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Use of Injectible local anaesthetic in removal of metal staples

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That is interesting being told to take half the staples out at 10 days, and half at 20 days. Any chance you could tell us more about your procedure, who did it, and maybe even post some pics?


I am adamant that folks have everything out by 10 days, or "railroad track" scars have a much higher potential.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I went to Dr. Bernstein in New York. I really cannot speak to the reasons for removing half now and half later, though I have complete confidence in Dr. Bernstein's decision to do that. If you do a search by author (new2thissite) you will see some pictures along with some details prior to the procedure. I also created a blog with after pictures. (Links are below as well.) For a variety of reasons, I took a very conservative approach as you may gleam by reading my posts. I think the total count ended up being about 3000 and know I will have second procedure to add some density at a later date.


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I would agree that Dr. Bernstein has a good reputation and you ought to do what he instructed.


I would be interested for you to post at some point after you have the chance to ask him, why the time frame you gave.


When I used to do complex head and neck cancer reconstruction after patients had received radiation therapy, we would stage staple removal like this; only because healing was so prolonged. But in a healthy scalp, I haven't seen this.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr. Lindsey,


I will be happy to ask Dr. Bernstein the question next time I speak with him, though not really sure when that will be. I would have asked him before if I realized that was atypical. In the meantime, I did look at another of his patient's blog to see about staple removal. His was also removed half staples 10 days apart.


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Thanks for your follow-ups.

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As I have frequently posted: Do what works for your doctor. What works for me sometimes doesn't work for my colleagues and visa versa.


I just know that I get pretty antsy if the sutures aren't all out by day 10. But Dr. Bernstein likely has an excellent reason and track record to support his timing. I am just curious, that's all.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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