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Seven and Counting


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Hello everyone,


Thought I'd update you on my progress to date. The title is a bit misleading because as I write this, it is 8 weeks and not seven. I called it seven weeks due to having taken some more photos at that time, which I have now uploaded onto my Hair Loss Wbsite. Apologies for the time lag, blame it on the World Cup!


As can be seen there has been a lot of, the almost obligatory, shedding. Am still sporting a red head; which is becoming an eye-catching fashion accessory I fear. Though it hasn't caused me any difficulty or embarassment; we've become quite good friends really.


I went back to work 4 weeks after my transplant, was a little apprehensive on the journey to work for a few minutes but needn't have worried. People were curious but accepted my story of an allergic reaction to a "natural" ingredient type shampoo, made worse by sun exposure. Also threw in a visit to a determatologist and prognosis of many weeks if not months to repair damaged pigmentation.


Have to say the experience so far has been mainly free of trauma. Did not experience any pain or sleepless nights (even with the staples). The only discomfort came about a week after the op when I had one or two nagging headaches, which I thought might have been caused by an over indulgence of junk food. They soon went and so did the junk food.


I'm still appying Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Oil to my scalp and donor scar, the latter appears to be healing well. So all in all not too bad - thus far anyway!


Will keep you posted as I progress.


Hair the well.



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  • Senior Member

thanks Bill. this should make for an interesting result especially since the grafts were spread over the entire bald area. I have seen some amazing results from H&W and wish you all the best. Do you have any scar pictures BTW.

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Thank you for keeping us updated! It looks like everything is going well. Good luck.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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DanielKiwi and Future HT Doc,


Thank you both for your messages and good wishes.


I am satisfied with the progress so far; of course the end result remains the chief determinate of success but am ever hopeful.


Following the procedure I asked Dr Wong if he thought I would need a second procedure and he said no! As ever I have faith in his judgement and skill and so have remained positive throughout the journey so far.


Will attempt to produce some pictures of the scar for a 12 week update, as can be seen my photography skills leave a lot to be desired but nevertheless will persevere.


Good wishes,



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goto chip in here after listening to ur 'reason' to fellow co-workers. I think we should compile a list of various reasons to potential HT candidates :)


I went back to work 2 weeks post op, donned a cap and told the guys i had some allergy on my frontal and had to apply lotion hence i shaved off :)


Luckily, i am the boss so they din dare question me. Toughest part is me donning a cap, wearing a polo and jeans chairing the meeting with the guys in shirt and pants. I felt like a dork :(


Any one else who has more ideas on 'excuses' are welcome to add on



View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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I recall reading some interesting and inventive explanantions during my research, so a compilation of same sounds like a good idea. Would possibly help reassure and inspire new recipients - and enable a pick and mix approach, as neccessary.


Generally, people just don't notice - well not to the degree that we looking at it from the inside do, with our tendency for close scutiny. An example of this was some of my children. During a recent visit I expected at least a passing comment but none was forthcoming. They are all adults and lead busy lives but still!! I was ready with my explanation on a theme i.e. Regain (Rogaine) and the sun. (It's not that I want to conceal my surgery from them and shall explain when the expected result is in. I wouldn't want them to be concerned and upset for me if things don't turn out well.).





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Thanks Fingers, much appreciated.


Yes indeed those two months have gone by so quickly. I'm looking at it from the point of view of being halfway through the quite phase. So am looking forward to a little progress by the time the next two months' swiftly pass, here's hoping!


Wishing you all the best as you continue with your journey also.


Kind regards,



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