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Please help me find the best physician

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,

Please find the photos in the profile and let me know which doctor would be the best option .

I am currently Norwood IV , my expectations are to get it done in One session if possible with Donar Density ( 80-100/Fu/cm2 ).


Please let me know your humble and valuable suggestions .



Please find the photos at






Thanks :)

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  • Senior Member

Looks at your pictures looks like you have a good donor. Your hairline picture is much too low in my opinion. If thats the type of hairline you want you probaly dont have enough donor to fill all your hairloss as well I am sure many doctor would not do it. Do you take meds? If not I recommend you consider starting them, you have alot of fine hair in the crown and I am sure that the meds would make a big difference. You appear to be a good canditate but I am not sure you should consider a transplant until you have been on meds for at least 6 months.


Good luck and keep us posted!

Edited by lorenzo

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • Regular Member

Thanks lorenzo for your suggestion ; I was taking rogaine in the crown area but I had scalp itching ;so stopped for time . I have been loosing hairs a lot in the past few years .Please find my picture in year 2005 ,I have a strong hereditary of male pattern baldness .So I dont know when to go for the HT.


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Have you taken a look at Dr. Madhu's work? Since he is in India, it would make sense to start with Dr. Madhu.


Although forum members can always speculate, the best advice source is to go straight to one of the recommended doctors. You definitely have good density, which is a huge advantage!


Best of Luck,


Panama Jimmy

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I recommend taking Proscar and forget about Rogaine. I tell people all the time a hair transplant is not a cure for baldness. Having said that either are meds but at least in many situations proscar will stop hairloss and thicken the existing hair. Mostly all hairloss is MPB in males.

My opinion take proscar for at 6 months then consider getting a hair transplant. I am certain that the meds will make a big difference especially in the crown.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Go to doctor Shapiro or Feller. I dont think that the hairline that you have drawn on is too low, but the way you have done the temples is too low, you want them to be slightly higher than the middle, your not a girl after all.







I filled in the hairline that you drew on.

Edited by Sparky
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First off I like to say I like to way u presented your pics. I too believe the hairline is too low. That would eat up a lot of grafts. I’m not sure you’re considering crown work or not. I understand that Rogaine is giving you scalp irritation. I had the same issue so I switched to foam and have no problems now. I would also recommend getting on Proscar as both of these drugs have a synergistic effect. If ur sticking with the U.S market, I tend to lean toward Shapiro.

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  • Regular Member

Hi Myedulla51,

My case was almost same as yours, if not worse. I just had my hair transplantation done by Dr. B.Arocha in Houston two weeks ago. And it seems I am doing quite ok as of now. There is no discomfort at all! He is really a great hair transplantation doctor. I can mention some of the positive points about him, which might make you feel that atleast you can do a consultation (skype consultation is also possible!) with him.. Here are the points.... (1) He is recommended on this website as well as by several other surgical hair restoration Associations, who have really set a very high standard for this kind of practice. (2) He is a perfect gentleman and you can discuss all your concerns and goals with him without any hesitation. When I spoke to him for the first time, I felt I knew him for years!! Now even after my surgery, when I have some concerns, he and his staff happily entertain all my questions. (3) Doc himself is very experienced and has got a very knowledgeable, experienced and skillfull staff (like Craig, Maria and others), who are very professional in their work, but at the same time are personal in their behavior. Doc and his staff are very friendly and make every situation so light that you dont even feel that you are having a surgery!! Atleast I felt like that.. (4) Doc is an artist himself by hobby and what I know about this kind of cosmetic surgery is that along with the technical skills, the doc needs to have a very good aesthetic sense, because its all about your looks, which I am sure Dr. Arocha has.. (5) Dr. Arocha and his staff perform ONE surgery a day, so you will be his sole attention on the day of your surgery. It will be "YOUR DAY", whose result will last you for a lifetime!! I have posted some of my Pre-Op and Post-Op Pics in my photo album, you can have a look at it. I will continue to update my album, so that all the interested people can keep tracking my hair restoration journey..... All the Best.

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,

Thanks for your suggestions and regards the Hairline is just to indicate that I had hair initially but would most likely comfortable with the photos of year 2003 or 2005 shown below .


Photos of my Hair Loss Progression.




From My pictures it is pretty evident that most of my hair loss increased since 2007 to 2010 and may be in few years I would reach Norwood 5 or 6 .


And I am really fortunate that I came across this site ;which actually stopped from going to one of bosley's or hair club.


Thanks Sparky ,Anouar and Sabby for your thoughts , I have been a silent visitor of this website for couple of months and I have finalized the list ( not the prioritized list )



Hasson and Wong




I just need to have the online consultation with these great physicians and decide; From browsing the various patients on this site I feel that I may be a candidate for 4000 to 5000 grafts .


My expectations are

Donor Density: 80-100/Fu/cm2 and a natural hair line which resembles my 2003/2005 photos



I need your advice regards which physician would is the best for One session ( 4000- 5000 Grafts ) and Natural hairline .Since most of the this forum patients have done HT's with these physicians .


Please let me know your valuable suggestions


Once again thanks for your time



Thanks :)

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I think for 4500 and up, you see Hasson and Wong consistently pulling these Numbers. That said all the other Docs you mentioned seem to be quite good also. My preferences’ are H&W, Rahal, Shapiro and Feller in that order.

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I am silently researching for myself too and I agree all the docs mentioned seem to have a good reputation for quality work. From my research I beleive H&W are best suited for your personal needs. Thats only my opinion. Good luck

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

For the size you are looking, Dr. Wong or Dr. Hasson are probably the right fit.


Alternatively, consider Dr. Beehner (upstate NY), he is someone who very natural, creative hairlines. Dr. Paul Rose (florida) - very understanding and easy to work with - I had a personal consult with both, they are very good. Please talk to the doctors and make sure he suits what you are looking for.

Edited by PD

Disclaimer: I am not a qualified medical professional nor do i work for any doctor, hence these are my personal and honest views. Hopefully I will benefit someone as I had benefitted from this awesome forum.


My HT blog - 2600 - Dr. Feller: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/blog/68/


photo album: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/albums/135

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