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hard to beleive

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  • Regular Member

hiall its hard to think im atsix months , still sporting a cap, as far as progress goes i definately have growth one side infact im pretty impressed with for being at six months. the other not near as dense . im told this is common and not to be alarmed. anyone else have this happen? like i said one side is in my opion almost as good as i thought the final result would be , the other not near as dense or full. i understand that there will be much more growth and density in the next few months aswell. i guess its kinda stressing me a bit would love to ditch the ball cap. sorry i haventbeen around but the past little while has been insane. with try my best to keep regular updates, and hope u guys can help set my mind at ease

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  • Regular Member

For a touch of sartorial elegance and a talking point for the ladies, particularly if you live in the US why not go for a cricket cap (ebay), as for your description of lop sided growth, I must say I've wondered if this is why post HT results are often shown with a side parting

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  • Senior Member



It's perfectly natural for one side to develop before the other. I wouldn't worry until you hit the 12 month mark.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 5 weeks later...



Waiting is definitely the hardest part. But like the others have said, I wouldn't be overly concerned at 6 months since you still have a lot of growth and growth often occurs unevenly.


I do however, encourage you to create a blog, photo album or patient website in which to document your progress so we can encourage you along the way :-).


Best wishes,



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I just saw a new topic that "stripped" stating that at 7 months, he's still seeing improvements. He also asked some questions about growth to come and concealers. I probably should have seen that before responding to this topic. As I expected, I'm glad to hear he's seeing continued improvements as he will continue to see them for months to come :-)



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  • Senior Member


It's perfectly natural for one side to develop before the other. I wouldn't worry until you hit the 12 month mark.


All the best,


It seems like most people have slightly thicker donor hair on one side than they do the other. Bloodflow maybe?

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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