and looks totally natural. The man definitely has an artistic flair which is half the battle in this game.

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That slight gradient, is very important.


I had, had some bad HT work in the UK prior to this. Dr Bisanga had to remove a few hundred grafts from my hairline 14 months before this picture. These were relocated to the scar at the back. I returned 6 months after this to have the hairline re-grafted.


You are in the fortunate position where, you have a 'Virgin' scalp, so you would end up with a better result than me.

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I'm quite fortunate that the centre part of my hair at the front is still really thick and nothing needs done there but my temple receding goes more upward like two flesh 'devil horns' rather than spreading out in all directions. I have a natural widows peak as well which doesn't help and it makes the receding look worse than what it actually is but I had the slight thumbnail sized dip down in the middle even when my hairline was fully broad and straight.


Thanks for the heads up about the London consultation hairshopeing. It would certainly be much easier than traveling to Belgium for it and acting like a scared rabbit on the plane.

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Haha don't worry mate I feel the same, flying gives me the fear. I hate the sensation of being that high up and I can feel every tilt, bump and dip the plane makes and my insides and me really don't like it.


I suppose it's only about 2 hours but still I've only flown twice before and never on my own. Still, the greater the challenge the sweeter the victory!

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  • Senior Member

Yeah looking at old videos when I was 19/20 and in full Bon Jovi hair mode I quite liked my widows peak with the solid hairline. It just gives the impression of more receding due to the central point. I've no problems at all in the crown thank goodness and I can still look normal because my hair is long but a straightening of the front will make all the difference. Especially on those windy days! :S

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  • Senior Member

Good one Sparky...me too, I was NW2 in 2009 but the hair greed made me go to an unknown doctor who screwed my hairline by damaging most of the old grafts surrounding the 2000 new grafts which left me as NW3. In my situation, I would say DAMN Brad Pitt hahaha.

Plug removal + Strip scar revision - Dr. Ali Karadeniz (AEK)- May 23, 2015

Plug removal + 250 FUE temple points- Dr. Hakan Doganay (AHD)- July 3, 2013

Scar Tricopigmentation- Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED)- May 3, 2013

2500 FUT (Hairline Repair)- Dr. Rahal- July 26, 2011


My Hair Treatments:

1- Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo (Daily)

2- Regaine Solution Minoxidil 5% (2 ml once a day)

3- GNC Ultra NourishHair™ (Once a day)

4- GNC Herbal Plus Standardized Saw Palmetto (Once a day)


My Rahal HT thread http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/164456-2500-fut-dr-rahal-hairline-repair.html[/size]

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  • Senior Member

It seems that so few forum members have had fue at BHR, yet from them I have heard good things but they are just so few.

I hope Stephen will encourage more patients to post here.

What are your opinions on why Dr. Bisanga isn’t recommended here?

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