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My pics...What u guys think?

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  • Senior Member

in my opinion, which never counts for much, it looks like you have great density in your donor area...and quite a bit of existing follicles in your upper region...scalp laxity would also be an issue, the looser the better obviously..


i would contact a number of the better surgeons on this site..but it seems you would be an excellent candidate based on your pictures...good luck!



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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  • Senior Member

It's hard to tell based on your pics because your hair is wet and some of your hair is shaved. But I would say you are in that gray area where you could go either way (HT or no HT at this time).


I would say that if you can control any potential shock loss post-surgery, you could gain some density from a HT.


But your hair loss is not as severe as some, and you don't have any real areas of distinct baldness. That means you would be grafting in and around your remaining hair, which can be tricky.


Some guys show their pics and I can see how (in the right hands) a HT makes sense for them.


I think in your case, you could do it or possibly do without it.


I hope you realize that a hair transplant will not match your hairpiece's density. That's one reason I suggested concealors, because you are going to have to compromise on your density even if you do get a HT.


I tend to recommend that guys don't do it, if there is any wiggle room. You're already under a hairpiece and unhappy about that, which creates a desire to take action. However when I look at your hair, I think 'not so bad'. Obviously it isn't what you wish it could be, but you still have a good amount of natural hair. Have you even tried things like Propecia yet? You might want to get on Propecia and see where that takes you.


Again, just so you know where i'm coming from, if there are doubts about whether a HT is an obviously good move, I tend to tell guys to wait and keep thinking about it. Other guys here are more pro-active and will suggest that you go for it.


If I saw you in person, I might have another take on your situation though. I don't know. I'm going to say you are in that gray area, in my opinion.

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  • Regular Member


thanks for ur encouraging and radical remarks. I like ur posts cos they give a different perspective that is very important. I never tried propecia. I know my HT density will not be as good as the unit. But I want to get rid of this unit! So, I guess HT is best option for the transition.


I want to go for max grafts and then burn the unit! and shave by hair really short and wait for the new hair to start growing.


I am meeting Dr feller tomorow. Any feedbacks on him?

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  • Senior Member

I think you could have HT now or wait a few years. MOst guys like to wait until they have moderate to severe loss before HT and get a mega session done in order to have just one surgery. WHat I personally did, when I started loosing my hair (about 30%), I got my first HT with work on my hairline and some mid scalp. Later sessions I worked on density and transition zones. The Positive was that I got HT done before it was noticable and nobody ever knew-- not even to this day (exept for my wife whom I told after we got married). YOur HT is placed around existing hair and is camaflouged and when those existing hairs start falling out, your new HT is already in place. The negative is, it cost a little more money to have multiple HT surgeries over a span of years and you have multiple donor scars (which is not noticable but you still have them-- however with today's techniques docs can harvest donor hair from the same scar so you would just have one scar line).

Your choice-- be proactive now or wait for further progression and do it all in one?

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