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For those who've done it -- did your friends/family/coworkers notice your procedure?

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I had FUT strip surgery and had facial swelling for about 2 weeks quite badly afterwards. I definitely would not have gone to work looking like that. It varies from individual to individual. I also think the calmer and less stressed you are before the operation and during transplants the better the chance you have of healing quicker. I can`t actually say anyone noticed because I already had some hair that I could comb over the transplant area (which sadly did not yield an outstanding result or cover my balding patches).

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Do you feel the yield (regrowth) was poor or was it maybe not enough grafts for the coverage you wanted?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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When it comes to hair, most men know that hair is a sensitive subject. Men won't talk about someone's hairloss in a group setting. Most women, especially with hair, do not seem to realize the sensitivity of this issue.


At my 6 month post-op, my grandmother made a comment about my hair growth in front of everybody at the dinner table. I was speechless and didn't say anything. Thankfully someone moved on to a different subject. I only see my grandparents about once a month.


So I suspect that those who are around you everyday may not notice because of the gradual change day-by-day. But for those who you rarely see, may notice, depending on your hair loss.

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I know what you mean. Whether female or male, those without hairloss do not realize the impact that hairloss can have on those of us who do have it. Many feel it is vain to decide on having a HT procedure.


Yet those who do sustain hairloss and especially women can relate. And it can be more complex with women because they can lose hair from other conditions in addition to MPB.


Just wait until your procedure fully matures. I wish you full of compliments!:cool:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I wish I was as comfortable in my skin as Corvettester is. My “hat” is off to him. If I had an “edgy “hairstyle that was a signature part of my personna I would be more apt to call attention to it. As it is, my signature “comb-over” is fortunately not all that noticeable any more.

When I had my first FUT procedure, one of my co-workers noticed that my hair looked different. I was just 5 days post surgery and was having difficulty with the styling. I told him I just had a haircut. I am not sure he believed me, but I can honestly say that was the only comment early on. Later, when the growth became more noticeable (at least to me) my neighbor (who is very observant on most matters) remarked that my hair looked “different.” An acquaintance of mine actually asked me whether I had a face lift?

Other than those 3 comments, I have not had any other feedback—except, of course, from my hair stylist. My take is that we are much more concerned about our appearance than others are. No doubt others have noticed, but for the most part people have short memories when it comes to hair. Have you ever noticed a lady changing her cut or color? I have, but don’t try to pin me down on exactly what has changed.

When you first have a procedure, it may be a bit harder to conceal but much depends on whether you have existing hair that can cover it up and whether or not you are shaved. I, too, was concerned that I would look freakish, but my fears were unfounded. Fortunately we live in the 21st Century where talented docs can perform procedures that leave your hair looking natural and more dense. How much can be achieved depends on how good a candidate you are, how good your doctor is, and how big your bank balance is.

Would I undergo FUT knowing what I now know? Absolutely---even if it meant telling everyone I know about my procedures. The transformation has been life changing. Wind is no longer my enemy, even though I still try to avoid the gusts out of habit. I look and feel more confident, more refreshed and younger.

Corvettester is correct. We need not be ashamed or embarrassed by doing something positive for ourselves.

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You know the real nice thing about your post mountain is that the quality of your life has been improved including the freedom you now experience that you did not have before.


You make some good points regarding various techniques that can be employed to help hide the fact that we had ht procedures. And when others cannot figure out exactly what we have done that improves our appearance, not knowing it was a HT is one of the best compliments that we had some quality work done.


It's when others come up to us and ask if we had a HT that would be the give away, all the while staring at our scalps. And you're right, the less hair we have to start with, the more evident it can be that we simply "have more hair". Yet if it looks good (natural), we will all take it to the bank of success!


Congrats on your results. :cool:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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