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6 Month Update: Dr. Dorin: 1,696 FUT

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6 Month Update: Dr. Dorin: 1,696 FUT on a NW3.



So far, so good. At six months, my HT is coming along well… slowly, but steadily.


First off, sorry for the pics. My hair was just out of control today. I don’t like the studio photos either. They really don’t do justice to the true result. I think it looks good for 6 months.


I’m going to take some more on the next sunny day… if only NYC could get more sunny days. A lot of guys have been asking for the “harshest conditions possible” photos… which I don’t really see the point in (especially 6 months post-op), as I think they do a disservice to the community. I really don’t see the point in intentionally presenting one’s HT in unflattering conditions for the sake of veritas. Plus, as I’ve seen in other threads, some posters use such photos as fodder to misrepresent certain cases for whatever personal reasons, but I digress…



Now for the progress report….


The right side is looking great! The right temple has filled in well and the hairs have started to mature and lay naturally. They’re even blonde! I’m really pleased with the result so far and looking forward to more maturing, etc…


If you remember from my 4 month update, I was concerned that the transplanted hairs would be darker than the native hair because my donor hair seems to be darker. Now I’m glad to say that they’re nice and blonde like the rest of my hair and starting to blend well. It looks really good actually… if only the photos could do justice!



My left side has seen a lot of growth too, but not much maturity. It is still lagging behind the ride side by approximately 25%. If you’ve been following my case, you’ll know that it’s been like this from the very beginning.


If you view my 2 month update, you’ll see that the right side has a lot of growth, but the left side has virtually none. Then on the 4 month update, you’ll see that the right side has even more growth, but the left side has about as much growth as the right side had at the 2 month update.


So now at the 6 month update, I see that the left side has about as much growth and maturity as the right side had at 4 months. Go figure!


The left side is still wispy and straggly, just like the right side at 4 months. It’s also sticking up, almost curly, and bending at the top. However, I think gravity is about to start forcing it down just like it did to the right side two months ago—basically, the exact same story as the right side at 4 months post-op.


Bear in mind that before the HT, the left side had significantly more recession than the right side. So this entire time I’ve suspected that something is physiologically amiss with my left side. We’ll see…


Long story short, I think the left side is just slow. It’ll probably just take longer to grow and mature, but so far nothing indicates that it will not grow and mature just as well as the right side. It certainly hasn’t stopped, and there has been a definite improvement since the 4 month update—just slower, with which Dr. Dorin agrees.



As for the hairline, it is somewhere in between. It’s not as good as the right side, but not as immature as the left side. The one concern that Dr. Dorin and I discussed is that there are some grafts that haven’t started to grow yet in the immediate center. If you look closely, there are some noticeable spaces in the 2cmsq area in the direct center of the hairline. This is also evident in the 4 month update.


Unfortunately, Dr. Dorin informed me that for the majority of people, most of the transplanted hair will have sprouted by 6 months; however, I should be patient because it can take longer. He told me that there are a number of possible explanations and that I should stay patient. Hence, my patience... sin prisa, pero sin pausa!


He also reaffirmed that if they didn’t grow in, he would do a complimentary touch up on the hairline and the left side if I didn’t get the density that I liked—naturally, that was very reassuring.


I even asked him about a possible FUE touch up and he said that FUE was definitely an option, but not necessary. He said that he and Dr. True are so good at FUE that they can get just as good as results with it as FUT… and from what I’ve seen, I believe him. In my opinion, T&D are among the elite of FUE.


My only concern was with Dr. Dorin’s disappointment with the absent grafts in the immediate center of the hairline. He estimated that perhaps 50 grafts didn’t yield. I still thought that I had a good chance of more growth, but it’s less likely actually. He didn’t bother sugarcoating it for me either, which I appreciate.


Based on what I’ve seen on the HTN, I still think talk of a touch-up is presumptuous… there are just too many late/slow growers. Maybe Dr. Dorin thought I was more worried about it than I really am… if ya’ll only knew how chillaxed I am.


Of course, if you’ve been following my case, you’ll know that from the very beginning Dr. Dorin and I anticipated a second procedure for density. 1,700 grafts for a NW3 is only scratching the surface—most folks go for 3,000 grafts in the hairline and temples for sufficient density! However, if the growth and maturity keep up like the right side, I really don’t know if I’ll need a second procedure at all. “Hair greed” notwithstanding, we’ll see…


Truth be told, I’m pretty happy so far for the simple reason that I mentally prepared myself for a slow result. After trolling the HTN for so long and seeing all the late bloomers and people with less than optimal results, I mentally prepared myself for any setbacks.


I’ve always been annoyed by all the “panic posts” of dudes 3 months post-op and freaking out that they don’t have any growth yet. I told myself from the beginning that I must be prepared for slow growth. So to tell you the truth, I’m not sweating it at all.


I feel good so far. I like what I’ve gotten out of 6 months and I look forward to more to come. I’m sure my left side is going to catch up in maturity… there is just no reason to think otherwise. C’est la vie!


Lastly, customer service, communications and support from my doctor and his staff still remain exceptional. I couldn’t be happier with the way they’re treating and handling my case.


