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Propecia stopped working after 6 years. Can it be ?


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Hello fellow sufferers ;-).

I was using Propecia for 6 years (I'm 32 y/o)with great success : the hair loss halted almost totally. No gain was seemed but since I still had quite a lot of hair I didn't mind. No side effects eather.

About 4 month ago, I started to lose hair like crazy, much more than before starting Propecia treatment and now I have almost visible scalp (diffused thinning) , 5 month only after heaving almost full head of hair.


Do you think Propecia stopped working or rather I developed some kind of tolerance to it ? Maybe DHT levels are to high ?

Did anyone have similar experience.


I now had to add Rogaine (foam ) to my regiment and each day the condition is worsen.

I think I'll shave my head because my hair looks terrible.


What do you think, will it ever stop or not ?

Is it possible to grow back some of what's been lost ?

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  • Senior Member

Hi Wolfgard,


It's worth perhaps going to the doctor to discuss this as it does sound a little odd. Did you buy your propecia from a new place or obtain a new brand of propecia? This may have had an effect, or perhaps even another medical condition or physical issue is causing further hairloss?


It is possible for propecia to stop being as effective as it once was. Propecia works by lowering DHT in men and, as a result, the follicles get less effected by DHT and thus are not 'damaged' as much over time. There will always be, however, DHT in the body (as this is necessary) and so over a prolonged period of time your hair follicles will continue to be affected by the DHT.


To that extent it could very well be the case that propecia has lost its effectiveness for you, but it's really worth speaking to a professional before coming to that conclusion. Four months seems quite a quick period of time and if you started seeing major hair loss very quickly that seems a bit at odds with the way propecia works; though it's not impossible that it's simply the fact propecia has lost its effectivness.


So yes, I would double check to see if the brand of propecia has changed (could be a suspect brand or problem with the drug itself?) and also see a doctor before making any decisions as they might be able to give you more information, diagnose if there is another problem or generally put you in the picture a bit more; they can also do blood tests to check DHT and other potential causes. If it is a case that propecia has simply lost its effectiveness as your hair follicles have succumbed to the remaining DHT then I don't know what choices are available to you (although I'm sure there are some): a doctor or, better yet, a hair restoration doctor would be able to tell you how best to proceed, although starting on rogaine is probably a good bet.


Also, rogaine can cause increased shedding before you start to see positive results and this increased shedding can last for several months. I would imagine you'd have to keep on rogaine for at least another 3-6 months before you could potentially see any positive effect. I mention this because in the short term it might be making your shedding worse but could, in the longer term, be doing your hair good!

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Well, I've went to dermatologist and he said that there was no research about loss of effectiveness of propecia. I guess that means that there could be lowering of effectiveness but the drug company preferes not to conduct this kind of research because of the possible results.

I use original Propecia from legit pharmacy.

My increased shedding started before I began using Rogaine so I don't think Rogaine foam contributes much to the shedding.

The speed of mine current hairloss is very rapid. 7 years ago, I found 10-20 hairs in the shower. Now there are 50-60 in the shower (i use gauze to catch them) and additional 20 while combing.

I considered using twice more Fin then recommended or 15% Min. I asked my dermatologist and he told me that their side effects are unknown in the long turn

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  • Senior Member
Hello fellow sufferers ;-).

I was using Propecia for 6 years (I'm 32 y/o)with great success : the hair loss halted almost totally. No gain was seemed but since I still had quite a lot of hair I didn't mind. No side effects eather.

About 4 month ago, I started to lose hair like crazy, much more than before starting Propecia treatment and now I have almost visible scalp (diffused thinning) , 5 month only after heaving almost full head of hair.


Do you think Propecia stopped working or rather I developed some kind of tolerance to it ? Maybe DHT levels are to high ?

Did anyone have similar experience.


I now had to add Rogaine (foam ) to my regiment and each day the condition is worsen.

I think I'll shave my head because my hair looks terrible.


What do you think, will it ever stop or not ?

Is it possible to grow back some of what's been lost ?



Propecia with prolong use loses its effectiveness or reduced as one gets older. But not in all cases. It varies.

Edited by Swimmy
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Yes, as Swimmy says, it differs.


The trials were only carried out five years, so beyond that point nobody really knows in precise detail how propecia pans out. The assumption is it continues to work in much the same way but people report different things; some claim it's working for them 15+ years on, others claim it stops working anywhere after +5 years.


I definitely wouldn't recommend increasing your dose of propecia. It won't help your hair anymore and the risk of side effects is increased - around 1mg is seen as the optimal dose, give or take.

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Think of it this way: the long term effectiveness of Propecia is unpredictable, but then so is its effectiveness to begin with. Some guys see re-growth, some maintain their hair, while others have no positive results at all.


Unfortunately it's a bit of a crap-shoot.

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I've read cases on the Balding Blog where in these cases people would switch to generic Proscar then up their doseage to 2.5 mg a day and that started working again. OR, you could make the switch to Avodart.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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Yeah, I don't think propecia actually stops working....I feel like the hair you have is eventually more affected by DHT....it is not that propecia stops lowering your DHT....I would try avadart. I personally think it is more effective than finasteride based on my research. That said, I take fin and I am unsure if it is helping at this time....but I will prolly stay on it because it is one of those things that you have to believe is working unless you are a regrowth case.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I've always been curious why so few people seem to make the switch from Propecia to Avodart since the latter is obviously more powerful?

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