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Dr Rudi De Reys (Belgium)


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I have the chance to have FUE with Dr Rudi De Reys in Belgium in July. I am planning to do 3,000 grafts by FUE. The price seems to be very fair.


I'm just a little nervous about going ahead with surgery mainly because I cannot find alot of information about Dr De Reys work, saying that what information I have found online has all been very positive and I have not read of any complaints about Dr De Reys. I guess I'm looking for a little bit more reassurance that all will be ok if I opt to go ahead and have surgery with Dr De Reys.



I would appreciate any views opinions etc positive or negative regarding Dr Rudi De Reys and preferably from members who have not joined the site today :).


Thanks in advance for your replies.

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In Belgium, I heart that Dr Jean-Jacques STENE from the CHU Saint Pierre is quite good, but I don't have more information... (don't even know if he does the FUE...)


When you talk about a fair price, what do you mean exactly :D ?


Thank you,


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You should not pick a doctor based on price and if you cannot find much work about Dr Reyes then that is not very good reassurance. Is there any particular reason why you are leaning towards Dr Reyes?


Ok, good reviews are important, but as I asked in another thread, what is a correct average price? I mean... I, to have a full correct job, need around 4000 FUE grafts or 3500-4000 FUT grafts... and I received two propositions:


1st solution: 3500-4000 UF. Technic: FUT, total costs: +- 10.000Eur

2nd solution: 3000 UF. Technic: FUE, total costs: 11500Eur (in two days) followed by a second intervention 1 year later: 1000 UF (still FUE) : 5500Eur


As I'd rather go for the FUE technic, it will be around 16.000? :eek: !!


For me, it's hugh, I don't know if I can afford that :(

3000UF for 7000?, or 4000 for even 9000?, I could give it a try... no?


I'm kinda losing hope here when I see how expensive it is. :(

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You should not pick a doctor based on price and if you cannot find much work about Dr Reyes then that is not very good reassurance. Is there any particular reason why you are leaning towards Dr Reyes?



I agree its probably not a good idea to pick a doc based on price, however most of us on here do have a limited budget. The reason I leaned towards Dr Reys was the fact I could have 3000 fue for 7000 euro.


On the other hand maybe Id be better off waiting another few months, save another 5k and get it done from one of the well known fue surgeons? because if its not done right the first time I could pay more on repair work :mad:

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and the possibility of using up valuable grafts if the result isn't good.


Seems like you have already decided to save up some more money and go to a good quality clinic.


Cheers Rod

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Sorry, i'm a bit late to this post but I went to Dr De Reys to get it done in July last year and then I went back in January this year.


He did a great job.


To be honest, I originally had the same thoughts as you MB30.


Should I pay double to one of the doctors who are regularly recommended by other posters in the forum or go with this offer?


I found out that Dr De Reys used to be the lead surgeon at Pro Clinic and so I knew he had a good reputation.


I ended up doing lots of research and found photos of his past work and I liked what I saw.


That's the reason I went for it in the end. The results from past patients were really good and I wanted to have that kind of result.


When I was there, he made a point of transplanting every single hair and not losing any grafts so I can vouch for that. I ended up having both ops with him.


Where he saves on costs is by not employing lots of extra staff or renting a mansion to do the operation in. It's a simple set-up but his clinic has all the latest equipment and since he works with his wife (who is a nurse), it's run as a family business. I preferred that because it seemed genuine to me.


I think a lot of doctors here trade on their reputation and you end up paying double for what is basically the same job - if you can afford it, that's fine but I'm dead happy with the results. Loads of people have complimented me on it, in real life and on the forums.





Here's a link to my post-op journal:


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From what i have seen of the results of the prohair clinic on the internet when dr reyes was there , look really good. I am pretty sure i will be booking with him at then end of the year. You just cant argue with the price. And he does have a lot of results out there, especially on you tube. From what i have seen, he looks as good as any fue surgeon around. The only slight drawback for me, is that when he was at prohair, he did have a lot of techs around him ( which they now call their superteam! ) and now it is just him and his wife. I gotta say that is probably my concern.

