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5 month up date

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:D:Dok so im at the 5 months mark in a weeks time!!!


i'm aware that its still early days so im gunna leave of judging untill the 12 months mark as it wouldnt be a fair evaluation of the true result at this point.........


but purely for informational use and just to keep other member informed i will include a few pros and cons which i must mention are only relevent to this early stage of the process...


3500grafts front 1/3rd DR hasson 5400 hairs


ok ok


*******so up to now, i have to say it has been a hard long journey to keep this thing a secret but i think with the exception of my hair dresser and my best friend who i work with no body know's!!!!!!! oh and parents


month 1 was hard i suffered extreme shockloss a combination of the trauma to the head from the HT and the sarting of the meds resulted in shockloss that almost completely balded me on top from a NW2 to NW4 in a space of weeks was scary and also big patches around the scar on the sides etc i looked v bad and no need to say i was very very nervouse and on here every day asking questions, my first failed HT had no shockloss but this one i had it severely... i put this all down to finest as on the first failed HT with DR ROGERS OF WESTMINSTER MEDICAL GROUP STRATFFORD ENGLAND i was on finest before hand... removing the staples also stung like wasp stings but wasnt excessive


month 2 i guess you could say was the continuation of month 1 except for the fact the transplanted hairs also started to fall so this combined with the xtreme shock loss and shedding of the transplanted hairs and my shaved head i really did lookk like a alien with a zip on my cranium (scar tracks) my head was under a hat in public all the time. and the redness from the grafts was still very prominent... i guess you could use the comparison between a cancer patient radio therepy burns on the scalp..... at this point


Month 3 due to the hairs on my head being all diff lengths and my hair looking like a patch work quilt i decided to shave down to zero again this was a good decision as some new hairs where visibly starting to regrow i think they where just shocked hairs and not transplanted hairs this resulted in a neater looking scalp and the redness was starting to diminish and some hair coming back............ how ever i did have bad foliculitis in the scar itslef which has resulted im sure of no in a thicker scar that is harder to hide!!!!! month 3 was truely the star of the long road to getting back to normal


Month 4 as i was in bangkok and the the foliculitis was very bad and i was sure was going to result in a bad scar i went to a dr to pluck the infected hhairs and got prescribed anti biotics and gpot a antibiotic lotion this worked and the infection was undercontroll but did leave the scar looking thick and red and is now hard to hide (scar revsion on the cards for nxt year)


*****but month 4 was the best month for me so far during this month the shockloss started to come back and native hair all started growing at the same rates again the medication really started to kick in and the existing hair really thikened up and the most noticable difference was seen this month as i started to return to what i would call almost normal looking again......



********** so that brings you up to date, i have pictures for every month and will be creating a blog and website soon with before during and after surgery then 1 a month up to date with a breif write up to go with the pics...


as its still early in the process im not judging yet at all... but as any patient im guna list a few questions and some conerns at this point purely for others to gain a factual account of the process.


but more importantly a list of concerns at this stage will be intresting for me to see whether they resolve themselves in the coming months or whether they remain a problem...


#1 as mentioned my scar due to tention and the most importantly the infection foliculitis in the hair follicles directly under the scar tissue resulted in a redder widder less easy to hide under my hair looks like little bald spots on the sides. ( im hoping being 5 months post op in a week that any returning shock loss in the area over the coming months will cover these wider bald bits of scars)


#2 my hair line on the one side is lagging behind the other in terms of density and gowth i hope this will equal out overtime...


#3 density on top behind the fringe/ hair line in the centre vertex where i was most thin before is still patchy and bald spots noticable i hope these continue to mature and blend in with the normal density of hair in the area.....




even though i have mentioned the areas im not happy with at this point but the main reason for this is as im only at month 5 im sure things will get better and resolve in the coming months, i would also just like to say....


my patient care and after care and contact with H&W has been excellent my surgery day was excellent and results so far have been good to date, i have got many more new hairs now and many more too come im sure i will look great at the 8-12 month mark im still very early in the process but that said there has already been an improvement gradual but an improvement never the less....


im already planning on having scar revision in 12 months time with hopefully a little extra taken out around the scar at the back but not the sides to keep tention low here for a good closure, but also to include 1500/2000 grafts. as my scar is very long i dont think this will be to difficult and then extra grafts to target any remaining thin patches or uneven hair line....


cheers all for reading any answers to any questions i have feel free to comment and answer and my blog is coming soon, you will love the shockloss photo as it was extreme but im loads better now thank god just abit arount the nasty bit on the strip left to fill in


cheers all:D:D

Edited by j1j9j85
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  • Senior Member

i asure you the pics will come i wont let you down i promise....


but i just want a few areas to improve before i post as it seems a shame to reveal it when i know in another few weeks it will be looking so much better


a viciouse cycle you see lol the longer you wait the better it gets!


but i do have pics at a period of 1 month apart to treulty show the growth stages etc etc

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