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25yrs old NWIII Vertex Help


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Hi, I'm 25 years old and I've been really worried about losing my hair. Recently, I've been noticing that my hair falls out really easily. If I brush it, Towel dry it or just gently pull it, it will come out. When I brush my hair, usually around 7-12 pieces will be in the sink. Waking up from bed, my pillow doesn't have anymore than 4 pieces. Sometimes less, any where from 2-4 pieces on average. Lately, its seems as if my hair is thinning on the left side of my crown. It's about an inch wide and 2 inches high. I can see that it's thinner than my other hair. My hair line has also receded but my hair line was never that great but it is worse. I'm worried about how easily my hair falls out and that patch to the left of my crown or vortex ( the spot where your hair grows in back/top of the head). Can someone please help? It would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks ;)

Edited by pHeb
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Here are pictures. I brushed my hair to side in the photo showing my hair line in the front of my head, showing how far my hairline goes up on the right side of my head. It's less on the left side.


Dry Hair Pictures..







Wet Hair Pictures..






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welcome to the forum!


you have made a wise choice in joining, i have only been signed up for a week and find this website most informative and im sure you will get the answers you are looking for...what is your hairline like?


are you currently using anything at the moment? eg minoxidil, finesteride


my problem is my hairline, got the typical M shape however whilst using monoxidil iv noticed it to become thicker maybe give this a try

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Thanks :) Well, my hair line is like the "M" shape but my hair line is flatter in the middle. My left side is receded a decent amount but my right side got pretty bad. I'm not taking anything yet but I plan to. What do you recommend works best? Rogaine or Propecia?

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At your age you should get on propecia and rogaine. The two therapies are known to work well together (the first is an oral med, the second a topical). It is unlikely that you will regrow the receding hairline, but it could help maintain the rest of your hair.


What's your family history of hairloss?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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The best thing you can do at this point is consult with a dermatologist specializing in hair loss. As has already been recommended, the most effective treatment currently available for men is a combination of Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride). Generally speaking, the younger you are and the more existing hair you have, the better the results.


I'm going to say that, based on the photos you've posted, you seem to have experienced some degree of thinning and maturing of the hairline. For most men this indicates that progressive balding is in your future.


You may also want to consider consulting with one of our recommended hair restoration physicians. You can even schedule a free online consultation.


I highly recommend be evaluated by a professional. Hair loss is not something that you want to let go unchecked.


Best of luck,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I recommend getting on Finasteride and order a concealer like DermMatch. The Finasteride is ideal for crown thinning and should stabilize your hair loss to a great extent.


I'm almost 28 and have been using Finasteride for almost two years now. I don't have any crown loss but my hairline was starting to thin and Finasteride (I believe) has helped me keep my existing hair.


The DermMatch I love using when I go out to strengthen the appearance of my hairline. For you it would be best to conceal your crown or maybe a little in your hairline to really strengthen it up. It only takes 30 seconds and will blend in perfectly with your hair. It says not to apply when your hair is wet but I like using it when my hair is slightly wet.

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Do you know your family history as far as balding?


I hate to be the one to say it....but yes....you appear to be suffering from MPB....at your age, there is a decent chance that it will be significant if you do not get on meds. I would get on finasteride asap....that is either propecia or proscar (cut into 4ths). With your crown thinning you may think about rogain as well..... You do not have to shed a lot to go bald...the hair can just grow thinner and not at all as your natural shed takes place.


You also may experience increased shedding as the meds start working....think of it as kicking the older thinner hairs out to make room for the better hair to come in.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I'm 49 years of age and I guess that I am NW5 or perhaps worse. My hair started falling out at 21 and I guess about 50% was lost at about that age.


You have been given good advice. Start taking propecia and minoxidil because they are both proven products that can stop and perhaps turn back the loss.


I hope it works out well for you.





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