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My HT shortlist-Need some help deciding


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This is a long post! but please try to help


Hello I'm new to the forum and so first let me share my story. I'm a 23 year old male from the UK and have suffered hair loss since I was about 13. The hair loss runs in the family and I have the same pattern of loss as my dad and uncle i.e. I have nice healthy hair at the front, sides and back, but very thin hair on top. My dad and uncle have hair on the front, sides and back but no hair on top or the crown.


So anyway, when I turned aout 16 I started to use various herbal treatments to combat this because it was looking really bad. I'm talking about taking pills, massaging the head with oils and stuff etc. This has worked because some of the hair on top has grown back, and hair loss seems to have stopped. I say this because whenever I used to massage my head with oils, a lot of hairs would end up on my palms. These days I don't get any hair in my hand when I massage my head. Others have also commented that my hair is looking much better and that the gaps are not as obvious now. If my hair is of a certain length, or if I've straightened it and under certain lighting, it looks normal and healthy, but other times it looks pretty bad. Just last weekend a girl I met at a club commented that my hair was very thin and that I should shave it.


My hair is still very thin and although the herbal medicines have helped, they haven't cured the problem and my hair is nowhere near as nice as it was when I was a child. So finally, I'm considering a transplant and need your input.



I had 5 HT clinics on my shortlist.


1. Dr Mahadevias clinic in Ahmedebad, India

Hair Loss Treatment India, Hair Care Clinic India, Baldness Treatment India, Hair Growth Solution India - Goodbyehairloss


2. Dr Madhu's clinic in Hyderabad, India

Dr.Madhu:::Hair Transplant Surgeon, India- Hyderabad::: for best Quality & Results::: to educate about advise for Hairloss


3. Transmed in Istanbul

Hair transplantation and alopecia treatments


4. Dr Tykocinski's clinic in Sao Paulo Brazil

Tykocisnki Medical Group - Lateral slit Follicular Transplant


5. Dr Devroye's clinic in Belgium

Hair Transplant Surgery



Here is what I've learned so far.


Dr Mahadevia-




Very cheap


Very quick and in-depth reply


Member of ISHRS




poor quality before and after pics


website looks basic and has broken links


It's in India (although I'm British, I'm of Indian ethnicity and know the way things work over there. There is a tendency to have a carefree attitude and I would be concerned about how seriously they address my concerns.


Have seen some photos of a member who had a transplant done and the scar looked very big, even after a few months


I contacted the clinic with my photos and was told that presently a hair transplant was not a good option for me as the surgery could cause shock loss and I could lose my existing hair. I was recommended to use medication.




Dr Madhu's clinic


I haven't consulted with them yet.



Recommended on this website


Cheap price


a decent set of before and after photos with number of grafts noted




Its in India. Now I don't want to sound like I'm dismissing someone just because they are in India, but I'm sure you can understand my concerns after reading of some of the bad HT experiences people have had in India.


Another concern I have is that the after pictures all show a combed to the side hairstyle. Why? Will spiking the hair up show up the bald patches?





I contacted transmed and after reviewing my photos, told me that I would need approximately 2200-2400 grafts. I replied back saying that I want a lot of density and that I want this even when I'm 50 (I know that a HT will not stop native hairs from falling out). However, they assured me that 2200-2400 grafts would be enough for me to achieve my goal.




A short flight from the UK


Recommended on this site


Good quality before and after pictures. Results look good


Professional looking website


In depth reply to my e-mail




More costly than the Indian clinics (but still a lot cheaper than the UK)


Mahmood's progress diary (on this website) shows very poor progress even after 1 year.



Dr Tykocinski




Good quality before and after pictures


Professional looking website


Recommended on this site




The first e-mail I sent them I forgot which photo I attached but I got a reply saying I did not need a transplant. I sent more photos and was told I needed approximately 3500 grafts for my goal. How can they make the first judgement based on just one picture?


The e-mail was also very short and not in-depth at all, and did not answer all my questions. It makes me think perhaps their english is not so good? Or maybe they do not take my concerns very seriously?



Could be more costly because of the price being higher than in India and the flight/accomodation in Brazil (but still a lot cheaper than the UK).



Dr Devroye


I have not consulted with this clinic yet




Recommended on this site


Very good quality before/after pictures with very good results and detailed explanation of each case. Probably the best results I've seen so far.


Professional looking website


Short flight to Belgium





Higher cost (still a lot cheaper than UK though)




General concerns with HT's



Here are some general concerns I have with HT's that I hope you guys can address.


1. Most HT pics I've seen show the combed over to the side hairstyle. I like to have my hair spiky. Can a HT give sufficient density to allow for this style as well as the use of gels, slicked back hair etc? Or will I have to use the comb over?


2. Shock loss is a big worry. I still have hair and no big bald patches. Like I said Im just thinning on top and I'm worried that a HT might make me lose my existing hair. However, at the same time I'm not really satisfied with my current volume. Medication is not an option as I'm looking for a one time solution instead of paying for expensive medicines on a long term basis.


