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Dr Wong HT - Views/Comments Please


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Hello everyone,


This is my first posting, having spent many, many hours over a number of months silently researching this site and others.


I wish to say how impressed I am with all aspects of Hair Transplant Network. I am heartened by what I perceive to be the altruistic ethos of the Network. Warmed by the displays of cameraderie and general mutuality of respect that exists between its members. Encouraged by the seemingly transparent nature of the debates and the rigour with which largely constructive criticism is pursued, irrespective of a positive or negative bias.


I came upon the site a few months ago almost by chance. I'd seen a programme on TV which referenced the work of the Fargoe Clinic. Having more or less accepted my bald fate (or should that be pate) I was intrigued to learn more - for if there was a way then I could certainly provide the will. I am a sceptic but one with a open mind. It was through the Fargoe site that I came across Hair Transplant Network. This is probably a good point in which to give you some background information about me.


My name is Bill (aka Billy) I am 59 years old. I live in the south east of England. Inexplicably, at the age of 26 I had a hair transplant, which I didn't need. I thought it would thicken up the front of my hairline, it didn't and around 14 years later I had most of the 50 plugs removed by electrolysis. Ironically, I didn't really/noticeably start to lose my hair until my early 40s. Although given my parental line it dogged my thoughts from teenage years onwards. Between a period spanning approximately eight years (42-50) there was significant hair loss. Into my 50s it appears to more or less stabilised. I don't recall the name of the clinic that so unethically took my money in return for an unneccesary and completley unrewarding transplant. I do however remember that it was based in Nottingham, England ( Robin Hood country - emphasis on the robbing).


Given my aforementioned scepticism but not forgetting my open mindedness. I was very much taken by surprise at the advances made in hair transplantation. I had vowed never to even consider such a path again and had counselled others against it. Following research undertaken I have to say my stance has changed and I am now prepared to consider/contemplate another procedure.


There appears to be so many gifted surgeons within the Coalition it would be easy to compile a lengthy list of those that could possibly do a good job for me. Such a listing, I feel could be coounter productive as the prospect of too many options would prove overwhelming and serve only to confuse.


I therefore settled on a short list of 4, alpabetically: Drs Fargoe, Feller, Hasson and WONG. Following further research, and given that I believed my NW scale would be between 5 & 6 (it has been confirmed as 5A - more of that later) and thus a suitable candidate for a mega session I narrowed the list to two: Drs Hasson and Wong. Using a simple investigative criterion of similar NW scale types I settled on Dr Wong as the most suitable surgeon for my needs.


My expectations are limited to, and bound by, the surgeons experise and skill and thus what can reasonably be achieved. However, I can only hope my aspirations accord within those parameters. Again based on research I would estimate my requirement would be for between 6000 and 7000 graphs. For which I would aspire to a mature frontal hairline with reasonable density. The same in terms of density to the mid section and crown. Not forgetting an all over pleasing aesthetic supporting a natural looking result. As I live in England and given my age I would elect to have a single mega session, if possible.


I should mention that I am not on any medication other than daily vitamins. I tried Propecia about 6/7 years ago for approximately a year but did not notice any discernable change. Also tried Regaine (Minoxidil) a couple of years ago but it left me with an extremely itchy scalp so stopped using it.


On 14.02.10 I submitted an on-line consultation request form to Dr Wong, which was acknowledged today by Christina whom advised me that Dr Wong would be in touch in the next few days. I submitted a number of photographs, which I will post here if I can work out how to do so en masse - there are 10 photos. So any advice on how I can will be appreciated - unfortunately I'm a bit of technophobe.


I do have many questions centred on: my suitability, cost, travel, pre-op preparation, impact of surgery (inc. existing scar tissue), post-op requirements et al. Of course I expect Dr Wong will provide clarification, nevertheless I would value any views or comments you might care to make. It would be good to hear from Jotronic, Spex and any H&W patients not forgetting any other interested parties.


Many thanks for taking the time to read this post.



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Hi, welcome to the forum. You've found the right place. I'm sorry to hear you previously had a bad transplant.


Well done for doing your research, you have narrowed it down to the worlds best two hair transplant surgeons in my opinion.


A word on propecia - propecia is more effective at preventing further loss than it is at regrowing hair. It would seem a good idea, if you get a procedure to go back on propecia to protect the hair below your crown. You can discuss this with your doc.