All in all, I’m great! I’m happy with the result so far and staying patient. Any thoughts, observations or questions on my case are welcome.


I'll post a few pics here and the rest will be in my blog, see below. Some of them are studio and some are from my home with my hair wetted and combed back. My art student roommate took the home pics, so please forgive her aesthetic contributions. I told her to just put it on automatic, but she would hear nothing of it!




Edited by corvettester
Unclear on a few issues.

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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I like your post. It is calm, collected and I think your attitude is a good one. However, I think that you should continue your patience as more hair can come through. I disagree with the notion that all the hair that is going to sprout has sprouted at six months. Our position is that it can take eight months but we've seen some patients where sprouts were coming in much longer than that. While it is certainly the exception and not the rule it is still possible. I think and hope with more time you will see continued, albeit not as much, new growth and thickening. Thanks for the update.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Here are some pics with flash and a few others in nasty fluorescent lighting.


Again, just to clarify, these pics do no justice to the true result. It looks far better in person. I no longer have a widow's peak!


In fact, for the first time in my life I feel comfortable walking around with my hair wet and combed back... I don't remember the last time I did that.

Edited by corvettester

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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I like your post. It is calm, collected and I think your attitude is a good one. However, I think that you should continue your patience as more hair can come through. I disagree with the notion that all the hair that is going to sprout has sprouted at six months. Our position is that it can take eight months but we've seen some patients where sprouts were coming in much longer than that. While it is certainly the exception and not the rule it is still possible. I think and hope with more time you will see continued, albeit not as much, new growth and thickening. Thanks for the update.


Thanks for pointing that out Joetronic.


I'm going to go back an edit my original statement. I see that it can be interpreted as Dr. Dorin saying that hair will not sprout after 6 months. That is not what he said.


He said that for most people it has already started by this point, but that I should remain patient because there is still a possibility of more growth.




Edited by corvettester

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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I can see what you're saying about the center part. I agree with Joe that you can definitely see more growth sprout through in the next few months. In terms of thickening, I saw a substantial difference after month eight and I would say my growth looked similar to yours at month six.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thanks Corvettester for an honest account with your photos. I always enjoyed reading your post since I find you both honest and sincere. Definately a postive improvement and more to come.

Keep us posted.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Lorenzo & Spex,


Thanks for the input.


Yes, I'm in it for the long haul. Patience and confidence is essential... I have both.


Now back to focusing on everyon else's results!




My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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I too appreciate your posts. You are a great asset to this community. First off you already have great hair. It will only get better. It seems you only have that slight recession to deal with. I don't know if you mentioned this but are you taking any meds to fight of future loss? I'm not sure what the extent of you're family hairloss is like. Hopefully it's only the hairline.


I can understand your frustration with that particular side. I would def give it some time. I'm at ten months and I still feel some prickly hairs on the surface. Although, I must admit they are not on the hairline but further back. Even if you don't get more hairs sprouting on the hairline, the hair shaft over the course of time will def thicken up giving you better density in that area. On ne sait jamais.


I was also like you during the doldrums. Although, I buzzed my head completely. I even had some people I play tennis with comment on how I was balding. With all that I stayed pretty calm and never panicked . You're lucky you didn't have to buzz it all down as you had plenty of hair cover up the area. With that said, I wish you nothing but the best and continued growth.

Edited by Anouar
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I was also like you during the doldrums. Although, I buzzed my head completely. I even had some people I play tennis with comment on how I was balding.




Tant pis pour vous!




As for my situation... No, I'm not on meds. I'll do anythign to avoid taking meds.



The only MPB in the family is my paternal grandfather who was a NW7 by the time he was 30.




Edited by corvettester

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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Puisque nous sommes des amis tu doit pas m'adresser avec vous.



Sounds like you're in good shape considering you're family hairloss. I too wish I didn't have to take the meds but I'm trying to hold on to what I've got. I feel like it's been a real battle. I see thinning on the crown and it's starting to aggravate me.:mad:

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I decided to avoid the meds as well and I have mixed feelings about doing so. My hairloss definitely stayed ahead of the transplants resulting in another strip megasession just 3 years after the first. Knowing your family history helps, but hairloss is unpredictable and there are no hard, fast rules unfortunately. If I were younger I probably would have continued with the meds. But my wife and I were trying for a child, and I just decided I did not want to take a pharmaceutical if I didn't have to. Why are you so anti-finasteride?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I'm not against hair loss meds, per se. I'm just against meds in general... especially long-term or permanent.


Of course, when I get a bad headache, I'll take some Tylenol or something like that. Obviously, I was medicated for my procedure.


However, I generally try to stay away from anything unnatural as much as possible. I’m a health-nut for sure, but I don't try to force my lifestyle on anyone...


I just think it's important that potential HT candidates aren't under the mistaken impression that they must take meds. I believe that all options should be explored... as I'm sure you can appreiciate. For example, I take vitamin and herbal supplements. :D




Edited by corvettester

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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Very good documentation of your progress. I echo others that your contributions to this forum is calm and collected and I too enjoy reading your posts. I have a lot respect for T&D's work so it seems fitting that you are one of their patients. Your results are just as it should be at this stage. Good to see you are happy with your results. You certainly deserve it. :)

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