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Hi William38,


Thanks for your post. Can you show before/after photographs of your hair transplant with Dr De Reys for the forum to review. Its really important that this person is informed about this doctor before having a procedure. I must say that it sounds amateurish that he has hired his wife to help him perform FUE sessions. What qualification does his wife hold?


Cheers Rod

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Hi Rod,


I've been keeping a journal on this site for a few months now.




His wife is a trained nurse so it's not amateurish - remember, he used to be the lead surgeon at the Pro Clinic so he's transplanted literally more than a million grafts by now. While I was researching I didn't see any complaints (maybe from other docs that he's undercutting them ;)


The main thing I liked about Dr De Reys is that he extracted every single hair himself when I was there, he didn't leave it to junior doctors - or even worse - non-medical staff.


I think there's a risk that some of these 'expensive' doctors just palm it off to a junior and so you end up paying a lot of money just to have a big name doctor who is 'supervising' the operation. That's not right.

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Also, you mentioned fatigue being an issue and I think you're right there but not with this doctor.


De Reys split my 3000 graft operation over two days. He took his time and gave me plenty of breaks so fatigue wasn't an issue for me or for him.


While I was researching this operation I went to see other doctors who were doing these so-called 'mega-sessions' in a single day with lots of junior doctors rotating and I'm glad I didn't go for that.


To be honest I think I'd feel cheated if I paid a lot of money for a doctor and someone else ended up doing the actual operation but I guess we're all different.


Rod, I think some of your questions are really good and so I might update the journal with some of these answers. Is that OK for you?





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

mb30 hi, did you have your ht done with Reys in Belgium? i have 7000 gbp saved up and i think i'd get more for my money if i had fut. i too have a budget and know i should use the best but for some of us it's not affordable. please could you let me know how things went in july if you kept your appointment. i like the idea of a surgeon working with his (wife) one concern of mine was always that the best would supervise the work with trainees. it seems reys would do it himself. thanks. i'd be interested in hearing what happened and any pics would be good.

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Heya, I don't know about MB30 but I had mine done with Dr De Reys. Here's my journal:


5000 FUE with Dr De Reys - Hair Transplant Patient Results/updates - Hair Transplant section - Hairloss Experiences Hairloss Forum


It was 7000 euros not 7000 pounds for 3000 grafts so it was a lot cheaper than a lot of other doctors and De Reys really did extract every single hair himself.


As for the quality, well, I'm very happy with the result. Have a look at the photos.



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He found out his donor supply was not adequate after in person consultation and decided to shave his hair short and get on with his life.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I like that Dr De Reys extracts all the grafts himself and even implants most of them along with his wife who is a qualified nurse. Also that he doesn't take on too many patients shows he isn't just in it for the money.

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mb30 hi, did you have your ht done with Reys in Belgium? i have 7000 gbp saved up and i think i'd get more for my money if i had fut. i too have a budget and know i should use the best but for some of us it's not affordable. please could you let me know how things went in july if you kept your appointment. i like the idea of a surgeon working with his (wife) one concern of mine was always that the best would supervise the work with trainees. it seems reys would do it himself. thanks. i'd be interested in hearing what happened and any pics would be good.


Just be sure that you am willing to live with the FUT scar before you go FUT. Some people end up regretting it later, even if it doesn't stretch.

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Thanks for the replies and william38 for the link to your journal. You must be thrilled with it, it looks excellent. i was only considering FUT because of price. i live in manchester and farjo is just down the road. i've seen mick a few times but i didn't think my 7000 gbp would get me much and FUE seemed to always be out of the question because of the price. i want to grow my hair out a bit till december as i've just been on holiday and shaved my head. That way i can see what's there and then contact Dr De Reys to hopefully get things sorted in the new year. I'm just glad that there are some skilled surgeons out there that offer an affordable solution. Thanks again for your help :)

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