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If you retained most of you hair in your 30s...

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  • Regular Member

You know what must be worse? It's those guys that have a great head of hair all their lives and then they hit a certain point in their mid 50's or so and start to thin out.


It must be a shock-- all their adult lives they've taken it for granted that they've got good hair-- balding happens to "other guys". Then WHAM!


This I think must be worse than losing it gradually.


Actors who this has happened to include Martin Sheen (who even now still has a pretty good head of hair, just not like he did) and William DeVane.


But to answer your question: yes it is not only possible but very likely to start balding in your 30's and beyond.

Edited by Hal
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  • Senior Member
You know what must be worse? It's those guys that have a great head of hair all their lives and then they hit a certain point in their mid 50's or so and start to thin out. It must be a shock-- all their adult lives they've taken it for granted that they've got good hair-- balding happens to "other guys". Then WHAM! This I think must be worse than losing it gradually.


My own hair loss wasn't noticeable to me until right before I turned 50. And yeah, until then I was thinking to myself, "I made it this far; I'm going to be one of those lucky ones who dies with a full head of hair."


Still, I'm glad I had it as long as I did rather than starting to lose it in my 20s or 30s.

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In my opinion, the only rule that hair loss follows is that there are no rules. Just about anything you can imagine can happen from timelines to differing patterns.


I remember when I first began to worry about hair loss in my early twenties. I realized my hairline had made a quick retreat and, at the same time, I was beginning to see early graying (another genetic gift from my family). My dad, who had been a hairstylist, told me that the premature gray hair was a good sing that I wouldn't lose much more hair because once hair turned gray it no longer fell out. What a load of rubbish!


Bottom line: expect the unexpected when it comes to balding. There are simply no predictors.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Lol, if that were the case I would stock up on "Just for Men Hair" in Grey hoping to not lose the rest of my prized follicles :P

"The road to success is always under construction"


:cool: I represent Dr Rahal and the associated clinic as a paid patient advisor.


I am also here to assist fellow Australian/NZ Hair Loss sufferers both on and off the forum.


Contact: mbhounslow@gmail.com - Mike.

Hair Transplant Surgery:

June 3rd 2011

2800 Grafts to frontal 1/3

By Dr Rahal in Ottawa, Canada



Current Hair Loss Arsenal:

Dutas .5mg every day 1.5 years and Proscar 5mg (Cut into 1/4): x1 Daily 10 years


Hair-A-Gain Generic Minox: x2 Daily 13 years

(Applied wet in mornings)


Other Random products put to use during my hair loss battle (not in use):

Spiro Cream 5mg

Minox 15%

Dr Proctor's Nano Shampoo

Various Herbal supplements

Toppik/ Nanogen

Saw Palmetto

Provillus - LOL

Nanogen Shampoo

Laser Treatments (Epic Fail)


10 long years of HT and general HL research.:cool:


*I am not a medical professional, I only offer my own advice from personal experiences and years of detailed research*

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I think if you are pretty good in to your 30's and have most of you hair....i.e. no crown loss, mild temporal recession. I think the chances of you being REALLY bald is unlikely. Especially if you get on fin. But like TTP said, there are no rules and anything could happen.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Like Spanker said, I think that if you do manage to retain your hair into your thirties then there is a reduced chance of progressing to an advanced balding pattern, but nothing is certain.


Can't speak as a 55-year-old as I'm nowhere near that age yet, but as someone whose hairloss began in his twenties I have to disagree that starting to experience hairloss later is somehow worse due to the idea that you're safe from it.

Hairloss is much more common, expected and accepted later in life. To not have to deal with it now while I'm young and not have the threat of further loss hanging over me would be quite welcome, believe me.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Half of men lose most of their hair by old age, two third of men thin noticeably.


Every now and then you get to be Ronald Reagan but my word is that an exception, he had enough hair to cover two men when he was 90.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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