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A few months earlier I posted some photos of my vertex/crown area and was told that there was no balding. Since my father first noticed his baldness at around age 35-40, I'm keeping a close watch on my hair for any early signs of MPB even though I'm currently only 21-years-old. I've been told that this is the age at which the first signs usually present themselves.


Anyway, I've always kept longish hair so I've never really paid any attention to my hairline or sides until getting a short haircut a few days ago. Here are some snaps of my hairline after wetting my hair slightly and parting it at the sides for a clearer picture: http://i56.tinypic.com/6ftbuw.jpg


I've taken a look at the Norwood scale, but can't really tell the difference from a normal parting or receding hairlines.

Edited by cc89
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  • Senior Member



There may be a tiny (and I mean tiny) bit of recession there, but nothing to fret about in all honesty. Have you looked into proven medical supplements such as Minox or Fin?


You may just have a maturing hair line mate.

I would look into meds if you are truly worried about it, from what I can see in the pictures there doesn't seem to be many issues.

Maybe try taking additional photos under different lighting conditions.


As far as the Norwood scale goes, you would not even be classified at NW2. The temple points have not really taken on the dreaded "M" shape yet.



"The road to success is always under construction"


:cool: I represent Dr Rahal and the associated clinic as a paid patient advisor.


I am also here to assist fellow Australian/NZ Hair Loss sufferers both on and off the forum.


Contact: mbhounslow@gmail.com - Mike.

Hair Transplant Surgery:

June 3rd 2011

2800 Grafts to frontal 1/3

By Dr Rahal in Ottawa, Canada



Current Hair Loss Arsenal:

Dutas .5mg every day 1.5 years and Proscar 5mg (Cut into 1/4): x1 Daily 10 years


Hair-A-Gain Generic Minox: x2 Daily 13 years

(Applied wet in mornings)


Other Random products put to use during my hair loss battle (not in use):

Spiro Cream 5mg

Minox 15%

Dr Proctor's Nano Shampoo

Various Herbal supplements

Toppik/ Nanogen

Saw Palmetto

Provillus - LOL

Nanogen Shampoo

Laser Treatments (Epic Fail)


10 long years of HT and general HL research.:cool:


*I am not a medical professional, I only offer my own advice from personal experiences and years of detailed research*

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People would kill for your hairline. If you are losing, it's way too early to tell. It's normal to have some short fine hairs around the hairline. Those may be hairs from your juvenile hairline that is maturing. If it bothers you, find a recommended physician on here that is close by that does miniaturization testing.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Regular Member

Some of the posts mentioning a maturing hairline and maybe even a slight amount of recession don't sound too reassuring. I thought hairlines started maturing much later than the age of 21...

Edited by cc89
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  • Senior Member



I think that your hair looks pretty normal. Don't be too worried about your hair unless you start to see some noticeable thinning. By all means keep an eye on your hair to ensure that you get on medication to prevent further loss but at this stage your hair looks great.


My hair was Visibly thin at 21 years of age. Go off and have a good life and stop worrying it doesn't achieve anything.





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Hey guys,


I should probably step forward as I was one who mentioned possibility of a mature hairline. I'm my defence I could not see the pictures extremely well as I posted from my iPhone, I do apologize. The other factor is I only said there "may" be a tiny (and i did emphasize tiny) chance of a matured hairline, not to mention the fact he is not even classed on the Norwood scale as yet. I also know what it is like to be 21 and fretting over the slightest amount of change, but mate honestly your hair is fine. I was already in the recessed "m" phase by 22 (only small) you are still in great shape, quit worrying and come back at a later date.

Don't turn into one of us, consumed by hairloss forgetting there is a life to live out there :-)




And again, I do apologize if I had worried you or furthered your anxieties

You have made the right steps for any future issues by even coming here, this I applaud.

"The road to success is always under construction"


:cool: I represent Dr Rahal and the associated clinic as a paid patient advisor.


I am also here to assist fellow Australian/NZ Hair Loss sufferers both on and off the forum.


Contact: mbhounslow@gmail.com - Mike.

Hair Transplant Surgery:

June 3rd 2011

2800 Grafts to frontal 1/3

By Dr Rahal in Ottawa, Canada



Current Hair Loss Arsenal:

Dutas .5mg every day 1.5 years and Proscar 5mg (Cut into 1/4): x1 Daily 10 years


Hair-A-Gain Generic Minox: x2 Daily 13 years

(Applied wet in mornings)


Other Random products put to use during my hair loss battle (not in use):

Spiro Cream 5mg

Minox 15%

Dr Proctor's Nano Shampoo

Various Herbal supplements

Toppik/ Nanogen

Saw Palmetto

Provillus - LOL

Nanogen Shampoo

Laser Treatments (Epic Fail)


10 long years of HT and general HL research.:cool:


*I am not a medical professional, I only offer my own advice from personal experiences and years of detailed research*

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  • Senior Member
Some of the posts mentioning a maturing hairline and maybe even a slight amount of recession don't sound too reassuring. I thought hairlines started maturing much later than the age of 21...



I think hairlines can begin to mature around 21 and up to 29.


You want me to be honest.....do you have Brad Pitt hair? Nope.


Do you look like you have begun loosing your hair? No as well.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Regular Member

I understand. I'd like to get past this entire balding thing I've been worrying about, but I'm not finding this an easy thing to do. The prospect of losing my hair scares the daylight out of me. Here's one last photo of my hairline with me looking downward for a better view: http://i51.tinypic.com/2vttdlt.jpg


Hopefully this will confirm that it's nothing more than a maturing hairline. This is also the first ever photo I've taken with my hair pulled back, so I haven't got a reference point either.

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  • Senior Member

Still good. Come back in year or two. Worry about something else, like school, hitting the gym, dating, dressing cooler, the meaning of life, etc.


You are wasting a lot of energy on this right now. You could be looking at 10 plus years before you start to go, if you even do.


Nip this in the bud right now and forget about it.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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