6000-7000 grafts would seem to be appropraite amount of grafts, but please be aware that it is very unlikely you will get this in one session. It would be closer to 4000-5000 grafts. Therefore you will likely need two procedures.


Make sure you look at work from Dr hasson and dr wong before making your decision.


From my observations, Dr hasson is a little less conservative when it comes to the hairline, which I think frames the face better, whereas Dr wong is more conservative when it comes to hairline placement.


Good luck.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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I have had two procedures with Dr. Wong -- my second procedure less than 10 days ago.


He is one of the best doctors in the field; you have chosen wisely. I think you have realistic expectations, except that graft counts of 6-7K, while possible, are not the norm. I believe "average" session sizes for H&W are 4-5K.


4500 Grafts will typically provide coverage to the front and/or top. View my blog to see how Dr. Wong chose to place that number of grafts. As I am 20 years younger than you, I did not deem my result complete, so I returned for a second procedure for 2000 grafts which will add density and some coverage to the crown. However, I _could_ have stopped at 4500 grafts as the way the grafts were planted connected with the sides and provided coverage on top. Had the grafts been dense packed farther forward, the work would have required a second procedure. It is a balancing act.


At your age, you may well decide that 4500 grafts gets you a very complete look (although perhaps with a bald crown.) Most men of 60 years have thinner, receded hair which looks quite natural.


My hair characteristics are fine, so my density will not be as great as someone with very coarse hair. Keep that in mind when viewing my photos.


The primary reason to choose H&W for an advanced norwood restoration like yourself is the number of grafts they can pull in a single session. They are capable of 6-7K sessions and average 4-5K. Other megasession clinics seem to average 3-4K with around 4K being the maximum. So your chances of a "one and done" restoration is much greater with H&W.


Good luck.

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Hi BillyJ, thanks for your interest in the clinic I am the UK consultant for Hasson And Wong it's a shame you didn't see my post on a meet up I was in London yesterday meeting patients, that said I live in the South East so a meet up would be possible.

I am a nw6 who had 4850 grafts in one session after 3 poor surgeries in the UK, so we have a bit in common there.

As the other posters mention a very, very small number of people are candidates for such a big session certainly in one go, you would be looking at a two stage strategy.


I would be very happy to answer any questions you have regarding the procedure etc all my contact details are on my site.







Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Originally posted by Fingers Crossed:

Bill, can you be a little more specific? You said you have questions centered on suitability, cost, travel, etc. What are your questions?


Hello FC, thank you for your reply to my post.


As you can imagine, even after fairly extensive research I have a myriad of questions. Many of which I have already put to Jotronic in a telephone conversation last night (UK time). That being said, I would still value views and comments from you and anyone else who might wish to contribute to my body of knowledge.


Suitability relating to age, laxity, density and positve outcome. The question for me being "will it be a worthwhile investment physically, psychologically, emotionally, and financially". Added to this are practical questions such as which airline should I fly with, how long should I stay in Canada post-op? Dos and don'ts pre and post-op - that sort of thing.





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Originally posted by splitting hairs:

Hi, welcome to the forum. You've found the right place. I'm sorry to hear you previously had a bad transplant.


Well done for doing your research, you have narrowed it down to the worlds best two hair transplant surgeons in my opinion.


A word on propecia - propecia is more effective at preventing further loss than it is at regrowing hair. It would seem a good idea, if you get a procedure to go back on propecia to protect the hair below your crown. You can discuss this with your doc.


6000-7000 grafts would seem to be appropraite amount of grafts, but please be aware that it is very unlikely you will get this in one session. It would be closer to 4000-5000 grafts. Therefore you will likely need two procedures.


Make sure you look at work from Dr hasson and dr wong before making your decision.


From my observations, Dr hasson is a little less conservative when it comes to the hairline, which I think frames the face better, whereas Dr wong is more conservative when it comes to hairline placement.


Good luck.


Hello SH. Thank you for your reply and your words of welcome. Also thank you for your advice and opinions, both much appreciated.


Yes, in reality I will need more than one session to achieve the estimated 6000-7000 graphs. I think it was me being over optimistic, and perhaps a little naive, in hoping for a "one-stop shop" solution.


