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First weekend after HT


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Hi all,


Thought I would share my experiences so far...after all it was groups like this that gave me the confidence to get it done in the first place!


I had been losing hair since my mid 20s, now 36. Recent nasty divorce left me feeling my age like nothing ever could. After 17 months of legal fees, nasty settlements, etc. I decided to take the plunge that was for ME. This expense would rival my divorce attorney in cost but be a hell of a lot nicer to me in the end.


I consulted with Bosley here in the DC office (Bethesda) back over Thanksgiving. The sales rep/consultant was also a patient of the company and I have to say he did look the part of the confident, well-coitired gent I expected. We talked some and I just didn't like the pricing.


After some thought I decided to see if, on short notice, they would work with me on cost. They did and I was able to get it where I could "almost" afford/justify things. It is a VERY nice car payment for 24 months but I think the results will be worth it.


As a 5A, I really have advanced loss around the entire top. The front responded some with Rogaine (no kidding, I know it wasn't supposed to but hey, I'll take what I can get!), as did the back. After 12 months though, not enough for me to say I was happy with the results. We talked about 2000 grafts and I ended up opting the day of for 2500. With the way Bosley does it, you basically pay for an extra 100 grafts, just so they have a window to operate in (bad joke). I am sure that has been covered a million times here, I encourage you to research it if you are curious. As it was, I ended up getting 2747 total grafts, the last 147 were "on the house" because they overshot their numbers. Groovy.


We went with 1400 front, 300 top and 1000 back. With the hair I still have/had before Friday, I am VERY hopeful this will be my one-and-done solution, along with a regimen of Rogaine and possibly Propecia (pretty concerned about the side effects of that stuff, though).


The worst part of things for me is the incision site. It is almost 14 inches total in length and I would say one of the more painful things I have ever had in my life. The surgeon was amazing it just happens to be a big damn cut! Yesterday morning (day after surgery) I did have some spotting on my pillow mountain (covered in a towel so I could wash it easily). Last night no bleeding through but I have taken sleeping medication both nights. Allergic to codine so I have stayed with Advil every 2 hours.


Did not spray the Copper Peptide spray the first night, after 9 hours in a grafting chair I was lucky to drive myself home. DO NOT drive your sorry self home after that in DC beltway Friday night traffic. I was lucky I didn't drive off the road. I have been keeping it moist since then, some worried that I didn't do it soon enough but what are you going to do, right?


Anyway, will try to upload some pics. Even with a pounding headache, swelling and two missed days (Friday and tomorrow, my test run to Target today did NOT go well) I am happy so far. My payments will suck but it will be worth it to me to rejuvenate the hairline I have missed so many years. I haven't had a hair style since my early 20's, I haven't owned a comb in over 10 years. That, my friends, I hope will change!



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Definitely. I mean, i am surprised u could actually drive home after surgery. I was feeling giddy et all after the op. Even though the pain was minimal but ultimately there was some pain. I would definitely recommend NO driving after surgery

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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In retrospect, not my best move. My car is pretty low to begin with and it made getting in pretty challenging. If you have a big car or truck it might be easier...

They made it seem like I would be jolly and ready to party! I was not. Actually did pretty well through things, I did manage to black out once during the procedure but I think that was a combination of the meds and fear of pain. It wasn't painful at the time but my neck got really stiff from staying in one place for so long.


Dr. Morse and his team were amazing. I even had to call today, freaked out about the first wash and within 5 minutes they actually had HIM on the phone, not some oddball answering service. I felt really good about the customer care there. I guess you get what you pay for!


I can't wait until it all comes together. Will try and get some pics uploaded soon! Here is a pre-op pic. This is after 1 year on Rogaine..




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This is after 1 year on Rogaine..


Was your scalp otherwise hairless a year ago? If so, that is impressive.

Jan 2000 - 600 FUT with Dr Kurgis (MHR)

Sept 2011 - 1411 FUT with Dr Paul Shapiro

Jan 2013 - 1800 FUT with Dr Paul Shapiro

Sep 2014 - 1000 FUE with Dr Paul Shapiro


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Not hairless but I was closer to a 6 than a 5 on the scale. I saw a marked increase in both quantity AND thickness with Rogaine foam, ALL over the head. The liquid was messy and at first would just literally run off of my head. After about three months I switched to the foam and never looked back. The liquid had stopped running off my head as I was getting a LOT of small growth on the top and around the back bald spot. In retrospect I got more out of Rogaine than I was ever expecting. I know this is not common growth, only works in the back, yadda yadda, I'm just showing you what I got out of it. I will see if I have a pic from before somewhere on my hard drive...


