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HT 2: w Dr. Dorin experience


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Hey everyone,


I was horrible about following up with my experience for my first HT and I'm hoping to be a little better with this one. I can never get any good pictures with my computer, so I never really updated because I figured people would want to see pictures, obviously. My results of my first one thousand, five hundred eight graft transplant were posted by T and D on here about six weeks ago...link below:




I was so thrilled with my results and the way that everything about my first transplant was handled I decided to go in for a second pass. So here is my experience from this past Tuesday.


At my very first consultation, Dr. Dorin and I had discussed doing fifteen to sixteen hundred grafts and then possibly following up with a second treatment for density. It had pretty much always been my intention to do a second transplant, but my results were so much more than I had expected I actually took a little more time to think about it. But, after my eleven month out follow up with Dr. Dorin, and realizing that the area that I thought I could use a bit more density was the exact area he had been talking about, I decided to go for it. Dr. Dorin suggested doing 800-900 additional grafts in the area between my hairline and bridge.


I arrived for the transplant at 8am and, once again, everyone in the office was friendly and had a great attitude. I decided that if it was appropriate I'd go a little beyond the original estimate of grafts but kept a cap on it for financial reasons. Peter brought me in the back and took some pre-op pictures, with my newly number four buzzed hair, which incidentally, had some pretty good coverage even that short. Then it was off to the room to get to work.


Dr. Dorin came in and we talked about exactly what the plan was for this transplant. We decided on sticking to the original plan of enhancing the area between the hairline and the crown and then also enhancing the actual hairline a bit. I have to say, Dr. Dorin has such a good grasp on what the patient really wants, at least in my case, that he makes the suggestion even before you can. Because in the back of my mind when I wanted to go slightly beyond the original estimate, hairline was definitely something I wanted to add a bit to, but I didn't even have to say it.


We got to work and Dr. Dorin started removing the strip. He went higher than last time on the left side to get the grafts, but not on the right because I had cowlick there, which was great. When we got to the stitches, Dr. Dorin really impressed me. With my first surgery, I had an issue where the dissolvable stitches didn't dissolve and instead pushed out of my head in two places, making my scar a little larger in those two spots. Dr. Dorin took to the time, and it was quite a bit of extra time, to really snip down the internal stitches to do his best to avoid them coming out this time. I've had dissolvable stitches come out from other surgeries as well, so I guess my body doesn't like them much, and I have really thin skin in the back of my head. The fact that he really took the care and time to do this says a great deal about his dedication to his patients, because I definitely was worried about having the same thing happen again.


The technicians who placed the grafts were both kind and funny, making sure I was comfortable the whole time and keeping me laughing while they placed the grafts. I was so comfortable that I actually dozed off for a bit during the procedure. I learned that I have incredibly tiny hair follicles, which they discovered last time, but one of the technicians who did not do my placement during the first surgery was shocked. I also apparently don't bleed very much, not that I mind that at all.


The number of times that I was asked if I was okay or if I needed anything at all was truly amazing. It was apparent both times I went to True and Dorin that the staff really cares about the comfort and happiness of the patient. You can't ask for anything more.


By the end of the procedure I had one thousand, eight grafts placed. I was actually in pretty good shape once the surgery was done. I had very little redness in the recipient area, which was fantastic, and I really didn't feel that groggy. We did some follow up pictures and I was on my way.


I had a bit of a rough first night once the anesthetic wore off. But Dr. Dorin had told me that it could potentially hurt more in the donor area because of it being the second surgery. My followup visit was great and the technician who cleaned my donor area did a very thorough job and kept checking to be sure I wasn't in too much pain. This year I was smart and took a pain killer before my visit. She also kept me laughing and entertained the entire time. I didn't even need my recipient area cleaned because I don't really have much scabbing at all.


I cannot even express how thrilled I am with the entire process. I'm really not even having very much pain after less than forty eight hours. The only place that hurts at all, really is the area above my left ear. But this morning I just took 2 Advil and it seems to be working, which is nice since the Vicodin knocks me out.


Now it's just a waiting game. I'm hoping for an equally excellent result as the first time and feel like I'm in good hands with Dr. Dorin. I definitely feel much less paranoid than last time, which is good because I was a bit of a basket case worrying about everything. Any advice for second transplant is welcomed and appreciated...


I would, once again, highly recommend True and Dorin for anyone considering a hair transplant procedure.






ps. excuse the oddness of my numbers. I spilled water on my keyboard and have no function one or four button, hence those numbers being spelled out.

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  • Senior Member

Your first HT is the best result I have ever seen for 1500 grafts period. Congrats to you and happy growing with the second.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

Your first procedure was a genuine success! Fin seems to have stabilized you and you might even have had some gains with it. I'm sure the 2nd procedure will finish you off. Congrats!

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Can'tdecide...Thanks so much...I am really happy with the results of the first transplant and hope the second one goes just as well.


JayWalker...You're in great hands. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful Dr. Dorin and the staff are. Best of luck.


aaron...Thanks man. I really think the Fin has helped. I've definitely not had any further loss and I do think that I have had some gains, at least in the quality of the hair at the crown.

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