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Cost/Timeline/Advice for FUT Hair Transplant

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Hi, new here:

So I'm 23 years old and within the next year or two am going back to school where I'll be working/living with 18-22 year olds. Over the last three years, I've become very self-conscious about my hair. Anyways, I've conducted extensive research online to try to determine what my costs will be.


Thus far I'm seriously considering Hasson and Wong, Dr. Shapiro, or Bosleys. There seems to be a huge difference in the # of grafts Bosley recommends for class IV (~1500) and the # people have gotten in the pics on Hasson/Wong website. I'm hoping to not spend more than 9k but can go up to 14k. I know I need to get a consultation somewhere to figure out costs but in the meantime some advice would be great.


If you look at the attachment of my hairline, i'm hoping to have hair transplanted from the hairline forward without making the the hair present on top denser than it is now. I know there are a lot of variables, but what kind of results can/should I expect in my budget range. Also, I'm hoping to go to school 13 months from now, is that enough time for the hair to properly grow? Should I get a megasession somewhere? If it would help I'd also be happy to attach more pics, perhaps one with an outline of where I'm hoping for hair growth.





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Hi there,


It might help if you could post a pic of the back of your head as well to see if you have had any thining to the crown and donar area.

If your hairloss stops where the pic ends then i think you are looking at approx 5000 grafts to get decent coverage. Alot depends on your expectations and hair characteristics as the type of hair can add illusion to the density of hair.

If you are looking for as much hair transplanted in one sitting then its hard to look further than Hasson & Wong, they are masters of meggasessions:cool:

I think you will need more dollars than what you have saved to get what yr after though. Better to save and get it right than go to bosley and end of having to get it corrected at a later time.


You could speak to jotronic on here, he is a lovely guy and would be able to advise you better on H&W


Have you thought of meds? if not i would recommend with yr type of hairloss you at least look at that option as well.



Hope this helps, im sure more experienced guys will chime in with some advice.



Good luck

Hair Transplant Dr Feller Oct 2011


Hair Transplant Dr Lorenzo June 2014

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At your age and with your loss, I would skip a strip transplant altogether.


1) Meds

2) Modest FUE #1

3) SMP?? (if it works out for the better in next 3-5 years)

4) FUE #2

5) SMP#2 or FUE#3




Forget about budget & strip.


Nothing will buy u out of strip scars later.


or just shave

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irishsailor: I think I'm going to forget about Bosley, seems like there are too many people with bad experiences there. I'd like to try Hasson and Wong, but b/c of price am going to take another look at Shapiro before making a decision.


scar5: I'm definitely going to get on propecia and rogaine asap to slow and hopefully halt the progression of my hair loss. As for scarring, if I wear my hair longer couldn't I cover up the scars? FUE would be great, but I'm going to be paying quite a bit for school. I tried just shaving but it looks a bit strange b/c hair loss aside I look young for my age.


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SMG do fantastic work, i would also consult with as many clinics as you can and get a feel for which surgeon you would be happiest with.

You are very young however as i said as long as you are realistic about the results and take into consideration possible future loss you should be able to get the balance right.

I know yr concerned about the costs however maybe you could split yr HT's and spread it over a couple of sessions rather than just one big megasession

Hair Transplant Dr Feller Oct 2011


Hair Transplant Dr Lorenzo June 2014

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taking into consideration your age and hairloss lever, I also don't recommend strip for you, and btw you have to consider that meds might not work for you as they don't work for everybody or they give sides to some ppl. so you have to play it careful.

But if your mind set up with FUT, then i would recommend H&W, they are the best when it comes to megasessions.

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I reckon 3,000 FUE with an approriate hairline blended into the crown. You could then wear your hair a bit longer and hide any dot scars depending how you heal from FUE.


Agree with others that FUT probably isnt for you unless you have some crazy donor density.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Fue is going to cost him $8 - 10 per graft which is going to entirely blow his budget. You could also consider Doctor Glenn Charles who charges a little less but is recommended on this site. If you go to a reputable surgeon the scar will be minimal but you need to understand that you won't be able to have a 1 - 2 guard hair cut.


cheers Rod

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