3. A lot of HT's I've seen show the end result to be dry, dull, lifeless hair.


4. I want this to last a long time i.e., I don't think there is much point in a HT if in 10 years I'm gonna lose the existing hair on top and still look bad because the transplanted hair is not enough to compensate for the loss of native hair. The HT should be good enought to cover me in case I lose my native hairs 5 years down the line.


5. I don't want to rush into things but at the same time I know it takes at least a year to see real results and this is the time when I should be feeling confident, going out, meeting girls etc, so I don't want to waste my youth being unhappy either.



My feelings so far


Depite the nice e-mail reply, I have been put off Dr Mahadevia's clinic due to his poor before and after pictures. I am not too sure about Dr Madhus clinic either. Like I said, I have concerns about the way they do things in India. Dr Tykocinski's clinic were not really good with their e-mail reply and so the 2 favourite options at the moment are transmed or Dr Devroye. The shock loss thing has also left me unsure about a HT now and I need serious help in making a decision.

Edited by yoyoboy
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welcome to the forum. I too am from Uk and have been researching on here for 2 years and am booked in with Dr Hasson in 3 weeks time for a transplant. I would reccomend emailing spex (you can find his details on here) as he was my first point of contact as he sure as hell knows his stuff and gives unbiased realistic advice, and it is a MUST to do your own research for around a year plus to be armed with the knowledge which will make you make the right decision when choosing who to have your transplant with as you should feel 100% comfortable with your Dr of choice which comes from research research research hope this is of some help.


Also i notice you mention that the clinics you have chosen are "very cheap" or "cheap price" This is one of the first things i learnt that price and distance should not be a factor when choosing your doctor. i am flying from London to Canada however in my opinion you pay for what you get.

Edited by ukpaitent
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Hi, congratulations on choosing a clinic and I'm sure it will go well for you. Yeah you're right, price should not be the deciding factor and I've decided not to travel to India, even though it will be my cheapest option.


As I said, the two I'm considering are Transmed and Dr Devroye. They are not cheap either but just about affordable for me and the work looks good. whereas ?11,000 is just not something I can afford. I've also noticed that Dr Devroye is a coalition member and the work in his before/after pics looks very impressive so this could be a good option for me.


Check out his site and let me know what you think.

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You have some good doctors on that list. Good for you for researching and taking your making your hair transplant decision.

I have heard Dr. Wong speak highly of Dr Tykocinski.


Regardless good luck on your decision!!

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Funnily enough, my final choice was between Transmed and another Belgian clinic.


In the end, it was down to price and scheduling, so I went to Istanbul. I know those things shouldn't influence your decision but we don't all have deep pockets...


However, that's not to say I didn't feel comfortable about Transmed's reputation, customer care, etc - they were 100% professional in all their dealings with me.


You will get pretty much all the information you need to make your final decision on this site - and plenty of help too if you have any questions.

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I appreciate the kind words above Uk patient.


yoyo, I am more that happy to help you privately and publicly here. My initial reaction is initially you are young so it is vital you are in the best position to embark on a ht if eligible.


Do you have any pictures?


Are you on meds ie proscar - if so for how long?


Without meds in place at such a young age i am inclined to suggest you WAIT and do not rush into anything.






That is pretty good advice. Pics could help also. You really look like you are doing some good research. Good luck to you.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I think you may be sailing in a similar boat to myself with your hair loss. Have you scoured the entire Euro area for good Physicians, there are some great Dr's out there. Naturally the Dr's you have mentioned have some great results.

Maybe take even further time to investigate the right Doc for your situation, the process is a two way street and you both have to be driving down it. Okay no more lame analogies.

If I hadn't continued to research I would have chosen completely different Dr's at the time. Not to say the wrong choices would have been made, they were without a doubt great picks, just not for my situation.

It;s easy to have a top pick list and alter it consistently...trust me lol.


Take care mate!

"The road to success is always under construction"


:cool: I represent Dr Rahal and the associated clinic as a paid patient advisor.


I am also here to assist fellow Australian/NZ Hair Loss sufferers both on and off the forum.


Contact: mbhounslow@gmail.com - Mike.

Hair Transplant Surgery:

June 3rd 2011

2800 Grafts to frontal 1/3

By Dr Rahal in Ottawa, Canada



Current Hair Loss Arsenal:

Dutas .5mg every day 1.5 years and Proscar 5mg (Cut into 1/4): x1 Daily 10 years


Hair-A-Gain Generic Minox: x2 Daily 13 years

(Applied wet in mornings)


Other Random products put to use during my hair loss battle (not in use):

Spiro Cream 5mg

Minox 15%

Dr Proctor's Nano Shampoo

Various Herbal supplements

Toppik/ Nanogen

Saw Palmetto

Provillus - LOL

Nanogen Shampoo

Laser Treatments (Epic Fail)


10 long years of HT and general HL research.:cool:


*I am not a medical professional, I only offer my own advice from personal experiences and years of detailed research*

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