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Changing hair styles - How much is too much?

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I am someone who liked (yes, all in the past...when I had a head full of beautiful hair :() to try different styles on my hair. Some used to come out good while some didn't look good. I experimented with different types of hair parting, styles and lengths. All along, I had many friends advising me that too much of change in terms of combing hair and the changing angles affects the hair roots in a negative way and that there could too much pressure on the roots causing them to become weak


Now, the simple question is...how much of such a claim is true? Can too much of styling (am not even referring to hair products here, just the way you comb and style your hair) have any adverse effects?


Comments appreciated

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  • Senior Member

That's a myth. Things that can damage your hair are styles like cornrows, tight braids and ponytails, or any style that pulls steadily on your hair. Lots of African-American women lose their hair all along the front hairline because of these styles.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Senior Member

I agree with the above. You hear ppl saying wearing hats or dying your hair makes the hairs fall out.

A lot is myth but definitely, pulling at the hair would weaken it from the roots.

If your hair is sensitive to the DHT in your body, you will lose hair, it's nothing to do with the hair styles or angles you do.

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I do not think changing hair style and hair directions actually causes hair loss. If extreme pulling of the hair is used to create a specific hair style that could potentially cause a type of traction alopecia. Over use of chemicals, dyes, or excessive heat can cause damage and have negative effect on the quality of a persons hair. These types of traumas occuring over extended periods of tiime could cause irreverible damage. On the short term most of the damage would be temporary.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the accurate information doctor. You're regularly on here giving good sounding advise and we appreciate your time!


I don't mean to steal the thread, but just a quick question for you doctor about 'hair styles', girl in my family wants a hair transplant to the front & mid section. Fearing her cosmetic looks and with the shockloss, she wants to wear a wig after surgery. Is this okay? If so, when is it safe to wear it? This will ONLY be when she's outside of the house.

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  • Regular Member
Combing hair won't do any permanent damage unless you're using a rake or something :D



Thanks Doc and members who bothered to comment. Its strange to note there is so much of misinformation that has spread easily. Interestingly, a trichologist once I went to claimed that longer the hair faster the hair-fall! I don't know what to make of such a claim. Is there some logic to it?

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