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Please see my current photos.

I am looking for a hair transplant. I m in Norwood scale 6. I consulted few hair transplant surgeons in India including the ones recommended here. My recipient area is very big as I am in Norwood 6 and the donor area is scanty as seen from the my pics.The recommended doctor have told me that I can go for 2000-2300 FUT. The area covered will be around 58 sq cm (2300 @ 40 per sq cm). This will be in the frontal region from the hairline going back. This is very less as compared to the total bald area. I am worried about the looks after the transplantation whether it will actually improve my current looks or degrade it. Also whether it will be natural to have hair only in the frontal region without any hair at the crown like a Zebra crossing. Need advise from experts and people what to do? Whether to go ahead and do it.

The advise from the doctor was not very promising and he stated that I should not expect a miracle. He was skeptical and told be that the choice is mine. The junior doctor told me that what matters is the frontal look and it will improve. I don't know what to do? Any people who have done similar transplantation.

Another concern is if the results are not good and I decide to go bald, the scar will be visible.







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  • Senior Member

You have a nicely shaped head and a good skin tone. You already buzz your head and look good. You look solid and strong! In my opinion you should shave it, see how it looks, and if you really want hair, consider FUE for a very short buzzed look. I think a strip operation for you is really unwise, even at 4000 grafts. As for 2000, it's a crazy idea, in my opinion.

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Honestly, your loss is quite huge and u dun seem to have a lot of donor hair to use. I also feel u can pull off the shaved head look. I understand that u are worried that the scar will be exposed should u lose even the hair at the so called safe zone. However, do understand that FUE is not scar-less. Obviously, if the surgery is very successful, u can pull off the buzzed look but if not, FUE does leave scars, like moth eaten kind of scars. Beware if anyone tells u that FUE is scarless.


If i were u, i would seek more advice. Besides India, u could always venture to Thailand for a consultation. Just my 2 cents. Listen to doctors' advice rather than posters. They are the ones operating on u and its their careers so they know better


hope that helps!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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I have to agree with Scar5.


A few points:


1). You have a nicely shaped head as been mentioned-- and it appears you have a darker complexion. In short, I think you look fine and can pull off the shaved down/shaved head look.


2). The numbers of graphs that you mention will not give you the coverage that you desire. I believe that a procedure will allow you to "frame the face" but that it will still be scant. So I think you'll find yourself in a situation where your hair will look good to you only under certain circumstances. What do I mean? No wind, low lighting, indoor events. Lot's of fussing and primping, using a lot of cover product. It's not the way to go. You'll get tired of all that and constantly be concerned if the hair is arranged properly. There's too much real estate and not enough graphs to go around.


3). You will lose the ability to shave down because of the scar. This is a very big deal for a guy in your situation. Why? because the best look for you is either very shaved down or totally shaved. A transplant will take that option away and I believe you're going to regret it. You're going to wind up having to keep your hair long, and its most likely going to look very thin and scraggly.


4). Given all the above and the way you can carry off the shaved look, I personally don't think you're a good candidate for a HT. This is of course my opinion, and I don't claim to be some sort of guru on the subject of hair transplantation.


Personally, if I were you and in your circumstances, I'd save the money and keep the remaining hair short. I might even look in to the Artistry Concepts tattoo solution.


Hair transplants with the right surgeon and the right candidate can be a viable option for hair loss. Given your images and the info you posted, I just don't see you as a good candidate.


I think you'd be making a big mistake. I think you'd end up unhappy with a scar to hide and forced to wear a hairstyle that you'd hate and did not flatter you.


I think you'd find yourself in a situation where you wish you could just shave it down and be done with and go back to normal. Only at that point, it wouldn't be an option.


I think you would be one of those guys who would be back posting how miserable you are a year or so down the road and looking for solutions to "reverse" a hair transplant.


Sorry to be so blunt, but there it is.


Think it over-- don't rush in to anything.



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i agree with the shaving idea...you have good complexion and skin tone. A HT will just leave scars thatll remind you of the dumb decision you made. your donor hair looks minimal for the amount of coverage needed to look somewhat descent. its ultimately up to you...but remeber it is a decision that will last forever. sorry to be such a downer...

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After reviewing your photos, I think there are two variables to consider in this situation: one is the quality of your donor hair, and the other is the area of balding scalp. In this instance, I think the characteristics of your donor hair, especially while attempting to cover such a big area, could be a bit of an issue. Second, as previously stated, the amount of scalp you're trying to cover is pretty substantial.


Having said that, I definitely don't want you to think that you should just give up hope or do something you're not comfortable with. I'd personally suggest a few things: first, if you aren't already, I'd look into preventive medications like minoxidil/Rogaine and finasteride/Propecia right away. While it may not make a drastic difference in the scalp, it could definitely revitalize some of the donor region and make transplantation a more realistic option.


