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Hairline at 21 y/o compared to 26 y/o


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Hey guys, first of all, thanks for all of the input and replies to my posts, it's greaty appreciated!


Just wanted to show you all some images of my hairline at 21 compared to 26. I always compare the top forehead wrinkle to the start of my hairline. Might have creeped up a little (might be making mountain out of mole-hill), but I would like an unbiased opinion to compare the two sets of images. One is marked with me at 21 years old and 26 years old.



Thanks fellas!






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  • Senior Member

It seems your hairline is good...you are a lucky one! lol. If anything your hairline may be going into its "mature" side where the hairline goes up just a little but doesn't mean you are going bald. I am sure I speak for everyone on this site when I say everyone would love to hair your hairline...so my advice would be to enjoy it as long as u can! lol. Are you on Propecia/Rogaine? Something to think about in order to hold onto the hair that you currently have. The earlier the better...!

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  • Regular Member

The second photo set looks better lol


Why are you here again? I can't believe a doctor would give you Propecia for that even if you had male pattern baldness in your family.


MPB is just not happening here. Even if you had some recession (which you don't) it would be considered quite normal. Google mature hairline.

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  • Regular Member

You have a perfect hairline at 26 and no sign of a receding hairline at all. No medicines necessary!


Just take pictures like this once a year or so and keep comparing them. That way you can stay sure that you're hairline will stay perfect as it is now.


Now get out of here and enjoy life! :D

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for all the advice


It's really not a joke. I have read that a lot of people, with family history of hairloss, will start taking propecia to keep the hair they have, even if they show little signs of loss.


Is this not accurate?


It's sure not very smart if that's the case!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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