I also started using Nioxin, level 1 and then level 2 shampoo but I honestly don't know there was much difference between the two. Either one claims to wash away the DHT on the scalp (can you even do that?) and at least the level 1 has a nice smell (2 isn't bad it just doesn't smell like anything). I use the Crew product "Fiber" as a finish on the sides. It holds the hair in place and leaves it a matte finish. Pomade is shiny and let's be honest, we all have ENOUGH shine on our heads!



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Here are two pics from this afternoon. I still have a swollen forehead but the headache and dizziness are much diminished. Hopeful to go back to work tomorrow...I know I suck as a photographer. The wetness is the Copper Peptide solution.


Big difference, eh?





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:) Thanks! I don't think I will have my balaclava or helmet on anytime soon. The weather here in DC is about 22 degrees. If I backed the race car out in these conditions the tires would literally crack. Not all rubber compounds can be driven in cold. Not only do you lose adhesion but you actually damage the tire structure.


Do you think I will be able to wear a hat by New Years? I seriously still feel very sore around the incision and it feels like there is a balloon stretched over my head!



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I had my HT done in Bosley in SF 5 weeks ago. I had 1581 grafts to the crown only. I felt MUCH better after 2 weeks when they removed my sutures! But it really took about a month for that funky numb, pain, dull throb to go away. 5 weeks out, I am almost back to normal. Best of luck with your recovery!

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Thanks for the well wishes! I am actually feeling some better. Neck is still stiff but to people that read this in the future....I did the ENTIRE post procedure period with JUST Advil. Yes it sucked but it was manageable. No codine, etc. or percoset. It usually makes my stomach a wreck so I tried to avoid at all costs. I did use Lunesta (1.5mg each night) first two nights to sleep.


Had a setback when my furnace went out the other night..had to dig into that bad boy, head full of stitches and all. Sucked but I was as careful not to bump my noggin as I could be. After a few Advil (and a few oz.s of Reposado..I know booze is a no no) the headache subsided.


Here is a week out. I actually went out to Starbucks today on my break at work, went to Karaoke last night AND had a date with a new lady pal. No kidding. It is like a normal life, other than the fact I look vaguely like a Chia Pet for the time being!


I am glad to hear I am not alone on the Bosley thing. Free financing, good results from the EXACT doctor that I saw and a very helpful and supportive during-op team made the difference for me. The number of grafts I had done (still not a billion but 2747 ain't a cakewalk) at other doctors would make it a mega-session and they would have charged me more. As it was, Bosley charged me the same per-graft price we negotiated at 2000 grafts, even at 2500 (Bosley charges like $840 for additional lab, meds, shampoo, sprays, etc. stuff and that also includes 100 additional grafts. I ended up getting 147 for free, as they weren't going to throw useful bits of ME away! Hopefully!).


If you are thinking about doing it, might I suggest::::: DON'T read a billion pages online. I don't think I would have done what I did had I read up quite so intensely. Just find someone that does the kind of work you hope to have done, be reasonable in your expectations and get as many flippin grafts as you can possibly afford, even if it is a BIG stretch. If you can afford 1500, you can afford 2000. As it was for me, I decided on 2000 and stretched to 2500. SO incredibly glad I did.


Felt good to use Rogaine foam again today. Ok, the truth is it was just nice to touch my head. I have been treating it so gingerly even with the cup washing method, felt good to rub in the foam!




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I look forward to putting in the Rogaine , you will find after a couple of weeks you will feel no more pain but you will likely get alot of itchness, the scar, the receipent area and even my crown for some reason, could also be the fact that I wash my hair almost everyday now , being winter could be the dryness causing the itcheness and because of the healing ..........glad to have gone with a hair transplant too, almost a month out now ...2400 grafts , can never have enough grafts :)

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Day 10:


Sort of a big day in my world..met the new gal's friends today. Super cool, all but one who I caught repeatedly looking at my chia-head. DO NOT plan graft surgery and then plan a big social event in the next two weeks afterwards. I found out that blue Copper Peptide spray and yellow-ish Rogaine really do mix just like in art class and give you a lovely green sheen to the top of your almost-not-shiny noggin. I luckily figured that one out a day ago and ditched the peptide spray (on schedule, I just had some left).


Still washing carefully but no more cup, as per the directions. I will say that Bosley may get a bad rap on things for the docs but the program seems very solid and well-timed. I didn't think a week ago I would EVER stop hurting and I actually did a light workout yesterday. Low weights but high reps, a 4.3 mile and hour walk for 30 mins on the treadmill and just felt like a million bucks.