Second, I recommend consulting with trusted, reviewed hair transplant surgeons (multiple physicians if possible) and following their advice. In your situation, I fear that some individuals may operate regardless of the results, and this is something you want to avoid. Consult with ethical physicians you trust, and try to heed their advice. Finally, I'd really ask these same surgeons if they believe you're a candidate for follicular unit extraction (FUE), even if you're only looking to get some frontal density and shave your head.


I hope this helps! Please feel free to ask any additional questions; good luck.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hi all,


Thanks for the replies and opinions.

As I see it I have left with the following options:

1. Trim my hair to level 1 and see how it looks. Start taking medicine to save what is remaining and accept that HT cannot be done in my case.

2, Go ahead with a FUT of 2000-2300 grafts with some hair in the frontal region and accept the results howsoever they are. I loose the option of trimming my hair because of the scar. In future check if some FUE can be done to have some better look.

3. Go for FUE multiple sessions. Not sure after this whether I will have an option to have a trim look or not.


As for consulting good doctors I have consulted with DHI New Delhi, Dr. Madhu (Hyderabad), Dr. Ashok (Hyderabad).


DHI said FUE not advisable.

Dr. Madhu: He said 2000-2300 FUT in first session and 800-900 FUE in second after seeing the results. But the results will not be miraculous and said the decision is up to me. I can go ahead or leave as it is.

Dr. Ashok: He gives a package and indicated a bigger coverage area. I guess the density will be lesser.


I want to consult more doctors to check whether with my donor area more no of FUT can be done.

People suggesting Mega/Giga sessions, I would like to know any contacts where I can send my photos and get a rough feedback whether these mega sessions are possible or not.


People thanks for the frank and blunt opinion. I do not want to become a case study of what not to do. So please continue giving your opinions.


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More comments please.

Anybody who has done HT only in the frontal region (due to low donor area), please advise.

Will a 2000-2500 FUT make any improvement in my looks (Norwood 6) or a trim look is the only option??

Can I use body hair, etc to increase the no of follicles transplanted?



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2500 would be super thin for the amount of scalp you need to cover. i.e. there would be hairs but the scalp would still be visible. the body hair idea isnt a bad one. usually body hair is used in the mid scalp and vertex area as a filler. its an option...have to choose an sppropriate doc for this procedure.


if you could use 1500 for your front...1500 for mid scalp and vertex...and another 1000 in body hair (dont know if that is feasible) you would have descent coverage. again you would be looking thing depending how long you keep your hair. i just dont know if it would be worth it in your case.


remember body hair does not have the same thickness diameter of head hair...so more of them are needed. not even sure 1000 body hairs would make a substantial difference.

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Normal guy, sorry to say mate, but 2500 grafts aint gonna do wonders. Do look at my site and i needed 3000ish grafts to cover just the frontal 1/3 but mine is dense packing. Ultimately, i seriously dun think that 2500 is gonna do u much good and u will have a scar to contend with in future. I agree with Blake, u goto seriously ask them if FUE gonna do u much good. I have mentioned before, FUE is not SCARLESS. If u really lose hair at the so called safe zone, there is no guarantee your scars won't show.


Hope that helps!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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I'd send my pics in to Hasson and Wong and see what they have to say. I'm no expert, but from your pics, it looks like your donor hair is sparse and the amount of coverage you need is large. The math doesn't add up. You could get some up front to frame your face, but when it does grow in, it will just be an isolated strip that probably will look a bit funny and out of place. As others have said, you do have a nice shaped head and you look good with the style you're wearing now so if an HT is not in the cards for you, you're in good shape still.

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Looking at your pictures and the comments I would probaly leave it as it is in my opinion. Your area that is bald is around 600 square cm (I am guessing but I am sure it close) so doing an area of 54 could only cover the front a bit. Lets say your area in the front 16CM that mean they would only go back 3cm so yes you would have a hairline but would you be happy. Good to the Dr. Mandu and DHI for being honest about your situation. As somebody stated with your complexion your would probaly look good with your head shaved.

Maybe I am wrong and your donor has alot more grafts than it appears. I have seen patients with your situation about to get 6000+ grafts in two session but its hard to tell by your pictures.


Good luck on your search.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It pains me to be so frank because I understand the upset that hairloss can cause, but you're just not a candidate under any circumstances. Please don't go ahead with any surgery. You may be bald, but you're still normal. The best transplant in the world will leave you looking like a freak.


Just say no.


Shave it down and hope for the stem-cell cure. If you're under 40, you may die with a full head of hair.

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