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Dr. Konior

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Hi All,



I live about two hours from Chicago and have recently gone to visit Dr. Konior. I am very likely to get a hair transplant this winter in the are of between 1000-2000 grafts in order to strengthen my frontal hair line and hopefully lower it just a fraction.


Dr. Konior seems to have completed some very impressive work and I wanted to see what everyone on this site thinks about him.


Also, I wanted to know a little bit more about the transplant timeline. Specifically, I am going to have about a month after the operation until I have to go back to school, and at that point I obviously want to have no scarring or very noticeable effects from the procedure, except having my hair look better. Can anyone comment on what can be expected in that first month and beyond? I really don't want to go back to school looking strange or anything, and I don't think that will be the case.






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Konior is easily among the most ethical and skilled surgeons in the United States and therefore the world, there are only about five men i'd let touch my head and he's among them.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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Agree, Dr. Konior is a top tier surgeon. He is a good choice. If your hair is long enough, a month after the surgery you should be able to cover the scar. By that time most of the transplanted hairs will have shed and the redness in the recipient area should be mostly gone and that area can be covered by your native hair.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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Dr Konior is an excellent surgeon! However, as good as he is he can't make your hairline look better in one month. More like 6-8 months before you see those results! Dr Konior is an excellent choice!! Very underrated and does top notch work!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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I know that you aren't actually going to see drastic improvement a month after the fact, but my concern is more about not having any noticeable scars or markings, or any truly abnormal markings one month after the surgery. I have about 4-5 weeks to heal before I will be forced back in to the public eye, and I don't want to look like a complete weirdo until the new hair finally starts coming in.


After doing some cursory research on the healing timeline, it seems that after one month most if not all of the donor hairs should have fallen out and you should look pretty damn near normal.


Would you guys agree that after a month, especially with some hair to act as coverage, that I should be able to look normal?



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Ahh I didn't realize that shock loss was a problem that is local to the donor area where hairs are taken from. This is a very scary prospect! I have faith that Dr. Konior will do everything he can to help me though. Also, I know I will be made aware of such risks before receiving the surgery.


How bad can shock loss get? Is the probability/severity much lower when going to a better surgeon as opposed to a worse one?

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If you get shockloss from Dr Konior surgery, it won't be from his lack of skills! It will be something to do with your genetics! Yes though, going to an excellent surgeon, such as Dr Konior, will reduce your risk of shockloss. However, even with the best surgeons it sometimes happens!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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Dr. Konier is a very veryyy good choice...I don't agree he is underrated like newhair mentioned..The educated people are aware of who is for real and who are not!! Don't worry Dr. Konier will take real good care of you and he'll be very careful not to mess you up..!! Your lucky that u live where u do.,,

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  • Senior Member
Dr. Konier is a very veryyy good choice...I don't agree he is underrated like newhair mentioned..The educated people are aware of who is for real and who are not!! Don't worry Dr. Konier will take real good care of you and he'll be very careful not to mess you up..!! Your lucky that u live where u do.,,



I think you miss understood me!!! Dr Konior should be considered one of the top 5 in the world with his skills. I don't think he gets that much credit. That's what I meant!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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I have to admit that his pictures are the best I have seen. I was able to get into his office to discuss my options about three days ago, and his intelligence, awareness, and genuine care for getting you the best results are traits that I noticed immediately. He really seems to be in total control of his operation and I got a ton a confidence just from talking to him. I'm very excited about the possibilities of the results I can obtain from Dr. Konior, and I'm also excited about having an ongoing relationship with him about hair loss and dermatology.

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