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Dr Epstein in south FL anyone?


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  • Regular Member

Im going to repost part of my thread on the other forum but basically looking to do hair transplant into my beard area. Im local to Dr Epstein so thought, if he was good, to check him out.




So a few things. My beard 'line' on one side of my face sorta dips down. Its not super noticeable but naturally, it bothers me enough to consider a hair transplant. If I had to guess it would be under 100 hairs. I also had some surgery on my neck awhile back and it left a scar/no hair just under my chin. Both of these areas Im looking to put some hair back.


Lastly, Im in south FL and trying to find a good doctor. Ive read some great things about some docs in Canada and NJ, which if it came down to, I would fly there. However I know there is a Dr Epstein local which has pictures of facial transplants that *look* promising. His pricing, last I spoke with them, seemed higher than most, but its only 20miles from me. Not sure if anyone has experience with him and can speak about it. Also this is a tad different than most on the boards so its for facial transplant so Id def want someone who can do this with zero/minimal effect to my face.


Thanks all for your help!

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  • Regular Member

Just saw that Dr Charles works under Dr Epstein. Charles is on the 'recommended surgeons' list for what its worth. Any comments on either, or any other south FL HT docs would be great. I know there is the one (forget the name) that is horrible so no worries, I dont be going to see him

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I had an in person consultation with each of them. I thought Dr. Charles was more genuine and took more time talking to me. Dr. Epstein's photo album didn't impress me, including his coordinator's transplant that Dr. Epstein performed. The coordinator was pushy and had a transplant from Dr. E that looked like a Bosley example. Very sparse and pluggy looking.


That said I didn't see any beard transplant photo's by Dr. Charles but saw many facial transplant photos from Dr. Epstein. I thought they all looked good. You should find out if Dr. Charles performs it as well. Then get a free consultation from each of them. That's my 2 cents.

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  • Senior Member

I think Dr. Charles started under Epstein and his name is still on his site, but I emailed Dr. Charles and they have their own place.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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