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Shock Loss How Long to Recover?

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the bellow is all spexs work and i have found the best all round help for questions about HT its gold!!!! theres a good section on shock loss hope it helps


but in my own personaly case im at 4months and its only started to come back around the strip scar its very slow





I have made several posts over the years which are a combination of personal experience with hair transplants and a combination of various patient experiences also. The various topics will hopefully allow newbies and patients at the start of their own HT journeys a much better insight into the journey ahead.


HT Tips




Growth Times


8-16 Months


Hair Greed




Hair Characteristics


Post op blues


Down Time




Shedding on Meds


"Seasonal Shedding" - Be aware of it!


Hair Growth and Maximising it


Travel Tips for the HT Traveller


Drug Chart Topic - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


Dr Feller Patient Topic - Recent pics and write ups





Edited by j1j9j85
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shock loss is not reversible in recipient area any person here saying fools you it is reversible only in dodnor area. shock loss is maximum if u do dense packing and shock loss happens veen if no dense packing. think you are in progressive baldness and how you can make ur natural hair to saty fix they are in going phase thats why u r doing hair transplant. these hair hair which are in going phase will go by tme memory but when u undergo surgeon knife they goo soon. Any way think of future full time goal ask your hair trnsplant surgeon to evaluate in lot of cases only transplanted hair stays and all rest of hair from crown and vertex goes by shock loss. if you are going to loose adjacent hair in imagine 4 yeras from now after hair transplant you will loose in 4 to 6 months from recipeint area this is the most adverse effect of hair transplant. propacia, avaodart rogaine or any medication cannot cannot cannot stop it. hairs are genetically programmed to go whic are in going phase by hT it goes sooner so solution is not hair transplant but hair transplants. many session to cover all the area again it depends how much your donor area permits or may be you will undergo hair trnasplant and in future you run out of donor.

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  • Senior Member
shock loss is not reversible in recipient area any person here saying fools you it is reversible only in dodnor area. shock loss is maximum if u do dense packing and shock loss happens veen if no dense packing. think you are in progressive baldness and how you can make ur natural hair to saty fix they are in going phase thats why u r doing hair transplant. these hair hair which are in going phase will go by tme memory but when u undergo surgeon knife they goo soon. Any way think of future full time goal ask your hair trnsplant surgeon to evaluate in lot of cases only transplanted hair stays and all rest of hair from crown and vertex goes by shock loss. if you are going to loose adjacent hair in imagine 4 yeras from now after hair transplant you will loose in 4 to 6 months from recipeint area this is the most adverse effect of hair transplant. propacia, avaodart rogaine or any medication cannot cannot cannot stop it. hairs are genetically programmed to go whic are in going phase by hT it goes sooner so solution is not hair transplant but hair transplants. many session to cover all the area again it depends how much your donor area permits or may be you will undergo hair trnasplant and in future you run out of donor.


Someone tell me that this is wrong....if you can decifer wha he is trying to say....

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
Someone tell me that this is wrong....if you can decifer wha he is trying to say.


It's wrong.


"Shock loss" is used to mean at least three different things:


a) Hairs which are accidentally transected during surgery. This phenomenon should really be called "surgeon error" or something similar, because it has nothing to do with a "shock" to the patient's system.


b) Miniaturized hairs in the recipient area which fall out due to the trauma of a HT and don't grow back. Such hairs were already on their way out to begin with; so they haven't really been "lost" due to the HT; the surgery has simply hastened something that was going to happen soon enough on its own anyway.


c) Hairs in the recipient area which go into a telogen (i.e., resting) phase due to the trauma of a HT. These hairs will grow back on their own after the end of the telogen phase (about 2-4 months).


The phrase "shock loss" should most appropriately be used to reference ©, and that type of loss is most definitely reversible.

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As most of you correctly assert, shock loss is, in the vast majority of cases, temporary. Hairs that are already miniaturized and on their way out may not not return but healthy hairs lost to shock loss should grow back when your transplanted hair starts to grow.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 2 years later...
  • Regular Member

hi waveskier


i am also looking for an answer as to when will shock loss stop.

how many grafts were placed for you?

when did you do your HT ?

are you seeing shedding only from donor area or its recepient area?

did you shave your head ?

did you expereniced any pain during surgery and urgeon had to give you mor LA?


Please reply to my quries


I am also seeing a massive shed and hair are on the way of thinning.



Today ,i am going to visit my surgeon and will tell you the details.

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I say its my opinion. I wont contradict people mentioning their point of view.

Sudhir time will tell you whether it is reversible or not. I would say take a close up photo of your entire scalp now and take after 6 months then after 10 months then after 12 months.I think by that time you will see your results of HT. At that time you can gauge the difference if any and you will know whether you had shock loss or not.

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  • Senior Member

If temporary, shock loss should return at the end of what would be a normal telogen phase: around 3-4 months (though some say as long as 5).

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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