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Any hope for me??

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  • Regular Member

Hello folks!


I would first like to mention how great I think these forums are. I have lurked in the shadows for many years and feel a little better knowing that there are others like me.


My problem is this...


I have had two HT procedures done in the past. One was approximately 10 yrs ago and the other about 5. Cannot recall the number of grafts that were used but the result is two scars across the back of my head and weak coverage on my hairline. My current situation is on a norwood 5. I am also stuck with styling my hair in a combover fashion just to try to hide the fact that there was work done.


I am considering work with a highly regarded Doc from these forums. A 3500 to 4000 graft job was recommended.


What I am wondering is if the experienced people on this site think I can achieve an end result that looks natural and allows me to try some kind of different hair style? Believe me I am aware that I will never look like i did when I was 18 I just want a look that I am comfortable with. I don't know if my self esteem can take another hit.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks. I am posting a couple pics.


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  • Regular Member

Hello folks!


I would first like to mention how great I think these forums are. I have lurked in the shadows for many years and feel a little better knowing that there are others like me.


My problem is this...


I have had two HT procedures done in the past. One was approximately 10 yrs ago and the other about 5. Cannot recall the number of grafts that were used but the result is two scars across the back of my head and weak coverage on my hairline. My current situation is on a norwood 5. I am also stuck with styling my hair in a combover fashion just to try to hide the fact that there was work done.


I am considering work with a highly regarded Doc from these forums. A 3500 to 4000 graft job was recommended.


What I am wondering is if the experienced people on this site think I can achieve an end result that looks natural and allows me to try some kind of different hair style? Believe me I am aware that I will never look like i did when I was 18 I just want a look that I am comfortable with. I don't know if my self esteem can take another hit.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks. I am posting a couple pics.

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  • Regular Member

Hard to tell from the pics but your situation doesnt look hopeless by any means. I THINK it looks like you still have decent donor, so I'm assuming your previous 2 procedures were small. Consult with a recommended/coalition doc, and they'll tell you what they can do. Ask if they have pics of a patient with a similar situation. Also, depending on placement of the scars, a good surgeon may be able to eliminate the previous scars if they are in the area where the strip hed remove is located. Best of luck and keep us posted!

August 12, 2008 - 3100 grafts Dr. Feller


Check out my blog - http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=876

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  • Senior Member

I think your situation *is*, for sure, hopeful! Best of luck as you move forward, and I trust you will be making a wise decision that will give you the positive change(s) you are lookin' for!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Regular Member

From the pic's you have posted, looks like you are not in that bad of shape. A good doc will make significant changes for you with just one HT...depending on the goals you have a second may be necessary. The donor LOOKS to be ok..but hard to tell from the pic. Take a few consults with the doc's on this site and....you're head will be out of the hole very soon.


Good Luck


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  • Senior Member

You most definitely can achieve some great things with 3000 to 4000 grafts.


I dont know where your previous work is located but if your crown is untouched you should be able to get complete coverage for the frontal third and look completely natural. However, you may have to opt for your crown being bald, but that should be no big deal, as there are other options you can investigate for crown coverage if it concerns you.


I would, however, get as many consultations as you feel necessary (at least three, preferably in person) with doctors on the recommended list. You need a clear plan before you do anything, so dont just rely on doing something recommended by a doctor, figure out what you want to look like in 15 years before you do anything, always look towards future thinning before you dive in with another HT.


Good luck and happy growing

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for sharing your pics and I agree with the others that your case is definitely within the realm of what a good doctor can do.


Consults with top docs are really the only way to truly answer your question, and an honest, ethical doctor will give you that answer.


Good luck with your decision!!



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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