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A new FAQ section.


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  • Senior Member

Ok everyone, I am calling on you for some help here. There seems to be a lot of repeat questions from users on matters concerning hair loss causes, treatments, and especially hair transplant procedures. There is a plethora of great information in the archives of this forum that everyone has access to.


What I would like everyone to post is: What questions would you like to see in a revised "FAQ" section? If you are relatively new to the forums, what questions do you have that you would like to have answered?


Your help is greatly appreciated. There are no stupid questions. Everyone of us was new to our research on the path to a hair loss solution at one time or another.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

Ok everyone, I am calling on you for some help here. There seems to be a lot of repeat questions from users on matters concerning hair loss causes, treatments, and especially hair transplant procedures. There is a plethora of great information in the archives of this forum that everyone has access to.


What I would like everyone to post is: What questions would you like to see in a revised "FAQ" section? If you are relatively new to the forums, what questions do you have that you would like to have answered?


Your help is greatly appreciated. There are no stupid questions. Everyone of us was new to our research on the path to a hair loss solution at one time or another.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

* List of FUE doctors

* Pre/Post Op instructions

*Scalp excercises

* Meds and online pharmacy resources

* Lateral slit info

* Shampoo/Conditioner for HT patients and MBP

* Hairstyle for HT patients/ surgery cover ups

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  • Senior Member

"what characteristics makes a person an ideal candidate?"


"what characteristics makes a person a less-than-ideal candidate?"


"What is the difference between an FU and a Micrograft? Minigraft?"


"Why is the FU transplant considered state of the art?"


"Microscopes... why are they important?"


"What are the HT issues and concerns of the very young patient, in the beginning stages of hair loss?"


"How to plan for the future?" (long term issues regarding hairlines, sensible and efficient use of donor supply, maturing with a transplanted hairline, etc)


"Transplanting into the crown?"


Cool that you guys keep improving the website...!

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the replies so far, guys. Keep 'em coming. I am going to be working on getting this set up as soon as possible. I think that it will be an invaluable reference tool for hair loss sufferers for years to come. This way, when someone asks a question, they can be shown to the appropriate FAQ section, and then the answer can be expanded upon to further meet their particular case. I believe that this will warrant a good bit of constructive discussion in the future. Thanks again for extending a helping hand.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,


(As you know) Im reletivly new to the forums. I agree a heap of questions get asked many times over, I know cause I have asked them. I Must say though, when I discovered this site I was relieved to find all the info I needed but more importantly love the fact I can 'Chat' with people who know what's going on. Its cool to come home from work, switch on to the forum and see you guys have taken an interest in my questions and given up your time to respond to questions you've all answered a heap of times.


All im trying to say is I and many other 'newies' appreciate the support.


Anyway, quick update, 7 weeks post (2145 Dr White (Australia)) a heap of whispy white hairs starting to pop through, finally starting to relax, all looks good so far....





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  • Senior Member

This is just a quick thought and it may or may not be a good idea. Some of the FAQ's are answered with somewhat standard information but still perhaps leave you wanting a little more information. What if you provided a link to a particular thread or threads on this message board about the topic? A detailed thread that offered a different number of opinions or experiences about that particular FAQ. That would give the reader a feel of how actual guys feel about a particular subject. For example, many guys will choose sutures, dissolvable sutures, or staples based on past experience and whatever is best for their situation. A link to a detailed discussion might provide the reader additional insight into the topic.


On a side note...it's been a couple months since I've posted or been reading on the board. Have I missed anything good?

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  • Senior Member

That's a good idea, NC30 but that is what the search engine is for. Also, just because a member can get an answer at the new "FAQ" doesn't mean that a great discussion can't be started from their question to further specify the answer to their particular needs. I want the whole point to be a great "go to" source of information like RegrowHair.com is now, but that can be expanded upon with new discussion and experiences.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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