I am much less self conscious about it and the pain that was an 8 out of 10 last Saturday morning is more like a 2 or a 1.5 today. Little itchy and everytime I wash my hair I get a lot of scabs off. To be expected I think. So far I am pleased with the results. I have seen some regular hairs falling out, I think from the trauma of it all and week Rogaine-less. We shall see....


Here's a pic. For what it's worth, keep the witty banter flowing and then once you have a sufficient in with the conversation, drop the "I just had surgery" talk and explain away the fact you look peculiar. Worked for me... :)



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Part of going through surgery is having a good attitude and maintaining some rational perspective, plus not obsessing about what others think. Joemomma, it's good to see you taking this approach as you''ll be much happier in the long run. Good on ya.

Jan 2000 - 600 FUT with Dr Kurgis (MHR)

Sept 2011 - 1411 FUT with Dr Paul Shapiro

Jan 2013 - 1800 FUT with Dr Paul Shapiro

Sep 2014 - 1000 FUE with Dr Paul Shapiro


My Hairloss Blog »


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Well it's been two weeks and I must say I think I am looking dapper! The redness has died down substantially and I actually think the hairs in the front are growing. Now, I know that is not common but maybe, just maybe, a few will stay? I have been shedding like a Husky in summertime!


Heard from my sales consultant at Bosley yesterday. Brandon was just calling to follow up with me, see how it all was going, etc. I cannot speak highly enough about this team. I know it may be a franchise operation but I can say I felt supported the ENTIRE way by this team. Two days after the operation I freaked out and called the emergency number. I had MY doctor, not some random person, on the phone in less than 5 minutes. Made me feel GREAT that they did that for me.


Free financing, good early results, good communication (from the secretaries to the doctor to the sales team), nice facility; I could not be happier so far.


Anyway, hope you all have a nice Christmas. I actually went and got half a haircut yesterday. Just cleaned up around the edges, trimmed the sideburns and tried to blend in some on the sides. Better than nothing! I feel I will be presentable for Christmas pictures at least!




Edited by Joemomma
wrong word
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I'm glad that you have had a good experience so far with Bosley, but its bad advice telling people not to read a lot of pages online, as this could lead them to the wrong doctor. Anyone who has read your post however has already found this forum and will hopefully stick to the docs on here, or docs that have had countless good reviews with the bad ones being few and far between.


What research did you do that led you to Bosley, I'm genuinely interested.

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Good point, and well taken about doing your diligence online. I simply would not have undergone the procedure if I had known just exactly how much discomfort it would have been. I had not been prepared for a 32cm incision.


My journey started with paying off a nasty divorce, the car and finally having some money. I called the Bosley number a year ago and got the book. Sat on it, saw some results in person from other local doctors and was frankly unimpressed. Again, just my opinion but I think they looked like plugs. Went for a consultation right before Thanksgiving when they sent their "best price ever" brochure to me. With the price I could afford in mind I went in, no idea what work needed to be done. Again, if I had known the price I would not have done it. For me ignorance was bliss as I would have justified this as unnecessary and not done it.


As it was I liked the results I saw on the salesperson and the pictures they had. Knowing I could not afford it I left. In the coming weeks I then analyzed whether I could or could not afford it. I was undecided about how much work I wanted all the way until the moments before I went into the procedure. I decided I could afford it, I just didn't want to spend that much. Sooo glad I did...


You do need a doctor that you like the results of. I just liked the financing options, the results I had seen, etc. If I had read too much on it I think I could have said "this is frivolous" and passed it off like any other big purchase. My moral was don't think, just do. Not for everybody I suppose!



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I simply would not have undergone the procedure if I had known just exactly how much discomfort it would have been.


What discomfort, specifically? Post-operative pain? Scalp tightness? The difficulty of having to protect the grafts for the first couple of weeks?

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Welcome to the forum. Thanks for being so detailed in your experience and progress.


I'm surprised you only got 2,750 grafts. I mean, I got 1,700 just in my hairline and temples and I'll probably be going back for a second pass for density. You Only Live Once got more than you just is his frontal third and hairline. I'd hate to hear what Epileptic Sceptic would estimate you need! When I saw your head, I was thinking that you needed a solid 5,000.


Is it that you're only going for the illusion of density? Based on what I've seen from so many other posters, 2,750 grafts is usually good for a NW3 or maybe NW4.


I only ask because you mentioned that you hope that this will be your only procedure and that you felt that it was already too expensive. How much did they charge per graft? Or what was the total price for your procedure?



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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