Have viewed and reviewed the work of both Dr Hasson and Dr Wong, both equally impressive. Given my age and level of maturity ( not necessarily mutually inclusive) I felt a more conservative hairline would be appropriate and perhaps a prerequisite for a first surgery!





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Originally posted by TheEmperor:



I have had two procedures with Dr. Wong -- my second procedure less than 10 days ago.


He is one of the best doctors in the field; you have chosen wisely. I think you have realistic expectations, except that graft counts of 6-7K, while possible, are not the norm. I believe "average" session sizes for H&W are 4-5K.


4500 Grafts will typically provide coverage to the front and/or top. View my blog to see how Dr. Wong chose to place that number of grafts. As I am 20 years younger than you, I did not deem my result complete, so I returned for a second procedure for 2000 grafts which will add density and some coverage to the crown. However, I _could_ have stopped at 4500 grafts as the way the grafts were planted connected with the sides and provided coverage on top. Had the grafts been dense packed farther forward, the work would have required a second procedure. It is a balancing act.


At your age, you may well decide that 4500 grafts gets you a very complete look (although perhaps with a bald crown.) Most men of 60 years have thinner, receded hair which looks quite natural.


My hair characteristics are fine, so my density will not be as great as someone with very coarse hair. Keep that in mind when viewing my photos.


The primary reason to choose H&W for an advanced norwood restoration like yourself is the number of grafts they can pull in a single session. They are capable of 6-7K sessions and average 4-5K. Other megasession clinics seem to average 3-4K with around 4K being the maximum. So your chances of a "one and done" restoration is much greater with H&W.


Good luck.


Hello Emperor, thank you for replying to my post.


Firstly, I wish you the best of luck with your second procedure. I have viewd your transplant log on more than one occasion and followed your subsequent posts with great interest. I feel confident, in my humble opinion, that you will achieve what you initially desired and again wish you well in that objective.


You make some sound points regarding graph numbers and outcome. I agree a mature look is the sensible course and an acceptable one also. I would though like some cover in the crown area albeit with a thinning appearance - an improvement on what I have (have not) at the moment.


Your hair density postion could and probably does apply to my situation. It is becoming apparent that I will in all probabality not achieve a "one and done" restoration. Unless of course I settle for the limitations of a single procedure.


The journey continues!





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Originally posted by Garageland:

Hi BillyJ, thanks for your interest in the clinic I am the UK consultant for Hasson And Wong it's a shame you didn't see my post on a meet up I was in London yesterday meeting patients, that said I live in the South East so a meet up would be possible.

I am a nw6 who had 4850 grafts in one session after 3 poor surgeries in the UK, so we have a bit in common there.

As the other posters mention a very, very small number of people are candidates for such a big session certainly in one go, you would be looking at a two stage strategy.


I would be very happy to answer any questions you have regarding the procedure etc all my contact details are on my site.







Hello Garageland, thank you for replying to my post.


Such a pity I was not aware of your recent get together it would have been good to be there. I would, however, like to take you up on your kind offer to talk and perhaps to meet. I shall seek out your details and be in touch.


I hesitate to say it's good we have poor uk surgery experience in common as I'd wish it wasn't the case for both of us. But on a positive note we can at least exchange views regarding such. And I can certainly benefit from your practical knowledge of the whole current process.


I agree, to achieve 6000-7000 graphs will require more than one session. Again, hopefully, we can discuss this in more detail when we speak and/or meet.


Finally, I have viewed your transplant blog on more than one occasion and must say the final outcome is very impressive, if not miraculous, you must be so pleased - the latter statment being typical English understatement I imagine.





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I travelled to Dr Wong in Dec after much research, it was very good. Best fire all your questions at Christina his assistant and the ones she can answer youcan ask Dr Wong on the phone, he seems a very decent guy and wont tell you any BS, good luck

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Originally posted by 1ainslie:

I travelled to Dr Wong in Dec after much research, it was very good. Best fire all your questions at Christina his assistant and the ones she can answer youcan ask Dr Wong on the phone, he seems a very decent guy and wont tell you any BS, good luck


1Ainslie, thank you for replying to my post and for your good wishes. I in turn wish you the best of success with your recent surgery.


Thanks also for the advice regarding Christina and your opinion of Dr Wong. I should be speaking with Dr Wong this coming week, which I'm looking forward to.







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