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Do Transplanted Hairs Fall out after a month of surgery?

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


I had an FUT done almost 2 weeks ago to lower the hairline and add some density. I had 2000 grafts.


I heard that the transplanted hairs will start falling off within a month. Is this true for a majority of patients? I am 26 years old. If so, is there any way to keep the transplanted hairs from shedding?



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  • Senior Member

You could maybe keep your hair on your head by pouring glue on your scalp. But in all seriousness, it's expected and normal for your hair to shed at first. Like Newhairplease said, don't worry about it, they'll grow back.

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  • Regular Member

I had ~2000 grafts to the frontal third 13 days ago and have shed about 75% of the hairs already. They held on and looked like they were growing until about day 10 then slowly but surely started falling out. Totally natural and happens to nearly everyone almost without exception. If someone ever came up with a way to make transplanted hairs not shed and the grafts not go into "resting" state, that would be a major breakthrough. Unfortunately no one has figured that out yet :-(

Edited by GreaseDJ
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I have had patients that called me 3 weeks after the procedure and told me all the scabs had fallen off and the transplanted hairs looked twice as long as they did after the surgery. I warned them that there was a normal delay and that they would probably still shed. Sure enough they call me a week later and said I was right and they all fell out. No shedding or shock is extremely rare.

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